Should a Dad feel guilty for going on vacation without his Bio kids?
After a year we finally went on a vacation this summer with all 6 of us. I was happy to have my two children from a previous marriage come with us. Prior to last weeks long trip I have been many places without my bio kids and I think they feel left out. I am very unhappy about that and feel the need to make it up to them. So to make things worse my wife asked me to trade weekends with my bio kids so I can take just her daughter and our baby son to the beach for the weekend without of course my other two kids. Since its her birthday I decided to compromise and do this but I am feeling guilty. I spoke to my bio kids and explained that sometimes I need to take some time off just with my wife and that in September I will take them and everyone who wants to go to see my mother who has a house on the beach in Florida. We have been on a few small trips this summer without my bio kids but in most of those cases they were either on vacation with their mother or their mothers parents. They are not deprived but still I don’t want them to feel that I am just casting them to the side for my new family.
My new wife likes to make plans that exclude them and frankly I am getting sick of that. I don’t mind taking her daughter and I feel she should not mind taking my bio kids on vacation. Has anyone dealt with a situation like this and would like to share please do... I feel guilty the more I think of it
I don't think you should feel
I don't think you should feel guilty but I believe that it is normal to feel some way about leaving them out. Maybe you all could come up with a plan for scheduled "all family" (bio kids included) time and then hash out when you will only spend time with your son and her daughter. Maybe let your wife know how you feel and offer some solutions to her.
last time I let my wife know
last time I let my wife know that I felt guilty she gets angry and jelouse of the love I have for my other kids and says stuff like you left that life or just go back to thier mother! My reply is always that I divorced my kids mother but i did not divorce my kids..All I want to do is have a good time and keep everyone happy but its a hard job...
thanks for the advice
See we can read this and
See we can read this and think "what a bitch" or we can look at it and wonder how much of your current life is dictated by your trying to keep everyone (including perhaps your ex-wife) happy. Many of us SMs did not start out as jealous angry shrews. We got there because even though our husbands are divorced, they didn't leave that behind. They expect to fit us into their old life. They don't care how their kids behave. They take financially from our homes to give to someone else. The shove us aside to cater to needy, clingy children. They give into their exes demands to keep the peace. So I'll direct you to my post below.
We need more details. What is the situation? Do you have a CO? Do you follow it? Do you pay more than your share of support? How do your children behave?
You too must have a chip on
You too must have a chip on your shoulder. Your reply is in no way constructive thanks but no thanks
I beg to differ. SOMETHING
I beg to differ. SOMETHING is going on. They gave you some things you seriously need to look at. If you don't see yourself in that description just ignore their Posts. But if you honestly look at yourself and see maybe you fit the description you may find a solution. If you dismiss their comments out of hand you may have kicked aside the problem AND the solution.
^^^agree^^^^ and the poster
and the poster said it all when he said that he felt bad and promised the kids a trip with them and whoever wants to go. Doesn't matter if it is just a trip to grandma's. The point is the promise, the making up, the "keeping everyone happy."
( divorced, they didn't leave
( divorced, they didn't leave that behind. They expect to fit us into their old life. They don't care how their kids behave. They take financially from our homes to give to someone else. The shove us aside to cater to needy, clingy children.) I am acused of many of these but some of it is unwarranted.. My kids are not in my home much and when they are they behave well. I do try to take a little extra time with them becouse its my only time with them what is a CO? I only pay what the divorce decree states
I was just asking. A co is a
I was just asking. A co is a court order for visitation. I am just explaining the thought process. No need to get defensive. I get it. You only see your kids a small part of the time, but your original posts says "My wife likes to plan things on weekends when I don't have my kids and I'm sick of it". And I am telling you from a SMs point of view, this is normal. OUR lives don't go on hold because your kids aren't here. We make plans. We expect to have fun. We expect our children's lives to go on. Your kids lives are going on. They're having fun.
I really get the impression that you feel guilty because you don't see your kids much and you want to "make it up to them" by showing them fun at every turn. You admit that they aren't deprived. You admit that they're usually doing something fun while you're doing things on your weekends without them. You don't have to put them first all the time to show them you aren't replacing them. When I read what you wrote, from a SM's perspective, I get the strong sense that you think the world should stop and wait for your kids because you miss them. Your wife's family definition isn't the same asyours. She has a right to want time for fun with HER family.
