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Love SS, can't stand him

LilyVonSchtupp's picture

Hi, all, and thanks for being a place where we can say what we really feel, good, bad, indifferent, and horrible. I need some help deciding what I can do to make my life more bearable. My DH and I have been married 6 years. I have 2 kids, DS 15 and DD 10, he has one son, 12, that came to live with us @ 9. SS is cute, smart, sweet, and can be unbearable. He cannot follow simple instructions, he cannot properly clean himself after defecating, despite repeated instructions, and being told to put crappy tp in the toilet. He asks questions so stupid your jaw will literally drop. He is unable to understand that the world does not exist to give him what he wants. He will lie, cheat, and steal just to get what he wants. He is prone to angry outbursts over the tiniest shred of not getting his way. He literally cannot understand why anyone else matters. He cannot remember anything. I mean ANYTHING. He is unable to amuse himself in any way and is up my 15 bio son's hiney all the time, at least until they got separate bedrooms. Now that DS can lock himself away, SS crawls up DH butt and stays there. He treats my DD like a leper, being intentionally and casually mean and cruel with the occasional burst of kindness and generosity. He is really not a bad kid, but his behaviors and mannerisms are going to ruin his life.

And his father has no clue about any of it and doesn't understand why his constant caving to requests and ignoring of disrespect and insolence are so bad. Example, I've been after the kid to chew with his mouth closed for 6 months. The 3rd or 4th time my DD got in trouble for it, bam, big trouble, this is going to stop. WTF? DH gets very agitated because my DS doesn't want to go outside on a beautiful day, but would rather stay inside to play games, read, or just hang out. Of course, there's no problem when SS sits inside playing video games from, I kid you not, 9 am to 9 pm, breaking only for meals. To be fair, DH displays many toned down behaviors of his son, he's forgetful, tends not to notice what's going on around him, and can get frustrated easily when things aren't going his way (nothing bratty on DH's part, just frustrated when he's working on something and it's not going the way he thinks it should, that sort of thing). It's tempting to say, well, what's the problem? My husband is an amazing man who I love with all my heart. So if his kid's that way, he should be alright, right? The problem is that I cannot, will not, take that chance with this young man's life. What if he doesn't learn (and in fact sometimes seems incapable of learning) to rein in his tendencies? SS just has soooo much potential! And where my husband is lax, I am the disciplinarian. I will NOT tolerate disrespect, lying, cheating, stealing, entitlement, or temper tantrums. But when I treat SS exactly the same as my bio kids (more than one person was shocked to find he was a SS, they thought he was mine), I'm a hardass and shouldn't be so tough on him. Once more...WTF?

I do love this child. I just can't stand him. And to then always be the bad guy (I've had the Denis Leary song "I'm an a**hole stuck in my head all day haha) in both his and DH eyes is driving me nuts. The kid knows that to get what he wants, he just has to bypass the witch and hit up daddy. And DH has even turned around and lifted a punishment I've handed down right there in front of me. And then thinks I'm nuts when I say the kid has no respect for me. sigh

He came from a screwed up home. DH and SS biomom split when SS was 2. We got custody because we were about to reveal in court the abusive boyfriend she had moved into the home. His own mother has abandoned him, she doesn't even call him, and he only goes on visitation to the grandmother's home where the mother only sometimes stops by to say hi. I have a great deal of pity and compassion for this child, I want to raise him to be a magnificent man, to be successful, dignified, happy, and just be the best he can. But I can't, both because of his refusal to learn/mature, and because of DH's inability to grasp the seriousness of the situation and his inadvertent undercutting of my authority. Like so many others have said, I'm tired of always carping on his son, he's tired of hearing it, and meanwhile the kid suffers.

What do I do?? I don't want to abandon this kid, too, but how can I treat my kids differently without hurting both bios and SS? It's entirely possible that if I do totally disengage with the SS, my DH won't even notice or, if he does, will then be upset over that as well. Soooo, do you want me to parent or not??? How do I explain to my kids why SS gets to do whatever he wants while they still have to do chores, earn play time, have manners, be respectful, and study hard? I'm backed into a corner and we all know what happens then--you come out clawing. And I don't want to be that way.

I am more than willing and able to take this poor, once neglected child and raise him to his potential. But not while constantly being undercut, being accused of being "too hard," and being made to seem the witch just because my husband is already so disengaged that he lets all sorts of things slide while I'm the one who pays attention to everything. 3 years ago when SS came here, I cut all kinds of slack. Explained to my kids that SS would need time to adjust, not think Mom was being unfair to them, but now I expect us all to be on the same page. Is the only thing left for me to do is let this child go? To just do the minimum for 5 years until he's gone? And seriously, are they ever gone, bio or skids? There is no way in hell this child will grow up and be able to hold a job. He refuses to wipe himself properly at almost 13, you think he's going to care what his boss wants done? DH says yes, he will be able to refuse to just hand kids money because they are slackers and no, oh no, they won't be back to live in the basement. But if current behavior is any indication, I'll have this kid underfoot until the day I die.

There was an episode last night of blatant disregard for directions. I was furious. DH couldn't understand why nookie got cancelled and, after I told him we have a problem, he wouldn't even bother trying to talk about the issue. Classic avoidance. I don't get mad at him, make accusations, b*tch about the kid, and get my panties in a twist. I sit down, explain where I'm at, BEG for help from him, but a day or two later, it's all back to the way it was. I'm not even mad at DH at this point. He really does try. It's just not enough.

