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think DH may be planning to let OSD stay here whilst I am away... advice?

Poodle's picture

My disengagement method has one downside which is that I don't know what events/plans are being hatched that may or may not affect me. I have picked up snippets by accidentally overhearing phone calls, to this effect. SS is asking for unpaid rental money at his student residence. That would appear to be being paid for him by FIL, brokered by DH. Not my affair. OSD24 appears to have got some sort of job out of the country for a period of months. Again, not my affair, but great news. OSD24 (whom I do not want to allow into our home unless and until DH gets us counseling first and then we discuss the issues) recently telephoned DH whilst he was driving and appeared to be reporting some sort of crime committed by her BF, seeking guidance, sounded like a motoring offense. I asked DH to park, get out of car, and deal with it. This he did at length but I don't know what it was all about or what the outcome was. Haven't wanted to know. Latest is, I found a text on DH cell with OSD saying to him that she didn't want to harass him but would he please let her know about times, as her landlord, her employer and her local government authority wanted action. I just can't second guess what this is about but I have a sickening feeling that the reference to times is referring to a 3-week period when we are away from home, vacationing as a family, this month. During this period DH will be popping back home to do some particular bits of admin, but the rest of us will be away. I have a sick feeling that DH has allowed her to stay here temporarily maybe just before moving out of the country temporarily, perhaps when her rental comes to an end. This would worry me because she does not take care of properties where she stays and some of them have repeatedly been burgled. However I really don't want to discuss this with DH because of the disengagement policy whereby I never allow their names to pass my lips, which he is happy with because he has in fact always wanted to act unilaterally in respect of the skids in any event.
Any ideas on how to find out more without engaging, or is this a situation where you would advocate engaging just for the purpose of reassuring myself that she is not coming here? It's such a shame to mention her name as I can't do it without a look coming into his eyes defensive of her which is really repulsive.

LRP75's picture

^ THIS all the way around ^

If you can afford it, rent a small storage unit for the time that you are away and put all of your valuables, etc. in it?

smdh's picture

Call your local police. Tell them you will be out of the house for a period of time and ask them to do home checks. Let them know that noone is supposed to be in the home.

So glad I have a security system. If I am ever in this position, I'll change the code before leaving and poor, poor sd would be arrested for b&e.

Poodle's picture

Thanks for all the advice. This is so much more practical than the ideas I had had about discussing stuff with someone who cannot talk on the level anyway. I particularly liked the idea of photography. Also some of our rooms lock still (is a property that let out to a lot of bedsitters before) so I can put personal items that have no money value in storage here. Think too that I will change the computer passwords known to the both of us on the day we depart, DH can just think it's a malfunction when he gets here for his mid-vacation visit.
Think too I'll mention to DH that we should have a friend sit the house/check the property whilst we are away, see how he reacts to that. I do bear in mind that I may be wrong in my hunch and that she just wants timescales because she wants her goods moved around by DH driving her to airport etc.
Keep the ideas flowing though -- very helpful!

BuffaloGal's picture

I would not be able to go on vacation with the remotest possibility that someone would be in my home without my ok. I just couldn't do it. My home is my sanctuary, and if my husband snuck someone into it KNOWING I would not be ok with it, I don't think I could forgive that. Maybe it's just me, but the day I move my things out of MY HOME to keep them safe from someone else is the day I fill out a permanent change of address form at the Post Office.

emotionaly beat up's picture

I'm with Buffalogal on this one. No way would I go away worrying if someone was in my home without my permission ESPECIALLY a SD who didn't think the world of you. Enlist the help of a friend, give them a key, get them to check at odd times everyday even after dark and tell the local police the house is empty. Tell your husband all of this has been done when you are about 5 or 10 minutes from your destination. If he scrambles for his phone as soon as you are out of site then you'll have your answer.

If you could have a home alarm installed do so, and then change the code as you are leaving without telling DH when he leaves to go home for his admin purposes, which by the way, does he have to do, or is he making excuses to check on SD while she is in YOUR house, anyway off track there, when he leaves to go home tell him, oh by the way I forgot to tell you I changed the alarm code so the installer wouldn't know it. Still maybe she won't be there on day one, she may be coming a week or so later when he goes home.

