Just got SD back today, after FH got off work.
Just in the three hours she's been back we have sent her to herrroom, cause I don't want to watch tantrums being thrown in my living room. And each time I tell her no, or not to do something that will hurt her or my DDs she pouts and says she wants to go back to BMs.... Which our reply is, you'll go back to see your BM in a few days.
I know she is just trying to manipulate FH and myself into getting what she wants... Is it normal for a 3 year old to be doing? And how can we deal with it/put it to an end?
Just keep up with the time
Just keep up with the time outs.. eventually she will learn (over time). My dd3 is a professional fit thrower
I do time outs with her depending on the situation other times I try and and divert her attention to something else.. bless her heart but some days she can suck the life out of me so I can imagine that it is can twice as frustrating when it is a skid. Good luck!!!
What on earth ARE YOU
What on earth ARE YOU complaining about, one little itsie bitsie three year old having a tantrum. I'll swap. I have 2 three year old grandsons, and yep, they both throw tantrums over absolutely nothing at all. Oh hang on, it's not over nothing, it's because I say, no or don't or wait a minute. And I get the "when's mummy coming back" puppy dog sad eyes just for effect too.
Hang in there, keep the time outs, try not to let her see it gets to you. The less attention you give it the quicker they get over it. I've actually got so in tune with this now I can pretty well predict what's coming. So now when I know I am about to push buttons, I just say, no, you can't have it/do it, and if that is going to make you upset and angry can you go to nanas room to cry, I don't want to hear the noise. It working with these two at the moment seems if I remind them of the consequence of carrying on like a headless chook before I traumatise them with a no, or a wait a minute, I'm cutting down the tantrums. Your only going through this now, this is my second time around. :sick:
Hang in there, eventually they turn 4, and you get to live longer than me to appreciate it.