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Am I being too much of a hard headed b-tch?

struggling_through_it's picture

Pls comment, I will print out responses and give to DH.

The issue is my SS19. (he will be 20 in Sept) He has been living with his psycho BM for 3 years. DH had sole custody of him until about 16. Up until 16 he lived with us. While living with us, he hated my existence. He flat out told his dad many times he wished I wasn’t in his life, he couldn’t give me common courtesy you give a stranger, would ignore me when I’d walk in the room and say a general, “hello” to everyone.

I bent over backwards to try and get this young man to like me, I walked on egg shells around him and I treated him better than I treated my own boys! Nothing I did was good enough… he treated me like shit on the bottom of his shoe. I know a lot had to do with his insecure BM. When he was 2 or 3, she abandoned him for a life of drugs and partying, but started coming back into the picture when I got involved with his dad when SS was around 13. I think she couldn’t take the fact that a decent woman was going to be involved in her ex’s or her son’s life.

Three years ago, SS published something on line that was disrespectful to me and my mother. He happened to be at his BM’s house for the weekend when I saw it and DH told him he couldn’t come home until he apologized to me and my mother. Needless to say, he argued with DH and didn’t apologize. He was content where he was. At 16 going on 17 he was at a house where anything went. BM would allow him to drink, do drugs, cuss around her and at her, and would allow him to have his gf spend the night.

Now, 3 years later, he's too out of control for BM and shedoesn’t find his behavior acceptable any more. She is tired of his laziness, disrespect and ungratefulness and wants him out. He’s been fired from 2 jobs within one year. He’s on his 3rd job now, but has only been on it about 2 months. She is frustrated because all he does is sit around, drink, get high, and play video games. She has to pay someone to cut their lawn. She has mice and insects in her house because he leaves food and crap in his room. She asks him for help around the house and he tells her to “Go to hell!”. Now she’s serving him with an eviction notice.

DH is doing everything he can to get the kid and his buddy into an apartment, he’s even going to co-sign even though he’s already co-signed on a car loan and a school loan for his son, both of which DH has already had to cover more than once in a year. DH has found a place or two for them, but there is a 7-10 waiting list.
The eviction notice his BM gave him is a 7 day notice so there might be 2-3 days SS might need a place to stay. DH has asked me if he could stay with us and I said “no” because I would feel uncomfortable having him stay with us. (This has come up once or twice before and I had let my feelings be know, I feel I get anxiety attacks at just the thought of it.)

His son right now hangs with the wrong crowd, some of his friends have served hard time for drug dealing. He also has direct connections to a serious biker gang. His best friend’s dad is a convicted heroine dealer and he’s spent many a nights at their house.

He’s a liar, a manipulator, he has a very short temper, a foul mouth, doesn’t respect anyone or anything, and he’s a pot head (maybe more). I have 2 sons that are both underage who are totally the opposite of him. They are both respectful and responsible and are both still minors.

Am I wrong to stick to my guns and say his son is not welcome to stay at our house?

Even though his son has hated me for some time and made his hatred known, I’ve always tried to help DH look out for him. I won’t help him directly, I don’t feel comfortable dealing with the young man directly, but I still do care about him because he’s DH’s son. I want to see him do good for himself. I feel bad about saying “no”, but I get a horrible feeling at even the thought of this young man being under my roof, even if it’s only temporary.

Am I being too hard headed?????? It is DH’s son, and that I feel bad for, I hate hurting him.

hismineandours's picture

Um, HELL NO you are not being too hard headed. This is not a little boy you are dealing with but a grown man. He has chosen the life that he has. His mother has facilitated it and enabled it and now your dh would like to continue to help enable him. He will NEVER grow up if everyone continues on this path with him.