I would hate to be in your position and I am feeling umcomfortable for you. But honestly you do not know the minute or the hour that she may move in do you, so that make it very hard. I'd go with the neigbour or the friend having keys and checking out the house. I hope your husband is not planning this and if he does, well you and he need to have a serious talk. He would hit the roof if you did it.

Namehere's picture

1. change your travel plans and don't tell dh.

2. buy one of those hidden camera so you can monitor
the property.

3. invite a "cleaning service" in (maybe a bff) to monitor the situation.

4. Don't go anywhere. Get a stomach ache and stay home.
(I know that sucks, but f it, your home. Your castle.

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

While it may be tempting to try to find a way to 'catch' your DH in the act of letting the SD stay in your home while you are away I agreed with those who posted that you need to tell him beforehand that it is not acceptable. Then be prepared to back up your words with actions when or if he goes behind your back. Would it be acceptable for him to lie to you and bring another woman into your home while you are away? No. Should you have to pack your things and hide your valuables and documents before you go away? No.
I had to do just that when my DH allowed his MD to move in on us for five weeks after he bailed her out of jail on identity theft charges against her BM. It is not a fun time. So if you cannot trust your DH to safeguard your sanctuary while you are not there, can you trust him at all? It will do irreparable harm to your trust in him if he does goe behind your back. Make sure he knows exactly where you stand in a firm and clear way.
If you can do so safely then make your stand. Draw the line in the sand and hold it. Some of the other suggestions are always good to do anyway, backup your computer, lock up your valuables, have the neighbor come around to check.
How will you enjoy your time away if you are worried she will be there? Can you postpone your trip till she is gone? Disengaging does not mean not knowing things that affect your life, home or marriage. It is your home too. If he gets a repulsive look in his eye when you ask him directly about this then ignore it. Whose disengagement policy is it anyway? Yours ...right? Own it and adjust it as needed. In as few words as possible in a calm, mature tone of voice simply state that no one is to be in your home without your consent when you are there or not. if he starts a defense of her and a sob story then state your consequences if he goes against your wishes. Period. End of discussion until you see that counselor.
Good luck with it all .
Personally I cannot discuss the skids with DH without an argument because of his defensiveness. But I find that the more time passes the less I care and it seems like I am talking about a soap opera or the weather. And I know that they caused this rift and I will not be made to feel one second of guilt or pity about it.
And if he ever brings one of them here when I am here or not here without my consent I will be packing the uhaul the next second and he can deal with that. As it is I am taking inventory of my possessions and planning to adopt a minimalist attitude. I would prefer to travel a lot lighter should that day ever come. Because you see the absoulute faith and trust I had in my DH was destroyed by the way he handled the disrespect and hatred his D's showed towards me when I did nothing but stand up for us. And so prior to the moving truck getting here And getting my things out, I will be tossing that SD's possessions out of the house or calling the police to say they are trespassing even if he is standing right there. Because darn it this is my home too and I won' t sit there like a deer in the headlights a second time while it is being invaded by the b@&$!s even for a minute.

sandye21's picture

Lostinspace, I agree totally with you. DH should know ahead of time that the house is going to be secured, and if he is thinking of having SD over while you are absent there will be consequences. What kind of a vacation would it a person have if they are always wondering if SD is in their home. I would never leave my home to accommodate SD, and I DEFINITELY would not allow her in my home without my consent. She does not have a criminal record but I do not trust her to stay away from my private documents, etc. We all think of home as a safe place - at least it should be. I would have a neighbor watching to see if SD appears when DH goes home.

LizzieA's picture

I have to agree, there is a line and they may be crossing it. You don't have to be part of the drama but there is no way you should be ignorant of plans to have someone stay in your home. You should be asked about it. I'd ask him what is going on.

emotionaly beat up's picture

If DH is capable of sneaking SD into the home behind her back and clearly she thinks he is then talking to him and asking him about it is not going to be helpful because he will just lie.

