DH gave me an ultimatum today..
So my fellow stepparents..
Yesterday I wrote a post about how my DH and I are having so many problems because of my demon SD.
Today I had an appointment close to my DH's work so I decided to stop by so we could have lunch together.
Needless to say we argued the entire time. My appetite went out the window along with my patience.
The argument is always the same.. he wants me to have all the patience in the world with SD.. he wants me to show her respect and last but not least.. he wants me to accept the way he is with her whether I agree with it or not.
According to him that's common sense.
He says that since he doesn't interfere with the way I raise my son.. so I should do the same.
The catch is that he wants us to be a "family ".
This whole thing to me is kind of a mind f***.
So today he says that I need to think about what I want and what I don't want.
He wants to know if i can accept him with SD as a package deal or if I can't.
Because she will forever be a part of his life.
And by accepting her I need to respect and accept the way he is with her..whether I agree with his parenting methods or not.
I feel like I got hit in the head with a hammer.
The thing is that he's good with words and always ends up convincing me that his way is the right way to go.
He says its "common sense" and if he can accept my way of raising my son than it's only fair that I do the same.
Of course there's more to it than just the few lines I'm writing here.
But the fact of the matter is that I do love him very much. But I can't stand the way SD behaves and how he lets her get away with it. And how according to him I need to accept her for what she is and be ok with it.
So... what the heck do I do?
I want to be with him.. not with SD.
I feel the same....I love the
I feel the same....I love the man and am sick of raising his kids but...
I have to always think of this question...
Would you leave your son for a man?
I think a lot of times we forget that a man and his kids are a family, his family and of course he wants to be with his family...kid. So maybe you just have to make the choice him or all of them b/c he isn't going to leave his son for you.z That is a decision that only you can make for yourself.
My patience and love are dwindling for my DSO. I don't know if the love is enough to counteract the fact I'm sick of raising kids. SD isn't bad but SS is exhausting work.
Dear bearcub25.. U said
Dear bearcub25..
U said something that I've been saying to myself a lot lately.. but it takes a while to sink in.
I don't know if love is enough to counteract the fact that I'm sick of putting up with all the bs about SD.
And to answer your question..no.. I would not leave my son for any man.
And I would never ask anyone to ever choose between me and their kid either.
But I don't know how much more of this I can take. I will try to disengage more.
The problem is it's gotten to a point where I can't stand to even look at her anymore.
Disengage. You will not agree
Disengage. You will not agree with his parenting methods or lack thereof, you will still not be able to stand it, but by backing away and choosing to no longer critique him, advise him, or talk to him about it will help. If he doesn't respect your opinions then he also does not deserve your help when he needs it either. You want to be with him and not SD, then make that so. Don't help him, don't be anything to her. Let him continue on as he is and then let him clean up the mess it creates later on down the road as well. You don't have to accept it or be ok with it as he says, it is impossible to go against what you know to be right, just recognize that you are fighting a losing battle and may as well be talking to a fence post with DH's like these. If you want to stay married, like I do, you have to find a way to just say to hell with it, ruin your kid, and not let it ruin the marriage too.
Hi fedup13.. thanks for the
Hi fedup13..
thanks for the advice.
I will try to disengage myself more and more from my SD.
I already barely talk to her.. and to be honest..her presence alone is enough to put me in a bad mood.
This girl has her dad wrapped around her finger. He will let her walk all over him and do anything she dam well wants.
Its frustrating and it drives me crazy.
My son doesn't even like being in the same room as her because she always lies to get him in trouble and get things her way. She'll go as far as threatening my son to get him to do what she wants. I tell my husband that's she's only 8 now and already acts this way..than if he keeps letting her get away with this type of behavior, by the time she's a teenager, God knows what's this girl will be capable of. But no.. I'm always the bad guy for pointing out the things she does wrong.
Its truly becoming exhausting.
I do want to stay married.. but I don't want to drive myself crazy in the process..
You are welcome. I am the
You are welcome. I am the same way as you and it sucks big time.
Just skids presence makes me miserable. He is just like you described your SD to be too in regard to having DH whipped. DH is his puppet on a string and never does anything about it. I too was also always the bad guy for pointing out the obvious and expecting DH to man up and do something about the gigantic mess he was making with skid. It will all be on him and BM down the road though and I will be able to say I told you so. Some days, I just don't know if it is worth it. I am like you, love DH, want my marriage to work, but it is a rough life for sure.
But your parenting style is
But your parenting style is probably way different than his......is this correct? Your kid probably isn't an @sshole.
Why didn't he have this talk
Why didn't he have this talk with you before the wedding?
