Oh me oh my !!!!
Hello everyone
Well SO daughter (17 years old next month) has enrolled at an acting and drama class !!!
This is something she will excel in and be top of her class }:)
More 'acting' and 'drama' for me now and she is going to be taught how to be more convincing to daddy :sick:
Sigh .............. !!!!!!!
I hope that in her acting
I hope that in her acting class, she learns how to act with grace and class to everyone, including people she may not care about.
Hello Anon Thank you for
Hello Anon
Thank you for response - i very much doubt she will act with grace or class to anyone, just more manipulative and whiny to her 'daddy'....
Its also slap bang in the middle of Saturdays - 12.00 - 2.30, daddy has to take her and pick her up, then go home with her and take her to her weekend job at 6.00pm and wait until her shift finishes which can be anytime between 9.00 to 11.00pm - so another day taken over by his 'baby' girl, who has no friends at all - i wonder why??? :sick:
My SD 18 also - the ONLY
My SD 18 also - the ONLY subject she is any good at all at - DRAMA - what a surprise!
She is doing an A level in this - she failed her other AS levels last year except for one in which she got a D.
Walking wallet (DH) is planning to send her to a crammer next year so she can fail some more and use up a little more of his money.
Hi Kes Aaaw shit its a
Hi Kes
Aaaw shit its a nightmare isnt it - at what age are they supposed to become independant women !!!
Answer: NEVER when daddy is a walking ATM. God help their future boyfriends / husbands :sick:
My 17yo SD is in Drama as
My 17yo SD is in Drama as well. Unfortunately her father is incredibly biased since she is his daughter and easily falls for her crap. Doesn't matter how good she is in her drama class, she NEVER fools me. I know every single time she is lying. Exept for the rare exception here and there Im pretty sure most SDers are able to fool their dads because their dads really want to believe that their daughters are good and don't really MEAN to lie and take advantage of them. Having daughters makes most men stupid. There are PLENTY of wonderful daughters out there, but there are also a fair amount of little pains in the asses out there too who don't give a crap what they have to do to get their way.
Hllo Rosem OMG ^^^^^^^ this
Hllo Rosem
OMG ^^^^^^^ this ^^^^^^^ is so true !!!!! I blame their fathers for everything !!!! Morons !!!!
Stepdevil14 excels in her 8th
Stepdevil14 excels in her 8th grade drama class. Yeah, wonder why? Oh because she's the biggest drama queen I've ever met and can turn a tiny speck into something the size of Texas...yep, that's her!
LOL RedWingsFan - i think we
LOL RedWingsFan - i think we have the same stepdaughter !!!
Thanks for your post it made me smile
She's HORRIFIC. I mean, she
She's HORRIFIC. I mean, she was telling me (she was 12 at the time) that this band-aid on her leg was itchy but she didn't want to take it off because, and I quote, "I know it's going to sting". So, I reached over, yanked the thing off and literally, she BURST into tears. I mean, TEARS, sobbing, barely breathing, hyperventilating sobs. Under the band-aid? NOTHING. No wound, no sign of a wound, NOTHING.
After she threw her little sobbing fit, I asked her why she even had the band-aid on to begin with and she said "Well, my leg hurt so I put it on there to make it better".
Yes, at age 12...that was just the beginning of her over-the-top, center of attention, look at me, drama queen antics. They continue today at age 14 only now the manipulation and lies take center stage.