If this almost 20 year old man needs a place to stay, and you and dh want to help, then give him a list of all the homeless shelters in the area.

sandye21's picture

I am sorry you are having to go through this but you do not owe it to your DH to accommodate nasty SS. If you do not have separate bank accounts, please do so. None of your money should be going to support deadbeat SS. And most importantly, please do not allow SS to stay at your house. I can guarantee you it is a recipe for disaster.

struggling_through_it's picture

HNRYC, thank you, but this young man is passed the point of taking away his cell phone.

kathc's picture

No way. He should NOT be staying in your home, especially with your two underage sons there. He'll have friends over "casing" the place and they'll come back and rob you blind for drug money. Or worse. Your DH is a fool for continuing to bail him out. He should get two options: stand on his own two feet, support himself or join the military.

struggling_through_it's picture

Thank you all for the comments and advice, it is much appreciated! This young man is really causing a strain on my relationship. I would not have a problem taking the young man in if he was respectful, responsible and if he was showing he was trying to do the right things in life, but he isn't.

I dread going home because DH will probably have an attitude towards me and say, "Wait until your boys need help!". I know that comment is coming from DH.

The thing is, I spent all weekend with DH driving around and calling apartment complexes to see if he could get something for his son. Even after all of his son's angry words and actions towards me, I still try to help DH help him, but I just can't take having this young man under my roof, even for a couple of days.

jennaspace's picture

When/if your boys need help, there won't be younger boys around that you have to worry about.

struggling_through_it's picture

Thank you for your comments AQUARIAN. I worry more so about how this young man would treat my boys than influencing them. When he did live with us, his idea of "joking" with them used to be telling them things like, "I hope you choke on your food!" or "I'm going to slit your throat while you sleep!". As a mother, I couldn't take hearing things like this said to my boys and asked DH to ask him son to stop saying that stuff to them.

Even though my boys are 3-5 years younger than SS, when SS started acting out when he was in our house, on the side, to me only, my boys would tell me they couldn't believe how SS was acting and would tell me the actions they felt DH should take. They both knew SS's actions were out of line and knew the thigns DH should have been doing to correct it. You nailed it with the Disney Dad comment, that was DH. Make sure SS is happy and give him everything he wants. He wanted to be a friend, but the young man needed a father.

jennaspace's picture

This one's a no brainer. He's an adult and can figure it out. I'm sure there's a friend he can stay with.

Trinka's picture

I would put him up in a flea bag motel. He is a bad influence on your sons and should not be around them. You don't know what or who he may bring in your home... And that is not being a responsible parent to your bio kids. You r not being hard headed you are bring protective of yourself, your home and possessions and your boys.

oldone's picture

He's pretty much a worthless train wreck. You would have to be brain dead to let him in your home.

I have a SS who probably is not as bad as yours but I did not take him in a couple of years ago. DH put him up in a motel for two nights on MY credit card and I just about came unglued. I did not birth this POS so he is NOT my responsibility. His mother who is not into drugs or alcohol and owns her home a few blocks from us can take him in - NOT ME.

This is not a minor. He's legally an adult.

And for the record after everyone being really, really rough on SS28 he now has a job and a place to live. Not sure if he will keep either but that's not MY problem. And I made SS pay me back the money for that motel.

NEVER let toxic people into your life or home.

ltman's picture

Don't let him in. Don't let dh co-sign anything. His debt becomes your debt. We used to have rental property. It was amazing what 20somethings can do to an apartment. We once had to go after the parents of a girl who trashed one of the properties to the tune of $25k. Rugs ruined, walls marked up, appliances destroyed. We did try to help them out by knocking some cash off if she would come and help with cleanup and repainting. She never showed. It took them 4 years to repay.

Justme54's picture

Not no but HELL NO! If my DH co-sign for anyone, I would have to divorce him. He is better of giving X amount of money to get him into an apartment then co-signing. Why do people need co-signers? It is because they have no credit or bad credit.

Ex. give him money for deposit and first month rent or deposit and half of the first month rent. That is way better than having him in your home with your boys or co-sign. DO NOT LET YOUR DH CO-SIGN!