Poodle's picture

This has all been so helpful, thanks again STers. I always gain so much emotionally when I seek advice here. I've decided there are several levels of concern. The first is not even a step issue which is the security in our home, gonna set that up separately. It would deter/detect OSD just as it would any burglar. The second is the preempting of OSD coming which was achieved by inviting the friend. The third was the trust issue with DH. I think now I have to get this one sorted out, since it has unsettled me this much. Either I continue with low level spying or I confront the issues. So, I'm going to insist on the counseling option which has so gone underground with me and him. Interestingly, he did not turn a hair when I told him about the friend so I would suspect that actually OSD had not been invited here, or, she was trying to get him to do so and he was operating his usual fob-off technique which he uses on everyone. To be fair I did hear him doing this about a month ago when he gently refused over the phone to allow her to store stuff here.
Thing is, the dishonesty some of the spouses on this site indulge in is so pernicious. Even when they are not dealing with skid issues, once they have lied to us this much, we don't have much trust left anywhere. I hate that so much. My DH is a pretty good guy, certainly very honest at work and in life in general, would not hurt a fly, public-spirited, decent, etc etc. But once he has lied this badly... it's very hard to get trust back. I see problems where there might not be. Part of recovering the sense in one's marriage is to build the lost trust back up. A work of years I am afraid.
I keep discovering from this site what a wimp I am and how avoidant. Guess it's like posters who realise they have been codependent. It's all very enlightening. I guess EBU is right and we really ought to be grateful for all the news about our weaker sides!!!

emotionaly beat up's picture

Poodle I agree the trust thing will take years. It will take me years also. I know sitting back and expecting DH to do all the work while I watch his every move is not going to be the answer. So when I find my suspicious mind in overdrive I make every effort to remind myself that I am creating a scenario in my mind that is driving me nuts and creating a lot of anxiety for me and it may all be for nothing. It takes time but the more I practice it the better I am getting. But it takes time.

Just the other day I rang him at work, it was quite early and his phone was engaged. My first thought 'whose he talking to' now we all know who my first thought was. So I took a deep breath settled myself down and reminded myself not to stress about this unless it impacted in me. Just then my phone rang, it was DH and he says where are you this early. I tried to call home and you're not there. So you see his phone was engaged because he was calling ME.

Once trust has been not only broken but for so many of us brutally broken it is very hard to regain it. However if both parties don't make some effort it will never return. I think our part in it is to try to learn to calm our minds and only react when it directly impacts on us. I don't mean stick our heads in the sand or ignore things that we should deal with I just mean watch ourselves and recognize when our minds are running flat out creating angst in our hearts. Our thoughts after all become our feelings so if we are thinking horrible hurtful thoughts we feel down and depressed. God knows we have enough real issues to depress us, no need to invent some more in our heads:)

sandye21's picture

It has been hard for me to regain (or establish) trust for DH, but I think disengaging has really helped with this. I no longer care what he says to SD or what she says to him unless it effects me directly, and she is not entering our home. She has not contacted him in over a year and 1/2 but there is always the dread of the 'reconnect'. I can understand how poodle would have expected the worst. By her DH's past actions the dialog she overheard during his phone conversation with SD would make anyone suspicious. I'm fortunate that now my DH understands I do not want to listen to him talk to SD. I guess it's about picking your battles.

emotionaly beat up's picture

I agree Sandye disengaging absolutely helps. Whimsey referred to a blog above written by SA on hypersensitivity. Now that hit home when I read that word. Just over 15 years ago I suffered badly with post traumatic stress. To this day there are triggers that bring back memories of the incident that caused the post traumatic stress. It resulted from a one off incident and took about 3 years to find a way to live with it. I guess we suffer so many emotional traumas due to the actions of SDs and the inactions of our DHs that suffering from hypersensivity and struggling with trust issues in regards to them would be a perfectly normal reaction.