If you wrote "my wife refuses to do anything or go on vacation with my kids", I'd support you, but you openly admit you just got back from vacation and that you're planning another in September. You openly admit your kids get trips and outings with their mother and grandparents. All your wife is asking is that her children get some of the benefit, as well. It is really hard as a SM to watch our dh's kids get all the benefits and rewards of OUR family when they aren't putting in any of the work for OUR family.
I'm just giving your perspective. If you came here to have every single person validate you, good luck. Some people who think that women who don't work (I do by the way) shouldn't have an opinion in their own homes, will support you, but if you want things with your wife to work, you might want to start trying to understand her perspective.
And whether my assumptions are warranted or not, giving a 10 year old the CHOICE for visitation is part of the problem here. That is an adult decision, not a child decision. If she is showing your wife she only wants to visit when you're doing something fun, I don't blame your wife for wanting to exclude her. It wreaks of entitlement.
I beg to differ... planning
I beg to differ... planning things when skids are not around is not "normal." It may be normal for this site, or for stepparents who wished their skids didn't exist. It was not "normal" in my life, though. I always did everything I could to include my skids and NEVER planned things when they weren't around... even birthday parties for my own bios.
It IS normal. Jesus. His kids
It IS normal. Jesus. His kids are there 4 days a month. How exactly does a SM have to plan around that shit? You can't plan anything for 2 days at time. I guess noone should go anywhere until dad gets that week's vacation. My life doesn't stop when my skid is with her mother. We go places. We do things. She has a mother and it is her mother's job to keep her life going when she is with her. We do't all sit around pining for her to return. AND guess what the OP's kids are sitting around pining over dear old dad and what he is doing while they're having fun with their mother. They might play the guilt act on him and pretend they feel left out, but the whole time they're with mommy they're lviing their lives and not giving dear old dad a second thought.
I bet if they have a SF in their lives they don't feel guilty about going on vacation with him without their dad!
^^^no doubt^^^^ I spent the
^^^no doubt^^^^
I spent the first several months after bd1 was born "waiting" for everyone to be together.
Granted there isn't anything that a new baby is going to remember when we go out and about, but for ME, i hardly ever ever ever left the house. It made me realize very quickly how little and in between "WE" would all be doing something together as a so called family.
Now if I keep this in the years that come, how fair is THAT to bd, who does have a mother and father who are together? It is NOT her fault her parents are together, anymore than it is NOT the other children's fault their parents aren't together. So my bd doesn't get to experience NORMAL things she should be because of my choices in the past?
Well what about the OTHER children? Should they MISS OUT because of your choices in the past? Well, technically they are NOT missing out. They are getting TWICE as much. They go to the amusement park with THEIR dad and then later ME. Poor little bd only goes once.
SMH!!!! As long as you try to "keep everyone happy" you are going to keep it a competition.
Life doesn't stop just because you feel guilty.
Your a kind person I agree
Your a kind person I agree with you but in my case I took too many trips without my bio kids and now its hitting home I should not have left them out so much and let my new wife control me with her way she has
She controls me by telling me
She controls me by telling me she will leave me and fly back to her country and i will never see my baby again
She cant take our 11month old
She cant take our 11month old out of the usa without my permision yes she is a control freak she keeps thinking I will cheat on her and the thaught never crosses my mind. She times how long it takes me to go from work to home she times how long it takes me to drop my kids off and get home I try to ignor these things and move on Ive dont want to give up on her. She is a bit unstable she broke the back window of our new car becouse we got in a fight and i disabled the car computer she broke 3 of my cell phones and 2 laptops in her temper tamptrams. She likes to break things lol one night we had a bad argument and i told her I cant take you being cold and mean like your being so i will go spend the night with my sisiter who lives 2 hours away she told me if i left she would break everything in the house sometimes i feel like a prisoner any way I have not given up maybe she will leave on your own like you said
Ramdom thoughts: Do you
Ramdom thoughts:
Do you ignore your wife when your kids are at your house? Do you let her turn into chief cook and bottle washer but give her no time, attention, affection because your precious ones are visiting?
Do you present you and your wife as a UNITED couple to your kids? Do you all do things together? Do you include your wife in your decision making and plans BEFORE deciding with your kids? Or do you just expect your wife to go with the flow?