Not only is he giving you an ultimatum, he's also taking away your "right" to complain later.
Thanks for pointing that out
Thanks for pointing that out to me..
You're absolutely right.. he is taking away my right to complain later.
What a mind f***!!
I think I've aged 5 years in the past 6 months. All this bs withe SD is beyond stressful.
This is SO SO SO true!!!
This is SO SO SO true!!!
Accepting the way he "is"
Accepting the way he "is" with her is Fine, when he does everything she needs. When he's expecting you to be the solution to her being hungry or tired or failing school or Whatever, that you should not accept. Tell him that if he needs you to accept his way of raising his daughter, you will indeed stop interfering and leave ALL of it to him.
Kid has a question - go ask Dad. Kid is hungry - go ask Dad. Kid needs a bath - not your problem.
However, respect is a two way street. You will give her the respect she deserves - the respect that an adult gives a child just as long as he requires her to give you the respect due to you as an adult in your house.
You can still be a "family", just a stepfamily. If he wants an intact family then he's SOL and that's just "common sense" too. It's "common sense" that it's absurd to expect someone, particularly your wife to , excuse me, eat shit with a smile.
If his idea of "family" means SD does whatever, treats you however while you do all the work to take care of her, then this man does not respect you and obviously doesn't care about you nearly as much as you do him.
^^^^^exactly! I love how you
^^^^^exactly! I love how you put it! If DH really cares about her, he would not have given her such a ridiculous ultimatum.
Hey Aeron! I loved how u put
Hey Aeron!
I loved how u put it because that's exactly what's my DH wants me to do..to eat shit with a smile.
I know it's not funny..but I just realized that u have described my situation better than I ever could.
And its a huge eye opener.
I will once again try to talk with him. Although after many attempts I pretty much know what he's gonna say and how he's gonna react.
Thank u for the advice! Its been a great help.
I go through the same thing,
I go through the same thing, the difference is I always want to walk out and he convinces me to stay some how, his words make me feel guilty and I start to believe he is always right.
Dear Andyandme.. Looks like
Dear Andyandme..
Looks like we go through very similar problems.
I have tried to walk out a few times too and..like u..he always convinces me to stay and his words make me feel guilty and after all is said and done I start to believe he's right.
I hate myself for it. I feel so confused that sometimes I question my own sense of what's wrong and what's right.
Its very frustrating and emotionally draining to live like this.
Yes, this can be very
Yes, this can be very CONFUSING and EXUASTING. I have trouble sleeping now, I believe it's from all the stress I accumulate throught out the weeks. I love DH so much but I just can't accept his relationship with his daughter. I also start to feel guilty or question myself on the way I'm raising my children? Maybe the way he's raising his daughter is the right way and I'm the one who has problems...
Everyone one who has met his daughter right away say wow she is very spoiled and clingy, he is also very protective not saying its a bad thing I just believe he needs to let go of the leash a little.
I also believe she gets special treatment not only because she's his daughter but because she's only six(his favorite words) barf
I have the best moments with
I have the best moments with my DH when she is not around, until he desides to call her at night to say goodnight. We have SD6 50% of the time. Oh did I mention its every weekend that we get her?? Ugh
I'm sorry you're going
I'm sorry you're going through this. I completely agree with the poster who said this would not be happening in a nuclear family. Growing up, my parents argued just like every other couple but I never once heard anyone say they were leaving or threaten divorce or any of the things that are so common in step families. They argued, then they came to some type of agreement, then they got over it.
I am going through something similar. I've been with DH 3 years, married almost a year, and I just cannot come to terms with SD. I can't figure out how a man would give a 5 year old priority over his marriage. I guess this is because I did not see this growing up. My parents always put their marriage first and they made it clear to my brother and I that we were not coming between them (by doing normal things kids do, like try to turn one parent against the other- unfortunatly, in step families, these tactics normally work). I can't stand the guilty parenting and the way it seems like THEY are the couple and I am the child. It's very disturbing.
Unfortunatly, I think the chances of your DH changing his ways are slim to none. I think your options are either to disengage or leave.
if he doesn't put you first,
if he doesn't put you first, leave.Kids, no 1 responsibility, but marriage no 1 priority.He doesn't care how you feel , he puts his brat first from what it sounds.
Hi oncechoosetosmile! My
Hi oncechoosetosmile!
My husband definitely makes SD his no 1 priority and no 1 responsibility.
That's what he calls "common sense" and according to him I should just accept it.
And you're right, he doesn't really care how I feel about the way he's raising the little demon.. he says I don't have the right to interfere on his parenting methods, just like he doesn't interfere with the way I raise my son.
