Trying to start something
DH got a call from BM who said ss8 "is regularly not turning in homework assignments when he is at your house and ss grades are slipping because he is not turning in his work".
Shortly after, DH got a call from ss8 teacher to say "I received a call and a note from BM saying that she is concerned about ss8 grade in Art. I tried to explain to BM that ss8 does not attend art class because he is always away at his Gifted and Talented program and therefore I am not sure why the Art teacher assigns the grade that she does, but BM would not accept this and insisted that ss8 is forgetting to turn in homework for Art class. I just wanted to try to explain this to you in case you have the same concerns".
What the hell?!
Tell me about it!
Tell me about it!
At least the teacher
At least the teacher attempted to straighten BM out and then alerted DH of the full and true situation.