Do your kids have a bedtime at your house or do you let them stay up till all hours becuase you have "divorced daddy guilt"?
Do you give your children "adult status" in your home and your marriage? Do they interrupt when you and your wife are conversing and do you let them get away with it? Do you cater to them in ways that you would not if you were still married to their mother and living with them? Are you lax on discipline and rules because you don't see them much?
It is good for your kids to see you in a HEALTHY marriage that you NURTURE. Neglecting to nurture your relationship even for ONE DAY is not healthy.
Parenting by guilt is NOT good for your children (IF this is what you are doing and I am NOT saying it is - I'm ASKING).
Do you encourage your kids to show respect for your wife and appreciation for anything she does for them? Do your kids ever see you give your wife a hug and tell her that you love her? Just wondering a lot of stuff...
Whoa! You just described MY
Whoa! You just described MY house!
Excellent post.
Wow, your poor bios, to know
Wow, your poor bios, to know that life ceases to exist unless your precious stepkids are there.
While you are so busy telling everyone else they suck for making plans without stepkids, you are doing far worse by your bios.
I hope there is someone else in their life besides yuo to make them feel special. Poor kids.
wow...i used to make plans
wow...i used to make plans accoring to my SD's visits....everything including my biokids....but no more, she would always have other plans or her stupid BM did...and we would get shafted at the end...NO MORE!!!
Even my husband was never for it, but i would do it because i would feel guilty for Sd...
YOUR kids are having fun , laughing, continuing with their lives WITHOUT U when u dont have please get over it...One day u will realize it it...
Ur wife is not jealous, she is just fed up of making sacrifices for strangers... ur children and their BM...and they dont appreciate what she does!!!!! Hope she doesnt get sick over this like I did!
I am betting his sudden
I am betting his sudden "guilt" as prompted by his past life in some way.
Awe... I feel for you. I am
Awe... I feel for you. I am a stepmom and I have 2 of my bio kids and my husband has 3. We've been married for 10 years. The kids are all older teenagers and one of mine is off at college. Until this week, I can't think of a time when we ever took a family vacation and didn't have all of the kids; mine and his. If one couldn't go, then no kids went. Right now, my husband is traveling with just his kids to see his family. I couldn't go due to work issues. My kids couldn't go because they both had something going on, which is fine by me. My husband could use the quiet time with just them and I'm happy to let them go. It sort of gives me a break.
Have you talked to her about this? It sounds like she's trying to carve out a little of her own space/life with you. It is possible there is something you may be doing that makes her feel uneasy and not a part of the family which results in her trying make it Yours and Ours? Does that make sense?
Does your wife's daughter
Does your wife's daughter have another parent involved in her life? You just said that your kids go on vacation with their mother and their mother's parents. Does your son with your wife get to go on extra vacations to even the score with those vacations? Does her daughter get to go on vacation with her biodad? Do you pay cs? Does she get cs? How often do you have your kids? How much time does her daughter spend with you? Are there rules and discipline? Are they equal?
Those are all factors. I insist my dh and I go on some vacations with just our son. Why? Because his daughter gets vacation with her mother. Fair and equal aren't always the same. My dh pays a huge amount of cs even though he has 50% custody. Our kid doesn't get anywhere close to that amount of money for "him" each month. Plus, my son has all the rules and responsibilities of our home 100% of his life. SD only has to follow ruiles and responsibilities of our home 50% of the time. I don't think she deserves 100% of the rewards and opportunities of our home when she only has to do 50% of the work.
(Does your wife's daughter
(Does your wife's daughter have another parent involved in her life?) No he lives in Europe and has nothing to do with my step daughter.
(Does your son with your wife get to go on extra vacations to even the score with those vacations?) No but he and his sister does go on trips with my x wife and her parents
(Does her daughter get to go on vacation with her biodad?) No he lives in UK.. (Do you pay cs?) Yes
(Does she get cs?) No she stays at home with our baby and I pay all the bills without a dime from my stepdaughters bio dad.
( How often do you have your kids?)I have them every other weekend but my 10 year old daughter does not come everytime and I dont force her to visit me.