^^ My DH is the same. He
"Common Sense" for a SINGLE
"Common Sense" for a SINGLE father.
One day this little bundle of
One day this little bundle of joy will be 16, and 26 and so on. As she grows, so to do the issues. Little kids, little problems, big kids BIG problems.
Your husband uses the excuse she's only six. You might point out that you agree with him, she's only six and that is the problem. He is allowing a six year old to run the house , control his life, and dictate how you will behave. It is his job as a parent to teach his child manners and respect. It is his job to teach this child how to fit in, how to be independent and to teach her that she is part of this family, not the centre of it.
He will not change, I promise you that. If you want change in this relationship, then YOU are going to have be the one to change. He is happy dictating how you should behave. Madam six is happy dictating how daddy will behave. You are the only one that is unhappy. So change it.
You are more than likely not raising your son to be a brat so your husband has no cause for complaint. I'm sure if your son were behaving the way his daughter does and you were telling your husband to shape up, follow your sobs demands or ship out, he'd soon have a problem then..
Time for you to be laying down the ground rules and for both of you to be setting boundaries for the children in the home, a six year old doesn't get to do that and DH doesn't get to make important decisions that affect you and your son unilaterally.
Dear emotionaly beat
Dear emotionaly beat up,
Thanks for your response!
You are absolutely right about everything you said.. My little demon SD is running the show when it comes to my DH.
She is his number 1 priority and responsibility.
Which he says its "common sense".
Trust me, I have tried to lay some ground rules and boundaries, but he doesn't think I should interfere with his parenting skills.
You know what he said to me the other day? That since she's with him only twice a week that he doesn't have any way to really influence that much in her life.. Because since she stays with her mom the majority of the time, all he can do is accept the way her mom is raising her and accept the way she is. Because he won't be able to make any difference with just 2 days a week.
Which means I should also just accept her bad behavior and move on.
According to him, that's just how she is, and we should accept people the way they are.
I keep telling him the little demon is only 8 years old, and this is the time to educate her and try to prevent her to become impossible in a few years.
But, he disagrees.
I guess you're right.. I can't change him.. the only thing I can do is change myself.
I can't live in a relationship like this for the rest of my life.
That's for sure.
Dear Coconut, Thanks for
Dear Coconut,
Thanks for responding and for sharing a bit of your own problems with your step kids!
It's great that your husband finally saw the light and changed things to benefit your relationship.
Unfortunetly I can't say the same for me and my DH.
According to him his daughter is his number 1 priority and responsibility and I should just accept that as being "common sense".
He's never gonna be willing to change when it comes to her.
And SD and in many ways her BM will always control his life one way or another.
I will always come second or probably even third in his life.
And you are so right..she is gonna become impossible as a teenager.
The thing is that he thinks we need to accept her the ways she is, and he says there's not much he can do to change her because he only sees her twice a week.
That sounds so crazy to me.. but it makes sense in his mind.
I will try to search and print out the articles you mentioned. I hope that opens his eyes a little. But I doubt it.. He doesn't think she is the problem.. he thinks I cause the problems because I don't accept her the way she is.
Thank you again for taking the time to write!
I really apreciate it!
oh my.....what a nightmare.
oh my.....what a nightmare. You despise this skid, as most of us here do. You let your hubby know how you feel about his kid and how he parents her. Now, sit back, and let the chips fall where they may. Then when she's a complete POS teenage bitch, you can look him dead in the face and say 'I told you so'
Dear dledden, Thanks for
Dear dledden,
Thanks for writing!
I can't wait for the day I can look DH in the face and tell him "I told you so"!
But I'm afraid that day might not come.. I don't know how much longer I can stay in this relationship. It's hurting me and my son to live like this.
SD has total control over my DH, even though she's barely 8 years old.
I cannot imagine the nightmare the little demon is gonna be in a few years.
And I don't know if I want to be there here to see it!
She will always be his number 1 priority and responsibility, no matter how much I try to show him that our relationship should be his number one priority.
He will always disagree with me on this.
According to him it's common sense that I accept her for what she is and don't interfere with his parenting methods.
Am I crazy to totally disagree with this?
I feel your pain, my skid has
I feel your pain, my skid has a 74 IQ which is borderline mental retardation. DH thinks his kid is a fuckin genius. SMH...he will never get it....well he might, once skid is in assisted living as an adult cuz he won't be in my fuckin house. I feel for you, your DH is not LOOKING AHEAD. Dh can pick his kid over me if he wants, i have no problem getting the fuck out and leaving him to deal with his baggage on his own.....let him have skid live with him forever if that's what he wants. ME, nope, not happening....it's sad cuz one day i'm gonna have had enough of his DENIAL and probably leave on my own....you can't stand this kid and her mere presence, like my skid, makes you wanna barf. leaving may be the best option. i wonder if i'll end up doing the same thing....
