I think I just threw up in my mouth a little...
Nutburger just texted SO with a bunch of forwards from SKicky13 . You gotta remember he NEVER replies to ANY text. So she knew she would get no reply.
They were whole conversations between herself and SKicky13 where she(kid) is whining about how *no body likes her and she is fat and ugly and they are picking on her and "whyyy did you make meeeeee?"
I so should have known what was coming next but if I had then I would be just as crazy as her, but her forwarding the text was just her way of saying (in your best valley girl voice ladies) * hey baby remember that one time we f@cked* cuz her reply to her daugter was " Me and your father made you out of the deep pure love we had for one another" :sick:
Now every time I look at the evil nasty skid I am gonna think of that :sick: :sick: :sick:
Sky, I would feel sorry for
Sky, I would feel sorry for her too if I didnt know her. Trust me , no one likes her cuz she is a mean mean evil person. She talks so hateful to everyone. All the time. Never one nice sweet thing comes out of her mouth. I told SO a long time ago to talk to her and let her know if you want to be liked, try being likeable. He didnt of course.
NW, That is hilarious, "proof they couldnt keep their hands off each other" hahaha, According to my SO and BM has on facebook reiterated that they only had sex like once a year unless she was pg :sick: So she most likely does "remember that one time" but still :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
You should text
You should text back....
That's one load she should have swallowed. }:)
LMAO I just choked on my diet
LMAO I just choked on my diet pepsi hahaha
LMFAO! Love it! If BM would
LMFAO! Love it!
If BM would of just swallowed the first, the other two wouldn't of existed.
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^