(How much time does her daughter spend with you?)Well we have gone on many trips together she is 9 years old and seems only to be happy in front of a TV or computer so I have not done any alone time with my step daughter besides palying a few video games but when I atke my bio kids out I always invite my stepdaughter
Are there rules and discipline? yes Are they equal? yes
Ok, so basically your kids
Ok, so basically your kids have you, your x wife and your x-wife's parents contributing to their lives and taking them on vacation. Plus, you contribute financially to them in your x-wife's home. They only visit you every other weekend, but you admit that you let your daughter decide on that, which tells me you give your daughter way too much power for a 10 year old. I am guessing since they're only there only eowe (if they CHOOSE to come) they don't have any chores or responsibilities.
So you think that the two children who live in your home full-time and have to follow the rules their full-time should not get any opportunities or vacations that don't include 2 children who spend very little time in your home and (I am inferring here) probably aren't doing chores and given your propensity to allow the 10 year old to make adult decisions have an attitude about who is really in charge.
My guess, your wife feels like it is unfair for your kids to expect things from you when they can't be bothered to visit you unless you're entertaining them or treating them to something fun. Your wife probably also feels like her kids are getting the shaft since your kids get other vacations that don't include them.
Is it really so hard to understand that? To understand that maybe she would like for her children to get a vacation for them? One that isn't about your kids? Afterall, your two get vacations without her kids.
Ultimatley, your wife is in a shitty place. She is staying at home with no income of her own. And some people will tell you that since she doesn't work, she has no say. That is pretty shitty. She is taking care of your home and your child. I don't think she is being unreasonable. It sounds like you did take a vacation with all of you and you're planning another one to the beach in FL.
I think feeling guilty is normal, but I think it is unfair for youto think that your kids should be included in every fun endeavor you and your wife go on when they aren't included in all the struggles / daily work. In your wife's world, her family is you, your son and her daughter. In your world, your famiy is ALL of you. She lives in your world every other weekend. She lives in your world where you pay cs. I am sure there is drama in that world given your allowing your 10 year old to dictate visitation. Give her sometimes out of that world She earned. it.
Why is it OP's responsibility
Why is it OP's responsibility to pick up the slack because SD's dad is a deadbeat??
IMO, that should have no bearing on what happens in HIS house. If his wife had picked a better baby daddy, suddenly OP can take vacations with his own kids?
It's irrelevant. He chose to
It's irrelevant. He chose to pick up the slack. He took her and her kid in. He was part of the decision for her to not work. If she were working, would you think she had a right to a vacation without his kids? IMHO it isn't HIS house. It is THEIR house, including HER daughter since he willingly took her in. And she didn't say he couldn't take them on vacation. They just returned from vacation and they are planning another vacation in FL. She is asking for ONE WEEKEND at the beach with just her, him and two kids, why is that so wrong?
had a right to a vacation
had a right to a vacation without his kids? I never get a vacation without my stepdaughter but thats ok I just wish my wife would be more understanding as I only took my bio kids on one trip since July 2011 in wich we all went to Alaska for 9 days after that I took my wife without my kids to New Orleans New York City and Sea World and two long weekends to the beach. Since all this time I only took my bio kids one trip.
Did you know she had her
Did you know she had her daughter full-time when you married her?? Come on. You knew you wouldn't get a vacation without her the day you signed up. SHe, on the other hand, knew you had your kids EOWE. In her mind, she expected some vacation time without your kids.
Look, do what you want. Tell your wife she is wrong. Take your kids everywhere. The fact is you only have your kids every other weekend, so how exactly would you have taken them on all these other trips? Or, let me gues, you have full access to them as long as your paying for something fun?
And I'm not addressing this from my situation. My dh has 50/50 custody and he and I have a child together. He doesn't have any steps from my end. So my situation is different. But just looking at facts you have 4 kids in your life. 2 of them with you all the time. 2 of them with you very little time. I just don't understand how you think you can make it fair if they all get the same benefits when the situation demands it be different? And 2 of those kids get vacations / entertainment with their other parent. The remaining two only have you for those tigs.
Look at it this way, if you take your kids everywhere you and your wife go, they get twice the amount of trips (on your dime since you pay cs).
