OT: Anyone here try weight watchers?
I figured I'd ask real people instead of relying on their "success" stories. I need to lose 30 lbs at least just to feel good again. Ive kinda let my health go since moving in here with SO a year and ahalf ago. Ive gained that 30 in the last year! I saw a commercial earlier and Im thinking of joining since its free to join right now.
So basically like any other
So basically like any other healthy eating and excercise plan you just have to stick with it forvever. Must just be some people need accountiblity.
I became a Lifetime Member
I became a Lifetime Member (reached goal weight and maintained for 6 weeks) back in 1990. In the last 23 years I've probably gained and lost a million pounds.
Weight Watchers works if you work it for a lifetime. Actually, most any (healthy) program will work if you work it for a lifetime.
The key is finding the program that works best for you and that you feel you can maintain for a lifetime. I say give it a shot. It may or may not be for you, but you won't know unless you try.
I tried it but it doesn't
I tried it but it doesn't work for people with thyroid or adrenal issues, as there are things I have to eat that are not recommended on most diets (like full fat, organic dairy for one and I have to limit my fruits and soy intake for another). But they have a lot of good ideas and core principals. You have to stick with it.
I found that SparkPeople.com is very supportive as well and it's free.
I am looking into Paul Chek right now, because I need a lifestyle change rather than a diet. He wrote How To Eat, Move and Be Healthy. He also has a website www.chekconnect.com. I read the book first. I saw it in my chiropractors office and when I flipped it open, it opened to the section on digestion. After doing some research, I found a lot of my health issues are directly linked to digestive problems. I'm seeing a doctor about this so I can find healthy way to correct the problems.
There is also the Zone Diet that is supposed to be good for people with endocrine issues.
I also have adrenal issues
I also have adrenal issues and consume more raw, whole fat dairy than most people can fathom. I also have digestive issues, which I figured out got almost 100% better when I completely cut out grains. I also lost 10 lbs after cutting out grains...but didn't go hungry at all...just changed the foods I was eating. I'm a normal weight and have always been underweight. But I gain weight around my waist so a 5 lb gain is VERY noticeable. I am doing some independent psychotherapy and found that the more aware you are of your Self, the less crap you wanna eat
I have Grave's Disease, had
I have Grave's Disease, had RAI and am now hypothyroidic. I gained a lot of weight after the RAI and it is now very difficult for me to lose and keep a steady weight. I started WW last year at this time and have lost approx. 50 pounds. But I've hit a plateau and haven't been able to lose the last 25 pounds I want to lose, so am frustrated. An hour of really vigorous exercise everyday really helps (with stress too). The WW plan isn't too hard, the cookbooks all have tasty recipes and it is safe and sane but it is expensive and now I've hit this pesky plateau. Sigh.
I don't know what the answer is. I will never be thin again I guess, but I can be healthy and in shape. That is what I strive for.
The plans I can tell you to avoid is Nutri-System because the food is so awful you won't be able to stay on it long and any liquid diets because they do work but you will gain it all back when you start eating real food again. The Adkins/Caveman diet is good if you don't have cholestral/bloodpressure issues.
Anyone who approaches it as a
Anyone who approaches it as a "diet" to go on for a short while is pretty much doomed to gain it all back when the dieting stops.
I've lost a ton of weight and kept it off for over a decade. But I totally changed my eating habits. Nothing is offlimits to me. I just don't eat unless I am really hungry.
I think it's supposed to be a very good program - expensive though.
The original weight watchers was hideous. Carrots were pretty much off limits. Liver was required once a week. It was so horrid.
ok, Thanks everyone I
ok, Thanks everyone
I actually used to use Sparkpeople and loved it.
I dunno why I didnt think of that. Duh!
As for liver,,,,,,, eeeewwwww
There is a steptalk
There is a steptalk SparkPeople page. Here's the info http://www.steptalk.org/node/83037.
oh coooool, thank you thank
oh coooool, thank you thank you
thanks, I will
thanks, I will
The old style WW did not work
The old style WW did not work for me at all. I felt so hungry all the time, I think due to the high carb content of the old diet. Sugar and carbs are evil, they make my blood sugar/energy levels spike and fall, so I don't feel good. The more carbs/sugar I eat, the more I crave. I personally have to stay away from that junk. I feel my best on high protein, low carb/sugar. Lots of fruits and veggies. And don't forget to drink your water. And I have to exercise, hard every day.