This disengaging things is hard...
I like to know everything that's going on in my house and I am a big planner and organiser. Turning a blind eye to a pile of plates and glasses in SS15's room, him sitting in his room hour after hour, his total laziness, his lack of motivation, his lack of ability to do the simplest things...... it's very tiring!!
At least this experience is teaching me how I will do things differently with my own children ... if they decide to come along.
I do a partial disengagement
I do a partial disengagement for this reason--I will not disengage to the point where my home is disrespected. I have always required that my home is respected so if necessary, I will enforce that the skid cleans up after himself. Either way it's going to be done by the kid or DH. I'll not have my home smelling like old food, breeding temptations for roaches, rats and other infestations. If after he removes and cleans his dishes he wants to turn into putty in his room, so be it. But a kids room is part of my home and it will be maintained.
Talk to DH. Let him know that either he cleans up after SS15 or that he enforces that SS15 clean up after himself. That'd be where I'd leave it. Then I'd watch for change. If none came, I'd get a trash bag and go into the room and rake EVERYTHING on the desk into the trash bag and toss it. If that meant he loses phones, books, consoles, etc--all of it'd go. They'd learn to clean up or face my way of doing it...
I'm not making a rule about
I'm not making a rule about no food in bedrooms because I love to snuggle up in bed with a cup of tea and toast on my day off..... and DH would say it was unfair of me to have one rule for SS and another for me....
Apparently it is already unfair of me not to do SS's (15) washing. When DH explained to him that they have to do their washing seperate from mine (because he refused just to get SS to do his own becuase that would make him feel unloved) SS asked if there was a line in the house that he wasn't allowed to cross. Apaprently my refusal to do his stinkin washing has made him feel like a lepper......
He's only going to be living with us for another 2 months. I am just trying to ignore everything.
DH say I have not been tollerant....... to me being tollerant is ignoring the shit he does. Unfortunately it just seems to build and build in me and one day I will pop...
This whole situation has got me down and really unmotivated to do anything. I don't want to be here..... 2 more months... 2 more months.....
My goodness OP - are you
My goodness OP - are you me??!!! We have the same issue with SS15, not so much that he leaves plates etc in his room as he doesn't eat in there, but he either won't eat school food and leaves it in his bag to rot, or he hoards food in there and leaves food reside smeared packets, wrappers etc around, and I means 100's of them, and stashes them behind the bookcase, anywhere he thinks we won't find them - he is pretty dumb.
Since its two months I'd just
Since its two months I'd just go with the current situation. But if he'll return in 6 months or whatever the arrangement is you might as well get started on anything new you want to enforce when he returns.
There is no reason adults can't have one set of rules which don't apply to children or the other way around. A 15yo doesn't drive a car does he? Because he's immature. He can't have food in his room for the same reason. He won't clean it up - then roaches and rats appear. This is not a democracy and life has never been fair. I don't care if mommy made sure your scoop of ice cream was the same size as your brothers. Those days are gone. When you pay your way you make your rules.
Disengaging does not mean you have to put up with something but your husband does have to enforce the rule. This may effectively negate the rule if he choses to not enforce it or the punishment is a joke. (5 minutes detention in your room you bad boy). Anyway you and your husband have to agree on the rules - or you have to be willing to cram it down husband throat.
talia11 I know what you mean
talia11 I know what you mean about the wrappers. In this case it's just lollie wrappers so they dont attract pests but he puts them in random places.
When he moved out 7 months ago I cleaned out the room and found wrappers everywhere. The room was spotless and now he's been back 4 weeks and its a tip again. He hasn't changed his sheets or towel in 3 weeks. I think I'll just burn them when he moves out.
Here I am trying not to be involved and get into fights with SS but my husband still thinks I am being terrible and not making an effort. I tried to make an effort to parent him for 3 1/2 years.. that didn't work..... I'm now trying not to parent..... and I'm "not putting in enough effort"....
This jobs sux because whatever we do we will never ever win.
Maybe I will go and live with my Gran for the next 2 months.
I told DH that I was thinking
I told DH that I was thinking about going to stay with my gran. He didn't even say a word or bat an eyelid..... I take it that means he thinks that is a good idea.
After ignoring me all day SS
After ignoring me all day SS came and said goodnight and tried to give me a hug. I said that after not even coming to say hi to me when he got home its a bit contradictory wanting to give me a hug.
DH said "was that necessary"... I told him I thought it was.
I am not going to let myself be treated like shit and then him be all kiss arsey when he chooses.
Your SS15 sounds like every
Your SS15 sounds like every other teenage boy, they would live in a pig sty if you let them. Its your home and your right to have a clean, pest free home. If he doesnt clean it up, then go in and take everything out. I did that with my own son, I didnt throw out his phone and other electronics (it was my hard earned money that bought them) but I did confiscate them for a month. In your case, you will need your DH to carry out that raid and confiscate the stuff. But if he doesnt do it, then do it yourself!! After that, my son learned to keep a clean room, with reminders from me of course but just the threat of losing his phone for a month worked like a charm.
Hmm. Bio father here. It
Hmm. Bio father here. It really bugs the f%ck out of me that any of you people think you are qualified to judge and make recommendations when you have absolutely no idea about what is really going on.
My son is living with us so I can ensure he goes to school and sits his exams. These exams are very important in our country and anyone who doesn't sit them will find early adulthood in the job market very difficult. This is life changing stuff. The reason he is living with us is because his bio mother couldn't make him go to school while he was living with her. I couldn't do much about it as they were living 600kms away. There is 7 weeks left in the school year, during which these exams take place, then he is going back to live with his mother. My job will be done, he will have at least SOME form of educational qualifications to go out and get a job. He is performing very well at school down here and all of his teachers have said that he is on track to pass his exams.