Your SD confuses things for me, but since you took that on knowing she was going to be your responsibility, I have to include her as your child.
how exactly would you have
how exactly would you have taken them on all these other trips? you mis understood me out of the last 365 days i only took my two bio kids on one trip in which my wife baby and step daughter went also. before this last trip i took my step daughter and wife without my bio kids to new orleans new york city sea world and two beach long weekends
I didn't misunderstand. I am
I didn't misunderstand. I am asking you a legitimate question. YOu have your kids every other weekend. How the hell is your wife supposed to plan vacation including your kids when you don't have access to them? I'm not sure where you live but I'm guessing the trips you took your wife, her daughter and your baby on are more than 2 days. How is she supposed to include them in long weekends, when they aren't there? Or are you suggesting that you all take trips that fit tidily into your custody schedule and have your wife forgo any dreams of places that don't fit so well?
What a crock. NOT HIS KID,
What a crock.
NOT HIS KID, NOT HIS PROBLEM. Kid has TWO parents, and he ain't one of them!
Just because she had custody means NOTHING. He doesn't get assigned all fatherly duties because he married the mom.
Such hypocrisy. If this was a SM posting this, there'd be no "well, you knew what you signed up for when you married him" comments.
That is exactly what you just posted to OP. You married her and she had custody. This is what you signed up for.
And if a SM on here married a
And if a SM on here married a guy who had full custody and the BM was not in the picture from the very beginning I'd have the same response. Most of the women on here came in with one custody situation and ended up with something entirely different. He knew from day 1. Very different.
when its time for me to pay
when its time for me to pay for things for my stepdaughter then she is considered mine but when she is disrespectful to me my wife takes my step daughters side most of the time and says right in front of all of us "HE IS NOT YOUR FATHER"
Do you think that the below
Do you think that the below is fair to all...?
Tell her sure...that sounds fine. But tell her you want the same thing. You want her and you to take only your bios on the next trip. that would mean that everyone goes EXCEPT her daughter. See how she feels about it then.
Maybe you need to go reread
Maybe you need to go reread my post before you do all the Disney Land Dad bashing. It said I only took one vacation with my Bio kids and several with my step kids YOU GOT THAT!
uummm...maybe YOU need to re
uummm...maybe YOU need to re read MY post...I was agreeing with you....sheeesh. I thought maybe your wife would see it different if you proposed the above to her.
I hope so....kinda hurt my
I hope so....kinda hurt my feeling! lol
sorry i was not refering to
sorry i was not refering to you I never expected people to be so agressive
thanks for everyones replies
thanks for everyones replies i have to go now thanks
thats right i was reply to
thats right i was reply to the person bashing me without knowing the facts
Sorry I was not refering to
Sorry I was not refering to your post
I recently talked to my DH
I recently talked to my DH about taking time for ourselves. I know he feels guilty when we go out to dinner and dont take his girls with us . I do feel a little guitly but it's necessary that we have that time for ourselves. We went out of town for one night and his teen daughter was upset and kept calling him.
You said the 6 of you all went on vacation..this time around for her birthday she wants to go just with you and the Bio kids ..I say that's ok too.
compromise and just do what you said you would ..take them to Florida next time.
I am going to compromise but
I am going to compromise but the next vacations i need to take my bio kids also
You and your wife alone
You and your wife alone should regularly have dates/trips together without kids, without feeling guilty.
Honestly, my stepfamily has issues of our own, but the bottom line is you should not take/plan "family" trips unless EVERY child can go. Of course, blended families will not always be together so don't feel guilty about taking trips when the other parent is not in agreement. Not to mention, each child should spend quality time one-on-one (notice I said one-on-one not two-on-one) with individual parents. Next time you take a family trip as a family (meaning everyone) make it a bit more relaxing and make it your sacrifice as a dad to all the kids to make this trip as easy as possible for your wife. If she realizes she can relax when all kids are around, she will have more fun and be more open in the future.
I would love to go on dates
I would love to go on dates without children but my wife refuses to leave her 9 year old daughter with anybody accept my sister who lives 2 hour away
How are the vacations when
How are the vacations when you all are together? the last vacation was good with all of us together Is it stressful? maybe a little at times Do your kids behave and listen or do they run wild? they are mature and quiet and get along well with her daughter... Is she left to carry the burden of the childcare/entertainment/meals/etc. . . while on vacation? NO I AM How do YOU act when on vacation with everyone? I TRY TO BE FAIR my wife is on the look out if i show favoritism
She does not want me to take
She does not want me to take a vacation with just my bio kids.... I think it would be good
I am the product of divorce.