NO! You are absolutely not
You are absolutely not crazy to feel like this. Sure, your husband would like you to think you are crazy. He wants you to believe YOU are the problem. Stay in this relationship and watch your self esteem go down the toilet. Watch yourself second guess yourself, blame yourself, wAtch your mind go over and over every fight to see what YOU dud wrong. Watch yourself become emotionally and physically Iill. Watch what little self confidence you had become completely eroded.
Your husband has told you SHE comes first. It's her way or the highway. At 8 her manipulative skills are good, but she is still honing them. At 18 or 28 you will have pretty much,if you stay and do nothing to change the situation, have allowed them to make you a very ill woman, physically, mentally and emotionally.
You are not the problem. That child is not the problem. She is only a product of her upbringing. Your husband is the problem.
This is not going away of its own accord. Your husband is NEVER going to wake up to the fact he is not acting like a father. Right now he is acting like her friend. As she gets older, he will start acting like her BOYFRIEND. You will feel like "the other woman" in their relationship.
I spent 8 years of my life trapped in a situation like yours. Only she was 20 when she first came into my life. She was 29 before I found thank God the strength to end it. Short version, my husband had allowed her to cause problems in our marriage all if those 8 years. Everyone knew she had a goal to break us up. Eventually she pulled out the big guns and "accidently" she claimed got pregnant. That baby was no accident. It was she thought her nuclear weapon to rid me from her father's life. She was so sure he would leave me once her child was born that we saw her twice her entire pregnancy. She gave up working on her evil plan as she felt the baby growing inside her would fix everything.
When the baby was born, she and her boyfriend ket it be known if DH wanted to see that baby, then he would have to leave me.
It ended when after 3 months of hell and DH not going to her house to see the baby. She finally gave in and landed unexpectedly on my doorstep. I told DH to tell her she was not welcome here, or I would do it for him. He of course told me to do it. Heaven forbid he should be a man, or a father and stand up to that woman. So I told her to go and never come back. I told DH to go with her. He stayed. That was a year ago last August. She of course kept causing problems behind the scenes, phoning him at work. Involving his 89 year old father etc., and life has not been easy. However, recently my husband finally realised he needed help. He is in counselling now and on antidepressants. Things are looking up. Because he finally admitted to me that (as I had always known) he was fully aware of everything his daughter had said and done. He said he was afraid to pull her into line as he knew if he did, she would stop talking to him. See, he threw me under the bus so he could keep this complete and utter bitch in his life.
He as I said is in therapy. His counsellor gets me to come in every second session so I can keep on top of things. By that I mean so we know DH is telling the truth. You see DH became a pathological liar throughout this ordeal.
This is still difficult and uncertain, but at least we are taking steps towards change. Steps that would never have been taken if I had not found the inner strength to throw her out, ban her from ever coming back and told DH to go with her.
You see if we act like idiots, then they will treat us like idiots. If we have no self respect, they will not respect us. Our husbands are/were, bullies. When we live this life with them, we are victims living in an abusive relationship. We are being emotionally abused by our SO.
I guess when the anxiety got so bad for me that I begun to suffer from severe and repeated lung infections as well as having chronic back pain, I knew it was over, if I stayed the stress would kill me. I have 3 adult children of my own and 4 grandsons under 5. I made a choice to live for my family. To not allow DH or his daughter to kill me with emotional abuse or stress. I made a decision FINALLY that was all about me and what was in my best interests. I after 8 years of abuse finally turned things around the day I banned her from my home, and started building a new life FOR MYSELF. In finally getting some self respect, things finally turned around. Never in a million years did I think DH would admit he us wrong. Never did I think he would accept he needed help. But he has. He took it right to the edge though. Until he knew his marriage really was over, he kept trying to convince me I was the problem. I guess while I only put up with that butch for 8 years. He had been doing it for 28 years. It was hard for him to change. He is Italian, so it is even harder to admit he was wrong.
I wish you all the luck in the world. This will not be easy, whether you put up with it, or whether you stand up for yourself and your son. Both options are going to be hard. But to stay and do nothing will only lead to things getting worse and worse over the years. If you accept your husbands terms for this marriage, you are accepting his abuse and his relegating you to second place in your marriage. You are allowing him to put another woman before you in the marriage, his little girlfriend, his mini wife, if you do this, it will only get worse the older she gets.