He is NOT lazy. He does the dishes after dinner every night. He feeds the cats every night. He helps me do the washing on the weekends. He mows the lawns. He is generally polite, he does what he is asked when I ask him and he is trustworthy. In saying that, he is a teenager and can be thoughtless at times. What teenager isn't?
A couple of days ago we came home after being away for two days at SM's relatives' funeral. My son had vacuumed, tidied up the lounge, (including arranging the cushions on the couches...!), cleaned the kitchen and stove and had cleaned out the fridge. Not meaning eaten all of the food but emptied out old stuff and cleaned it. He had emptied the dishwasher. I would estimate he had spent a good couple of hours doing all of this WITHOUT being asked, or even having it mentioned to him.
We just walked into a clean and tidy warm house. It was warm because he had made sure the gas heater was going when we got home. For his efforts he got a icy "Thanks for tidying up" from SM as he said goodnight. I don't think she even looked at him when he said it. I thought he deserved a little more appreciation than that.
Whatever housework isn't done by my son is done by me. I do the majority of cooking and cleaning in our household. SM's only real job used to be the washing, and now she refuses to do my son's washing. I said "Fine, I'll do mine and his, you sort out your own." Problem solved.
SM verbally attacked my son the other night for not saying hello to her when he got home from school. She was downstairs in the spare room doing some renovation work. I was at work. I took her side on this and told him that he needed to say hello when he gets home. He tried to defend himself when she carried on at him and I was the bad guy for not stepping in. I thought it was good for him to defend himself against an angry verbal attack for such a minor thing.
I tried to fix things then by getting SM to set some ground rules for my son. I told her to tell him what she expected of him, because if he doesn't know then he can't make sure he abides. She she doesn't know what she expects of him. How is he meant to win there?
SM threw a tantrum last night as I was headed out to spend an evening with a friend. SM was meant to be going to work anyway. This evening had been organised weeks ago. I got angry (she was already angry before the conversation even started, I just got dragged into it) and told her that she is poisonous towards my son and that when he goes back to live with his mother 600kms away I will probably hardly ever see him again because he won't want to come and stay. She informed me that he wouldn't be welcome in our home and that I would have to go see him somewhere else if I wanted to see him anyway.
That isn't acceptable in my book. I should be able to invited my son to stay with me in my own home. That's like being asked to choose between him and her. I can't replace my son. Say no more.
I have said that I will go to marriage counselling with her when he has gone. What is the point in going to counselling regarding my son when he'll be gone for good in 7 weeks anyway? At least that way when we go to counselling it will be focussed on our marriage and not on my son who doesn't live with us any more.
Apparently that's not acceptable to her.
As for my love of alcohol, not that it concerns anybody here, but I like to have a few drinks before I go to bed. It helps me sleep at night. I don't drink during the day, I don't go on day long or multi day benders, I don't become abusive either verbally or physically to anyone. It does not change who I am and it bears no relevance to the relationship between SM and my son.
Most of the time I feel like the UN peace keeping force between SM and my son. Sometimes I think SM is right, sometimes I don't. I do what I can to try to make home life for everyone concerned as smooth as I can.
It is emotionally draining at times, depending on how foul SM's mood is at that point in time.
At the end of the day, when you're forced to choose between your child or your wife, what do you do? I'm very f*cking angry that I'm being put in this position as it is. Any bio parent out there knows the correct answer to that question.
I'm tired of fighting the battle I can never win and perhaps it IS time to call it a day. It's up to her. I have to do what I have to do for my boy, with or without her support over the next 7 weeks. Then he'll be gone for good.
And I'm the bad guy.
Dude, I feel for you. I try
Dude, I feel for you. I try to see things from the other parent's point of view, because we so often get wrapped up in what "we" are feeling that we completely neglect to see past our own noses.
Personally, anyone, my spouse included, who thought they could tell me my children weren't "allowed" in MY home would find themselves packing. They are MY children and they will always be a part of my life. Like it or get out.
Women aren't good at sharing. Plain and simple. They don't like "intruders" in their lives, and stepkids are often qualified as such. It's sad.
Teenagers are and can be a handful. I know. I've now had six of them. Crazy. Clearly your son has had some behavioral/disciplinary issues if he refused to attend school while living with his mother. Accept that and own that, and don't make excuses for him. Any kid of mine who tried that shit would get his ass handed to him.
Well, that's the reason he's
Well, that's the reason he's living with us. Because he won't get away with that shit and he knows it. He knows he would have his ass handed to him if he tried to get out of school and he has attended every day so far, bar one when he was ill. I'm not trying to make excuses for him, but I have little control over how his mother disciplines him - but he doesn't get away with much with me. I believe in being firm but fair and he responds well to it most of the time.
In saying that, thank you for your support. Much appreciated.
Continue being a good dad. In
Continue being a good dad.
In my mind, you only get one chance with your kid. There are no "do-overs" in parenting.
However, a spouse... well, let's face it, they come and go. I love my DH with all of my heart and cannot imagine our life together ending. However, let's be honest, here. He's DH #2. Chances are you're on Wife #2 as well. Clearly, there is a "do over" in marriage. If your kid is a minor, THAT is your primary responsibility.
Good for you for making sure his ass is in school and one day, he'll be thankful for it. One day...provided you let him live long enough.
Your wife needs to grow up, imho.