I am the product of divorce. I understand that because I lived with my Mom full time and my Dad barely ever that he of course had his own seperate life. He went on holidays and vacations and I totally understood that. I did however expect to go with my mom if she ever went anywhere because that was my full time parent. My Dad took us on a few day/weekend trips and those were just fine.
Don't feel guilty for not taking them. (Depending on their age of course) they should understand that you have a life too. You can't be expected to do everything for everyone all the time. There has to be balance.
Unless your kids are entitled brats and feel like they are owed everything from both you and your ex... then I wish you the best of luck!!
Would your wife agree to take
Would your wife agree to take a vaction with just your BKs and the child you have together? If not, then she shouldn't expect you to want to vacation with your SD while leaving your BKs behind.
she would never agree to
she would never agree to leave her daughter behind and take my kids no way in ^(*%(
Sir, let's look at this: You
Sir, let's look at this:
You fully support your wife, while she has the luxury of sitting home.
You fully support HER daughter, while neither she nor biofather contribute a hot red cent to THEIR child's support.
Your wife wants/demands that you vacation with HER child and your joint child while leaving your children behind...mind you, on vacations that YOU pay for.
I'd suggest you put your selfish wife in check. Remind her who pays the bills and tell her to change her attitude. Or... even better, stop supporting her and her child. Maybe then she'll learn to start appreciating you and everything you do for her and her spawn.
Oh, and go ahead and tell her... YOUR kids will attend ALL vacations that YOU pay for if you so choose. If she doesn't like that, she can get a J.O.B. and pay for her own vacations with just HER children.
Honestly, women like this give women a bad name.
It always amazes me the power pootie tang has over a man... gah.
You could ask the same
You could ask the same questions about HIS skid. Sounds like BM (his wife) just assumes her daughter is welcome everywhere all the time...
Kinda sounds like he's stuck with his SD 24/7/365. AND gets to support her, just for giggles.
Personally, if my dad took
Personally, if my dad took his stepkid on vacations and left me at home, I wouldn't want to see him, either.
He has a daughter, and it's not SD. That's who should be his first priority.
Gee, SAF, bitter much?
Gee, SAF, bitter much?
Bitter about what?? Daddykins
Bitter about what??
Daddykins is vacationing with a daughter that isn't his, while leaving the daughter that IS his behind. You don't think that hurts her?? The fact that she's distancing herself from her father already speaks volumes. It's shortsighted to just assume it's blamed on PAS without looking to see if OP has done anything to cause the distance.
No, I'm not a child of divorce. No, I have no stepparents. No, I don't even have another sister.
See, and I always included
See, and I always included skids in our activities. Even the little day trip type things. Vacations? Absolutely.
I tried to do what I could to blend the family, not divide it. My $0.02.
He took on the responsibility
He took on the responsibility for her daughter the day he let her quit working to stay at home with their kid. The kid has no other income source. Her mother doesn't work to benefit him and his new family. So yes, she is his problem.
I was waiting for someone to
I was waiting for someone to say it! LOL
My kids dont bother her or
My kids dont bother her or caouse trouble when my kids come over my wife wont even cook she wont lift a finger for my kids... I go to her daughter school things and my wife wont come to my kids school functions like plays etc but she expects me to go to her daughters and on top of that she gets mad at me for going to see my kids activities like soccer ballet shows etc even if it the weekend to have my kids...
The fact is i put up with her daughter eritating me interupting us etc... 24/7 so if my kids are hateful brats which they are not so what then we are even becouse i put up with her spoiled attention seeking daughter and realize thats how kids are no to be fair she should do the same
If anyone ever reminded me
If anyone ever reminded me who pays the bills they'd be out the door in a heartbeat. If the wife is not working then this is a decision that they made together for her to stay at home-he should not lord over her that he pays the bills and she should get a J.O.B. Should she not get any decision making power since she has no J.O.B? I just dont understand this way of thinking. Which by the way I have a J.O.B. My dh does not but still has an income. His income is actually more than mine-that does not mean he gets more say in how our household is run.
Her job, or lack thereof, should have NO bearing on this situation.
I agree. She is not a child.