If you choose to have a position of equality in the marriage and stand up and fight for it. Well, it may turn out to be the best thing you ever did. Or he and his mini wife may leave. Either way, you win. No good comes from living life in which a child is calling the shots.
You are not wrong here. Your husband is. But you already know that don't you.
Good luck. I hope you decide to sort this out sooner rather than later. I was stupid enough to put up with that crap until I was 60, is that what you want for yourself.
Dear emotionaly beat
Dear emotionaly beat up!
Thanks for writing and sharing your story with me!
Seems like you've been through a whole lot with your SD and DH!
Life certainly takes us for a ride sometimes! Whether we like it or not!
When we love someone we put up with so much crap its not even funny.
I can't believe your SD is such a bitch to you! Wow! And I can imagine it must be so much worse when they're adults! And you stuck through all the headaches for 8 years..
And it seems like it took a big wake up call for your DH to finally open his eyes!
You can only reap what you sow, right?
In my case I believe you are so very right.. I feel I'm watching my self esteem go down the toilet. I second guess myself all the time, I blame myself more than I think I should, and I definitely allow my mind to go over and over every fight to see what I did wrong. I have become emotionally and physically ill.
Everything you wrote were like you knew me personally.
This whole situation is sooo messed up that I don't even know how it got to this point.
My husband was just telling me last night that the problem is that I hold on to things for too long, and that I should just let them go.
All the crap he's put me through because of SD should be water under the bridge, according to him.
I have tried, but I can't. Now it's almost a reflex reaction. Whenever she's here, I already know all her strategies and all her ways to control dad and always be the victim.
And that drives me crazy. The thought of her coming over is enough to put me in a bad mood.
And than I do exactly what you said on your message.. I start to overthink everything and second guess myself because I think I'm the one who's doing something wrong.
Its becoming a vicious circle that never ends.
And its driving me crazy.
I have tried to reason with him MANY MANY times about SD. But it's like talking to a wall. He will never see things my way. It seems that the more I try, the worse it gets when it comes to her.
Now I just disengage.. as many of my fellow stepparents have suggested.
When she's here I usually take my son out to do things and on the weekends we go stay at my mom's house.
I literally cannot stand being around SD anymore. I just can't.
You should see how she talks.. it drives me crazy. She can't talk with a normal voice.. when she goes to talk to her dad she speaks in this annoying baby voice, and she's always pretending to cry.. You know what I'm talking about, right?
Everything is always a nightmare with her.. even watching tv can become a reason for the little demon to be the victim. Its so annoying that lately I have chosen to just not be around all this drama.
But I don't think this can be a healthy relationship..
Me and my son always having to ignore and disengage from SD?
And no matter what happens she's always the victim and we're the bad guys.
Its emotionally draining and very stressful.
I certainly don't wanna live like this for the rest of my life.
Moving out in the summer is quickly becoming the best way to go.
Thanks again for writing! Hope to hear from you soon!
My stepkids get away with so
My stepkids get away with so much shit when they come here. They argue and whine and bitch and he caters to them. I keep envisoining myself taking off to do something nice for myself when they come, but we have 5 kids in all and sometimes that is not possible.
I feel terrible for hating them. I have no idea why or when it started. I know it was not always there. I think it was when I saw them manipulating him and our own lack of cohesion where I started to get worried.
I also think the kids in this house are not treated fairly. He acts like a lazy ass when my kids are around and does not plan activities but all of the sudden starts conversations about what are we going to do when his kids come. It drives me nuts.
I do not get enough time with my own kids and they are here fulltime and I hear him bitch about not getting any time with his which come every second weekend. Welcome to my world, there is kids here that you could be puttinog some energy into. Whatever, they are mine, I guess. Although I am expected to participate when his little shits show up.
Pins and needles when I know it is the weekend they are coming, praying for the ropads to be bad so their mother cancels. I actually like when they don't come, one less thing to worry about.
Jellybean if it helps, the
Jellybean if it helps, the day I realised that my DH was the problem not his daughter was the best day of my life. See, it gives you some control over what is happening. You have no control over those kids. They have a mother and a father. They will take no notice of you while they have a father like this.
Your only problem is your DH and his behaviour. He has caused this ill feeling between you and his kids, by the way he treats them, by the way he treats yours and by the way he treats you.
Next time he blames you for anything to do with his kids, or accuses you of not being understanding, or welcoming or happy enough when they come over. Tell him why. He has taught you to hate them, and them to hate you. He is the reason your family is blending like oil and water. He is putting his kids above everyone else and that can never work. It is unfair to your kids and to you. It is also just plain not right. You cannot sort the skids or the situation out until you sort him out.