DH stresses while I relax >:)
SD5's kindergarten orientation is this evening. DH had to drive 47 miles in rush hour DC metro traffic to get there. It took him about an hour and 40 minutes.
He gets there about 20 minutes early and most of the parents are already there with kids doing a pre-event meet and greet.
BM strolls up with SD5 .. they're wearing matching outfits. Glitter/sequin-covered halter tops, denim mini skirts, and platform white sandals. DH texted me immediately saying how grossly inappropriate SD5's outfit was.
So he's having a rough time .. stressed after working all day, sitting in traffic for almost 2 hours, being embarrassed at his child's appearance, and dealing with that ex-wife of his. And I'm home relaxing with a gorgeous glass of red wine .. I'm SOO glad I don't get involved in that drama
Don't mind if I do
Don't mind if I do
It's nice isn't? My DH has no
It's nice isn't? My DH has no worry this year as he is at work - and tomorrow I will go see if I can get a calendar and the teacher's email so DH can email her before school starts to introduce himself, and make himself somewhat present while BM will probably act like he is a uninvolved parent.
I know he hates missing the first day but is excited to not have to deal with BM trying to act like a family - and I am enjoying knowing I get to take him lunch but no BM interaction this year.
BM doesn't try to act like a
BM doesn't try to act like a parent, but she does try to play the un-involved, deadbeat dad card. Which is just ridiculous because DH has never been absent from his children's lives. Even when she moved them away 1600 miles, he had regular contact and phone calls with their teachers and made a point to meet them in person when he was in town visiting at the beginning of the school year.
SD5 ran around the whole orientation tonight telling all her friends that her dad was a police officer and he PERSONALLY knows like 3 police horses
.. that's her favorite thing to brag about 
Oh my BM is going to act like
Oh my BM is going to act like a complete parent either - last year I had several teachers ask if I was SS's mom because I acted more mature and on top of my stuff when I took SS lunch - I only took him lunch maybe 6 times during whole year mind you she did it a lot and attended all the holiday themed parties etc, I have also had parents at soccer ask why she was taking SS because again I acted more like an adult and they thought she may be a older sitter but they were confused because neither DH nor I look that old....
I know she will play the shitty dad card though especially since he works offshore mind you him and SS have a daily phone countdown until when he is coming home, and as soon as classes start SS will start bragging about how he helped his daddy put a new motor in his custom four wheeler and how he can't wait for him to be home...
And like I said she may make it but DH will be emailing the teacher before school starts so he will get his chance to show he truly cares.
I think we are just so happy to have to not physically see or deal with BM its all a distance this year.
I remember a time when BM
I remember a time when BM wore a baby blue Frederick's of Hollywood cat suit with holes/lacey/weird things going up the side from ankle to wrist (you could see her skin thru the holes) and clear plastic high heels to their daycare. He wanted to die. I was like "you picked her pal...baby blue cat suit and all."
OMG .. I'm not sure I would
OMG .. I'm not sure I would be able to hold back my laughter :jawdrop:
That would be my exact
That would be my exact reaction .. how do you not laugh at people clearly dressed as clowns }:)
Poor SD!
Poor SD!
I bet she thought that you
I bet she thought that you were going too....and wanted everyone there to know that SD was HER daughter and not yours.
Oh I'm positive she thought I
Oh I'm positive she thought I would attend. Not that it makes any sense for me to go .. skids are only with us on weekends during the school years; I have no involvement in homework or school projects. I don't (and have never) attended parent/teacher conferences.
BM feels threatened by me for some reason .. probably because I don't engage her; I maintain that level of control. And being a control freak, she can't handle the fact that she doesn't get under my skin like that.
Our school year here is
Our school year here is different to yours (obviously) but BM moved house and changed their schools last month (without telling OH in advance)
After the move the first time he had to pick them up for the Weds night visitation he went to both of their new schools and met with the principles, gave them his details and asked for duplicates of all relevant info to be sent to him as well... the usual stuff really for an involved parent when the bitch BM refuses to notify him of school stuff.
The school contacted her the next day to check that there were no problems - no custody issues or consent orders stating that he couldn't have access to the kids at school or their info (which there aren't)
The text she sent him afterwards though was priceless - apparently "next time he decides to show up at the kids school and embarrass her he is to notify her first"
She WANTED to play the "poor little me, single mother with a deadbeat dad, I'm so strong and brave and doing it all by myself" And not even a week in to her routine he fucks it up for her by showing up, being reasonable and involved....
(also, would love love love to see BM and SD13 turn up in matching skanky ourfits, they are both "quite" overweight so that would give me giggles for months to come!)
That sounds EXACTLY what BM
That sounds EXACTLY what BM tried to pull with SD7's cheerleading coach last year. They were in TX and we were planning to visit and attend one of the games. BM absolutely refused to allow it, and when she realized she couldn't stop us from coming, she refused to provide any info about the game at all.
So DH found the league info online and contacted the coach and got the time/locations of the games. She was very friendly and happy to pass the info along.
He got an email the next day telling him that the coach approached her at practice saying she was thoroughly freaked out and wanted to know how he got her number. Said she felt harrassed and violated that her personal cell number was used by a man she didn't know. BM continued on to say that it's inappropriate for him to contact coaches directly and if he needs ANY info he is to contact HER to get it.
When we showed up at the game, DH walked right up to the coach (in front of BM), introduced himself and shook her hand. She said, "Oh it's so great to finally meet you! SD7 talks about you all the time because she says you used to play football." Very friendly convo .. BM just about melted into her seat.