I agree. She is not a child. They are partners. You don't get the benefit of not paying child care and having someone take care of the house and then say "sorry, all the money is mine and you don't get to make decisions"
Hell, yeah, it does. I'll be
Hell, yeah, it does.
I'll be damned if I'm going to support a man and have him tell me how the money gets spent.
Why is it ok if it's a woman?
I guess I'm just sick of these spoiled, entitled women. They're no different than the bratty, entitled stepkids I/we have to deal with.
Well, I respectfully
Well, I respectfully disagree. She is a stay at home mom for THEIR child. They made that decision together and their is value in it. If they had no small children at home and she simply didn't work, I'd be 100% behind you on this, but not when she is staying home with a child that is also his. And I would feel the same way about a stay at home dad.
And I say that knowing I fucking hate McCrazy who sits on her ass all day with her kid in school, collecting a big fat alimony and cs check from my dh simply because he let her stay at home when the kid was born.
And I work full-time. I just disagree that a man can be ok with the decision for his wife to not work and then tell her she has no opinion. If he resents that she doesn't work, he should tell her to get a job, not take away her rights in the home.
It has all the bearing when
It has all the bearing when wifey is calling the shots with OP's money.
I think it would be flat out hilarious if OP's wife told him to be out the door in a heartbeat.
She'd be living in an apartment on welfare.
Oh, yeah, and not having her vacations paid for by someone else. 
THEIR money SAF. They're
THEIR money SAF. They're married. She is staying home to care for THEIR child. It is THEIR money.
Then THEIR money should be
Then THEIR money should be spent on THEIR kids, not just the ones who are "wife approved."
And she should get a stipend
And she should get a stipend for the one he doesn't pay cs on.
That would be GREAT!!!! I
That would be GREAT!!!!
I doubt a "stipend" would come even close to all the money his wife gets... a home, utilities, food, clothing, car, vacations...
It definitely wouldn't. I
It definitely wouldn't. I know my dh isn't contributing $1000 a month to the care of our son.
And I'm not advocating that this woman be allowed to control everything. I can consider the possibility that she might just be a controlling bitch. My concern is that his post throws out red flags.
You got everything right
You got everything right especialy your last comment She is a lot younger than me and holds that over my head..
When we were dating her atitude was totaly diferent
No, you shouldnt feel guilty
No, you shouldnt feel guilty at all!!! You are an involved father. You pay CS for their needs etc, you spend quality time with your kids, and you love them. The only difference is they do not live with you full time.
It is NOT wrong or unfair for your wife to want to have vacations that do not include your kids. There are many reasons why she may not want them around all of the time...they may not behave well, she doesnt want to have to take care of 2 extra kids, she might just want to share that time with you and her other children. It isnt like she is saying you cant go on vacations with your kids at all, she just wants what every one of us SM's want...quality time with OUR kids and OUR DH/SO!!!
I realize that your current situation is not a desireable one but unfortunately these are the types of situations that are likely to occur as a result of blending families. (for the most part)
I would love to take my two
I would love to take my two older kids just for a long weekend..
We are a his, mine, and ours
We are a his, mine, and ours family as well. We stopped taking ss14 on vacation with us about 2 years ago-however, there were BIG reasons why. The kid just does not want to be part of "our" family so he is bound and determined to never enjoy himself and make those around him miserable as well. He has done everything from shoplift from a store, steal my panties, drink my alcoholic beverage I left on the counter. In addition, he has screamed for literally HOURS while we were camping (he was 11)-I am surprised that we were not asked to leave. Then you've just got the general rudeness, arguing with sibs, wetting himself nightly and refusing to clean up after himself in any sort of way.
Does my dh feel guilty? Yes, somewhat. Less so nowadays as he is getting used to it. But I work full time, I love, love, love to travel so I work hard and save all year long to take a "vacation". It's not really a vacation if I have to deal with ss's constant drama and chaos. We even discussed dh not going-but that upsets me as well-as I want to spend my vaca with my dh and why should MY/OUR kids suffer their dad's absence because ss wishes to act like an ass?
We went on a weeklong beach vaca without ss this year. He was even living with us (he lived with us for a LONG 3 months)-dh told him that he would take him camping at a really neat campground that we have near us so that they could spend some time together. SS actually didnt seem to care (he really doesnt like any of us)and seemed pleased with the idea of the camping trip. Of course it has not occurred as my dh is a horrible planner, ss is not residing with us anymore, and they only have 2 more weeks til school starts.
