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How much more would you tell her?

SMof2Girls's picture

Kids have their first field trip at day care "camp" this Friday. BM emailed DH saying she was picking them up early Friday to go get new military IDs (since she left the old ones in our mailbox and the mailman took them).

He reminded her they have a trip so she'll need to get there before 9am or after 3pm. She has a copy of the calendar with the schedules. She emailed him and said, "Just tell them not to send the girls and I'll get there when I get there". So the skids have to sit back at day care until she makes it up there?

DH told the director this morning she'd be picking them up early and the director said if she's not there by 9am, the skids will be gone. They don't have personnel to keep kids back for the parent's convenience. It's in their handbook that if parents do not want the kids to attend the field trips, they have to be kept home.

SO .. DH has pretty much said screw it .. he tried to tell her, she blew it off. She has all the info as well as the number to the day care. Let her drive all the way up here and kill some time until the skids get back ..

PeanutandSons's picture

I'd just leave it as well. Beside, what kind of mother acts like that. That's dwvistating to little kids to be singled out and miss a field trip. All because she can't just get them at three?

As much as I am frustrated and annoyed with my step kids, and no matter how ill behaved they are at school, it has never once c tossed my mind to make them stay behind on field trip day. That's some heartless shit.

PeanutandSons's picture

I'd just leave it as well. Beside, what kind of mother acts like that. That's dwvistating to little kids to be singled out and miss a field trip. All because she can't just get them at three?

As much as I am frustrated and annoyed with my step kids, and no matter how ill behaved they are at school, it has never once c tossed my mind to make them stay behind on field trip day. That's some heartless shit.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

Tell her that putting those IDs in a mailbox was a federal offense. Anything that goes into a mail box must go thru the USPS by a handler. She just committed a crime (haha).

SMof2Girls's picture

LOL I know .. we had a few good laughs on that one. She flipped out pretty good when DH called to tell her that the postman took them. Not only did she put them in the mailbox .. but she raised the little red flag Blum 3

SMof2Girls's picture

She actually tried to blame DH for not being home and letting her put them in the mailbox. She tried to say he should have warned her that the mail hadn't come yet.

Despite the fact that they had agreed to transfer the cards this Sunday .. when they'll see each other at the skid drop off. DH had no urgent need for the cards, and didn't ask for them. She stopped by the house unannounced when she thought we'd be home and left them in the box. DH didn't even know about until after we got home and realized they were gone .. and even if he DID know .. still not his fault.

When BM gets replacement cards isn't really mine or DH's problem. If she wants to pick up skids from day care early, that's fine. She better be there before 9 though, as we tried to warn her, or she'll have to do it another day. No sweat off my back!

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

In fact, she probably violated a DoD directive on the handling of those ID cards. Seriously, can you imagine if those got into the hands of terrorists? What an idiot.


SMof2Girls's picture

I wish there was a way we could get her in trouble or something, but that seems kind of petty even by our standards Blum 3

I'm not sure where the ID cards are now .. I'm assuming the post office handles them or drops them in the mail? I have no clue.

I'm so tired of her crap .. but making her life hard doesn't necessarily make ours easier

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

I hope they are the not the old ID card with everyone social security numbers on them. That would not be good.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

By USPS regulation the mail handler has to take anything in or around the mailbox. I once had a UPS box under my mail box and the mailman picked it up. Then he brought it back to me 3 days later with a $17 "fine" on it. I did not pay it, but I sure did learn a lot about the system that week.

SMof2Girls's picture

Oh, I didn't even think of that. Skids are 5 and 7, and I have no idea when they would've been issued new cards. I know it hasn't been within the last 2 years ..

SMof2Girls's picture

DH just texted me back .. he said the IDs she had only had HER social on them. Does that seem right? I'm just lol'ing now Blum 3

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

No. It would either have all (old ones) or none (new ones). My middle stepson lost his ID so many damn times I am surprised he was never issued his last one. My oldest stepson's old ID card has his social security number wrong on his, so he had to go back and get a new one issued.

SMof2Girls's picture

Hmm .. DH said it should be just BM's since benefits are linked through her SSN; not the skids.

I will ask again .. and maybe he'll just need to send an email to BM to clarify.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

I have the ID card. The news ones have no social security information on them AT ALL but a DOD beneficiary number which is a 10 digit number. I am looking at it now. The front says DOD ID number and then on the back I have a personal "benefits number" which is a 9 digit number with a hyphen and then two more numbers. No social on the card I have in my possession.

The old card had social security numbers of the sponsor and the dependents on them. Like I stated earlier my oldest stepson's "last four" was incorrect on his and we had to go back and correct it. Hopefully the missing ID cards are the new ones, and not old version.

SMof2Girls's picture

Yes, they were the new ones. BM confirmed last night in an email that started with, "as you're well aware ..." and ended with "so your concern is not even valid."

LOL. Somewhere in between that she admitted in writing that she left the cards in a US postal mailbox without postage Blum 3

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

Haha she totally incriminated herself in a federal crime. You should let her know...LOL

SMof2Girls's picture

I wonder why they even make that a federal crime? I mean, who has ever been prosecuted for putting something in a mailbox they weren't supposed to?

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

My former neighbor called the FBI on her ex husband for putting something in her mailbox that wasn't mailed. The FBI actually contacted him and told him not to do it again and warned him about the legalities of it. This is how I know it's illegal. Plenty of people are prosecuted for putting things illegally in mailboxes, but it is usually ricin or pipe bombs, not ID cards. Smile She is still a moron for doing it. That was just soooooo dumb.

SMof2Girls's picture

She's dumb for putting them in there .. she's a moron for raising the damn flag to alert the postal carrier there's something in there!

SMof2Girls's picture

Because DH turned off his phone to ignore her endless texts asking when he was going to be home (she was sitting in her car outside of our house) .. she put the flag up so he would know they were in there

They had agreed the week before that he would get he cards from her when he sees her this Sunday at kid-switch. She dropped by the house twice unannounced trying to drop them off because she was "in the neighborhood" (even though she lives 45 miles away). So when she started texting him again trying to give him the cards (and sneak a visit in with the kids), he just ignored her completely.