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Too beaten to even b!tch

onebright1's picture

I had started to write a post about how the SGirls had me fooled for the past two weeks and how gullible I am for falling for it. Then I lost it and ya know, I am just too resigned to even vent ,or b!tch (I mean lets be honest, its b!tching) about it for now. I am sure I will sometime again. But it does no good, so for now...... I surrender.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Sorry Smile If it helps, you're not alone. We've all been sucked in, we've all been gullible. We do it trying to make things better, trying to keep the peace, trying to make our DH's happy. We do it just trying to have a peaceful life.

It never works. Just treat them as they treat you, keep your distance if you have to and look after yourself, God knows those of us living this life, have a DH and SK's that are well and truly looking after themselves.

onebright1's picture

Thanks everyone. I just thought....yay....and then the let down is so WHAM in your face. But yeah, treat them like they treat me. Just sucks cuz they are so sneaky and manipulative. And SO knows it and dislikes it and tries to fix it and fix them and then he gets to where he detatches from his own kids and just leaves them at MILs and then Mil and FIL get ticked cuz they say he should spend time with his kids. But skids dont want to be with him and they make it known. Sucks for him, Sucks for me.