However for our own health and sanity we must either remove ourselves from the situation or find a way to live with it. I always find the saying 'forgive and forget' odd. You cannot forget traumatic incidents in your life and can you really forgive people who would be happy to see you dead. I know that SD will never be in my life ever again. I know that after 8 years of her doing her utmost to put myself and her father into an early grave I want nothing to do with her. So doesn't sound like I've forgiven her, yet I feel nothing towards her now thoughts of her rarely enter my mind and if they do they don't stay long and I don't stress over them. Kinda just think bitch and. I move them on. I will however never forget what she put me through and I would be stupid to. Rembering things that hurt you is part of what keeps you safe. If you burn yourself on the fire you don't forget and you never get that close to the fire again. Perfectly healthy thing to do.
Still removing SD from my mind and heart is one thing I was never IN love with SD. Moving forward with DH learning to live with his betrayal learning to trust again is hard work because I was very deeply in love with him i still have feelings for him now, but nothing like the way they were before, and those feelings are what make it hard I cannot just say dont like him much and move on the way I did with SD After all that he did and the way he showed me he was a sneak and a liar and capable of doing anything at all to anyone to get his own way and he was the one who betrayed me not his daughter I think being suspicious would also be a perfectly normal reaction for me. But the one major difference in moving on with DH and giving this marriage another chance is not so much the absence of SD in it but the fact I now bring self respect and self esteem to it. I am different. I know that I deserve better than I had and DH knows I know it to.

Poodle's picture

Aha, I've got to the bottom of the mystery (I think). Saw in DH's appointment diary a period of a week blocked off in Sept with a note in the form of OSD's name. Reckon her rental in the city where she currently lives & works will end then and, before she goes abroad for work purposes, she has a week where she will be homeless. Hence the mention of job, city council & landlord. Given how much I have heard DH fobbing her off lately, I am going to simply assume that DH only has that item in his diary because he has offered for his parents to sort her housing out. Can't believe he is intending to spring her on me at the last minute like in April. If he does not, that will mark a sea change in the relationship between him, his SKs and me.
I know I should not gloat but it's kinda pleasant seeing other people roasted on the spit of DH's manipulative brinkmanship and inability to confront emotional realities promptly, so as best to solve problems. Instead of it happening to me. Wish I had always known it was this easy }:)

emotionaly beat up's picture

See there we go, we all do it, we hear something, think something and then our minds run riot creating all sorts of scenarios that rip us apart inside and cause us stress and anxiety. We really do have to watch our hyper sensitive minds on this. However while this is not our fault, it is our problem to fix of course, because it is our mind, but we are not responsible for the damage caused to it in the first place, except of course for perhaps hanging in their a little, well maybe a lot, longer than we should have before we spoke up.

It just goes to show how much our DH's have destroyed our trust in them. It just goes to show how much their lying, sneaking behind our backs, and putting not only their daughters' needs, but wants as well ahead of ours. By constantly writing us in pencil on the bottom of their priority list so they can rub us out and put someone else in on top of us, they have caused us a lot of emotional damage, and destroyed our self esteem and confidence.

You said "I know I should not gloat but it's kinda pleasant seeing other people roasted on the spit of DH's manipulative brinkmanship and inability to confront emotional realities promptly, so as best to solve problems. Instead of it happening to me. Wish I had always known it was this easy"

You'd have to be a robot not to take some satisfaction from it, in the early stages at least. The first few times you see someone else get shafted instead of you, it is kinda satisfying. However in time, you really won't give a damn. You will be too focussed on making sure you are treated properly to be bothered about how he treats people who treat him badly anyway.

I am so glad you won't have to worry about her staying in your house anymore, now you can relax and enjoy your holiday as best you can.

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

EBU your dead on again. Our DH has destroyed our trust in them. I am happy for Poodle that the SD will not be staying in her house.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Me too, I would burn this house to the ground (with dh in it) if I though SD had been living in it without my knowledge. Having someone who despises you using your home with your knowledge would be intolerable, finding out she'd been there without my knowledge I cannot imagine the feeling of disgust it would cause within me.

emotionaly beat up's picture

How funny SA the words are standard practice for our dh's. Guess there is either a school or a book for them telling them how to guilt your second wife or how to shift blame from you and onto your wife. I hope he won't pull this on her. Fingers crossed but they are a selfish lot and will do anything to get their own way lie cheat beg borrow and steal.

emotionaly beat up's picture