So, any advice would be greatly appreciated. I can barely stand to look at my SS which makes me feel horrible. I want to help him, raise him, but I can't. Maybe I'm just looking for people who've been here to say it's ok to let it go, raise my biokids the way I want, and let life pound all those lessons into SS that he won't learn from me. I know I'm tired of the nausea, the stress, the walking on a tightrope, the feeling that everything I do is held against me. Thanks, all, for letting me vent. Smile As the username implies, I'm so tired!

LilyVonSchtupp's picture

Thanks for the advice, I am going to step waaayyy back, and I will look up the book. It's a new idea, disengagement, and I just don't know if I can do it. I feel like I'll be abandoning this young man to a life of misery and failure. I see nothing in his current behavior that makes me think he is improving and will be able to lead a happy, productive life. I have suggested professional help for skid, asked DH for ideas to help me cope, pointed out specific examples of how skid treats me...but I am the one with the problem, DH just sees his bouncing baby boy. I have to come to grips with the fact that I am ultimately not responsible for this kid. I want to be, I could be...but I'm not allowed to be. So, ok. Has anyone else actually sat down and told their SO that they can't do this anymore, I'm out of this, it's all yours, etc? I can't hardly stand the thought of hurting my DH this way even though he (very much NOT on purpose) is hurting me with his inaction and defensiveness.

Thanks again, it has really helped to see that I'm not the only one--by a long shot!--coping with this problem.

dixyprinxs's picture

I totally relate to the "Love him, can't stand his actions" mentality except my SS is 28 yo! His 31 yo brother and I are close but those two boys are as different as night and day. My 28 yo SS has been arrested multiple times for anything from petty offenses on up to possession of marijuana and paraphanelia. He has a 4 year old son that I adore and doesn't realize how much he really has going for him in his life. He has a GIANT sense of entitlement (that his brother does not share Thank God!)and expects the world to evolve to suit his wishes. I have been involved in this for 5 years and it has caused many issues with my husband and I (who is and has for years enabled him by financially bailing him out without any expectation of repayment.) He has been ALLOWED to be this way for so long, I don't see it changing any time soon. So my husband alone deals with the drama and I have a separate bank account that he (the SS) gets nothing out of, if his father wants to continue to pay for his son's stupidity then I let him. I refuse to.........

Full_Time_Crazy's picture

Not too much to add but your post was one that I could have written. It's really why I joined this forum. And in my case, disengagement is not an option either. It really just isn't. And I don't think that therapy or meds is the answer in my case; because I am not the one with the problem; THEY ARE!

So . . . where does that leave me/us? Just this moment, I've decided it leaves me with: Acceptance. And with a kind of 12-Step outlook. This moment/these moments will NOT go on forever. Me. Washing everyone's underpants. Me. Cooking everyone dinners. Me. Cleaning disgusting feces and urine off the bathroom floors. Me. Driving people around town without so much as a thank-you or a red-cent for gas. It WILL all end. It will. Because the one line is the sand is: adulthood. 18-20 years old?? You are getting OUT! I don't care how useless/helpless/broke/sad/unprepared/broken/pathetic you are . . . You.Are.Getting.Out. It's the same rule for my biokids; no favoritism. Everyone gets these precious years to actually learn and play and grow and succeed and then . . . whether you've mastered your skills or not . . . Get.Out. Come back for Sunday diner, if you want, we love you . . . but get out.

So, I am working on accepting my hell right now. One Day At A Time. Breathe. This SS(12) of mine . . . with his feces problems and deception and poor academics and bad attitude and lazy, layabout self . . . I will work with him on what I can (one or two suggestions/nags and that's it). And pick up his socks. And avoid going into his room. And I will encourage DAD to do the work that needs doing. And then I will breathe deeply and I will know that it is NOT forever. 6-more years. I can do almost anything for 6-years . . . Blum 3

HandOverMyMouth's picture

You have to *choose* not to care; this is something I am learning.

I like my two SKs, really I do...but they are clearly very smart, and have realized that they can get away with stuff at our house that would NEVER fly with their mother; because my FI lets them.

Sure, he gets annoyed when they don't answer a question when asked, lie to me, or dont make their beds. But I think he is so worried that if he disciplines them they wont want to come over anymore that he says nothing at all. This has been going on for months and I've just kept my mouth shut, hoping he'd get sick of it eventually.

Finally, a straw broke the camels back: last weekend, FI found *snot* stuck on the walls by the sofa, perpetrated by the 13 year old who was either too lazy or disrespectful to go get a tissue after picking his nose and just decided wiping it on our wall was a fine solution. In addition, he must have forgot that flushing after the using restroom is what you do as part of polite society; as 3 times in 12 hours he didnt despite being reminded.

It took being totally grossed out for my Disneyland Dad FI to decide he's over the disrespect and will lay down the law.

drivingmemental's picture

I'm in a similar boat to you guys with my 13SS. I am getting to the point of he will be what he will be and I need to stop caring and ruining my relationship for the sake of trying to change something that I didn't create.

Has anyone had combined finances, and said well let's split so you can deal with your mess and I'm not penalized? I'm more worried for the future ramifications.
And I too and dreaming of the day they are 18 and out the door, but partially scared to death that my DWs need to be needed will extend beyond that and allow them to stay.... What happens then? Do I have to live this crap forever? Any stories/advice?