going. to. scream.
I know this is a popular vent, but OMG.
I am so sick of the way everyone pussyfoots around BM. Like she does no FREAKIN' wrong and all of her suggestions are golden.
You know how in school all children are coddled and no one is given failing grades, and they have stopped using red pen etc..God forbid you make the child feel as if they haven't succeeded...
They are all so scared of what her reactions could be if she was defied AT ALL. DH says it is just easier that way... she is easier managed when not confronted... FML.
I'm just so tired of it... That's all... thank you for listening...
Yeah, had a similar situation
Yeah, had a similar situation too. Finally DH grew a pair and starting confronting her. She tried and tried to bully him as she'd done throughout their entire marriage but he stood his ground. She backed down slightly and doesn't seem to be all up in our business like she used to be, but still, she thinks her sh*t doesn't stink!
That's why SD(then only 13!!) has already had sex in BM's HOME using condoms she found in BM's ROOM! Sure, parent of the year there!
It's a crock of shit.
It's a crock of shit. Really. DH used to say the same BS about BM, his pathetic sister and his mother...after more than 10 years he finally SAW that if you do that with people, they just keep harassing you...You have to stand up and tell them to f#%ck off and THEN and ONLY then, do they start to respect you and leave you alone.
It is people with no boundaries that do such things. I can assure you that if they don't step up and put her in her place, she will continue.
There are two things going
There are two things going on. First the BF stands to lose contact with his kids. Literally not see them. His only resort is to go to court and go through the lengthy process of finding the BM in criminal or civil violation of ordered visitation. It can be done and I've done it myself but most people will need to hire a lawyer. Got the money to lend? I thought not.
Second regardless of the outcome she will alienate the kids during the fight telling them every horrible thing the BF is doing to make her life miserable.
Try picking up a feral kitten from the nest of its feral mother. This will give you some idea of what these women can do when they feel they have been wronged. Ten grand to hire the lawyer - petty change if it'll cause the ex-husband pain. The hate is without end and without logic. Pure unharnessed emotion. I literally mean it when I say its a good thing murder is illegal or there would be a lot less exes around.
I fought my ex down to where she faced jail for failure to release the kids on visitation. That's what it took to back her off. Then I didn't see one boy from age 14 to about age 30 which included his wife and two children. He finally figured out who was really to blame and one day sent a message.
How my ex-wife failed to turn the youngest boy was beyond me until I asked him. The boy, now an adult, said he thought his brother was crazy because we were always doing stuff that was fun. Not Disneyland but trips to Nevada to find ghost towns. Weekend camping at the Pacific Ocean beach - we can camp year round in Southern California. Frankly I think I had more fun than he did.
Listen fathers live in dire fear that they will hear these words: "I don't want to visit you anymore". Reverse the rolls ladies. What will you feel if your kid at about age 9 says he doesn't want to see you again? That's what they fear.
"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned / Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.". (1697) by William Congreve (1670-1729) Note he was 27 years of age when he wrote that.
Excellent points!
Excellent points!
Let me gaze in to my crystal
Let me gaze in to my crystal ball and tell you what the future holds for you.
(I don't really have a crystal ball, I am speaking only from my own experience in this exact situation.)
It is ridiculous, the amount of power the BM wields, after the fact. Somehow, they believe that because they bred and produced offspring, THEY will always be in control. (I'd venture to guess that THEY were in total control during the marriage/relationship as well.)
As OCC points out, many of these men (and women) live in fear of ________ (fill in the blank.) One can not and should not be ruled in fear. I don't care what the cost may be. And yes, there will be a price to pay.... no matter how you deal with the situation. Double edged sword:
1) Put up a fight or stand up for yourself and risk losing your children. Yes, she will do everything in her power to PAS them and most of the time she will be successful. The children will see their father as the bully and the BM as the victim. And, as OCC also pointed out, you will probably pay a kings ransom via the constant court battles.
2) Go along to get along, kiss the BM's a$$, etc. That does work nicely... for a little while. Before long, the BM is making more and more demands, taking more and more control of YOUR household. Your resentment builds and your respect for your hubby fades. The kids grow up watching BM manipulate, bully, and guilt her way in to getting ANYTHING she wants. They in turn, learn exactly how to extract whatever THEY want from good old dad, using HER methods. Eventually, instead of just watching hubby kiss BM's a$$, you also have a ringside seat to watching him kiss theirs. Trust me, it will even continue in to the kids adulthood.
So, pick your poison. Having lived this kind of life for the past 9 yrs I can tell you this, you will wish with all your heart that you could plunge that sword in to every last one of them. Not an emotionally healthy place to be.
Personally, I would stand up for myself and cut that bit@h off at the kness and I would keep cutting until I couldn't cut anymore. If my 9 yr old child (I don't have kids) were to tell me that they no longer wanted to see me, I would tell them, tough $hit! You don't get to make that decision as a child. How these children even get the idea that THEY run the show is beyond me.
It all comes down to what life lessons NEED to be taught. Pick your battles, yes. Continually give in b/c it's easier, NO.... never.
Of course this is only my opinion and I am AlreadyGone.
ugghh, If he feels she's so
ugghh, If he feels she's so wonderful, and should not be defied, why didn't he just stay with her since she so great? Sorry u are dealing with that!
Thank you for the insight. I
Thank you for the insight.
I totally get OCC's point of view and also Already gone... The problem is BM uses very subtle PAS, then when SD decides she doesn't want to see Dadddddyyyyyy, BM supports that decision. Then she tells SD that Daaaaddddyyyyy is forcing her to visit. NOT a good situation for any of us. SD has learned exactly how to manipulate her father to get what she wants. It is sad to watch. I've seen him resort to bribery to get her here...
DH is under no illusions about BM- he thinks she's batsh!t. He doesn't think she is great or wonderful- he pretends to her. He goes along with most of what she wants or says to keep the peace, but much of the time, we do what we want anyway. Then SD tells her mom and DH gets yelled at.
We play the fence, because as OCC says- BM is all about unharnessed hate and there is NO logic. I guess its the principal of it. BM and I don't even speak, I don't trust myself with her.
"The problem is BM uses very
"The problem is BM uses very subtle PAS, then when SD decides she doesn't want to see Dadddddyyyyyy, BM supports that decision. Then she tells SD that Daaaaddddyyyyy is forcing her to visit. NOT a good situation for any of us. SD has learned exactly how to manipulate her father to get what she wants. It is sad to watch. I've seen him resort to bribery to get her here..."
BM in my situation did this too. STBXH didn't know what to do. I still don't understand how the kid gets to make the decision, lol. (Guess I'll never understand this new breed of *cough* child or parent.) We tried several things and this is what worked... the kids didn't want to come over? Fine, We went out and did all kinds of fun stuff and then posted pictures on FB for all to see. The kids got upset about missing all the fun and the BM-whore never had time to track new prey. Before too long, she readily pushed those spoiled snots in to coming and they were happy to. I still think it was a ridiculous way to go about it but, it worked.
Best of luck to you.