Blended families are tough. I dont think these are black and white issues. To say that ALL family members must go on a family vacation is not a blanket statement that people should make, IMO. We have gone without dh before when he was deployed. SS14 has been places and had experiences that my kids have not had with his bm. (My two oldest kids father has been deceased since they were very small, and dh really functions more as their bio dad). Since this is your wife's birthday trip I would let her call the shots here. especially since you already took a family vaca. Take a weekend somewhere with just you and your kids later if you feel like they are upset by it-but they may really not be as my ss has never made a single complaint or acted in any way concerned that he was not included in our trips-it was apparent he didnt enjoy them which is why he acted like an ass.
We recently took a "family"
We recently took a "family" vacation. It was a camping trip to a National Park. Mind you, people come from all over the world to go there, so I was excited. My own biochild couldnt make it. So we took SD and a cousin, 4 of us total. It was a disaster. The kids were horrible brats 90% of the time, they didnt give two cents where we were or what we were seeing. They aren't babies, they are 9 and 11. DH and I had taken quite a few vacations alone prior, when SD wasn't living with us, and they were fantastic. Whats the common denominator here?
Bottom line, we wont be doing this again. IF the kids go, there will be severe consequences for acting up next time and they wont be invited to go with after that. We need our time alone to stay sane, and if they cannot behave well enough to go with us, then they will stay with the grandparents. A vacation is not a given in life, its a luxury. I feel no guilt, whether my child goes or doesn't go, whether his child does or doesnt go. But I refuse to suffer through a vacation because of bad parenting.
so I can take just her
so I can take just her daughter and our baby son to the beach for the weekend without of course my other two kids.
Tell her sure...that sounds fine. But tell her you want the same thing. You want her and you to take only your bios on the next trip. that would mean that everyone goes EXCEPT her daughter. See how she feels about it then.
THIS Babysitter for SD and
Babysitter for SD and everyone else goes on vacation.
Betcha wifey cries and moans about how "unfair" that is to her precious daughter.
Just for the record. I agree
Just for the record. I agree with this too. I think the OP absolutely should be able to take just his bios on vacation with his wife getting a sitter for her child. I'm an equal opportunity offender.
She said she will never leave
She said she will never leave her daughter with any baby sitter so by default we always have my stepdaughter with us like a braty only child contantly trying to get in to our adult conversations she even trys to tell me how to care for my baby son rrrrrrrrrrrr and she is a know it all at 9 I need a vacation from her kid like she gets from mine...
He said his wife would never
He said his wife would never agree to that.
I think the wife is nuts. She had one child with a loser. She lucked up and married a man who is willing to support her and her child. A man who can afford to support his household, pay CS, and pay for nice yearly vacations. He isn't asking to include his kids on all of their vacations, just a few.
Instead of counting her blessings, she's trying to push the SKs aside. What happens if/when the OP says enough and walks away?
The next man she meets may not be cut from the same cloth as the OP.
There are many SMs here who say they don't have any money left once the monthly bills and CS are paid. Just taking a day trip to Six Flags or a long weekend to the beach isn't possible for some posters. The OP's wife doesn't seem to know how good she has it.
You don't miss the water until the well runs dry.
Not to pat my self on the
Not to pat my self on the back I am not perfect but thats how I feel also. My wife is tall thin and beautiful 12 years younger than I she thinks she can just find another man sooooo easy. Sometimes when we go out she will point out all the men looking at her and that I should kiss her *)&^ and do what she says lol
I know she loves me in her own way. I do feel she rather me not have my other kids in the picture. I just find it hard to undsertand I put up with crap from her daughter and she has a problem me seeing my kids one afternoon a week and every other weekend. To be honest I just want peace and everyone happy as possible. I dont want to be divorced again I hate being alone in a house drives me crazy
ONe more point, how do these
ONe more point, how do these vacations pan out. You said you went to Alaska in June 2011 and just returned from vacation last week. So your kids are getting a major vacation each year. So again, I'm confused as to how the other trips can even possibly include them when you only have eowe.
But my big question is this. WHat happens on these vacations? You only see your kids a small amount of time and you've admitted you spend a lot of time with them when they're there becasue you don't see them much. I absolutely agree that you should do that. BUT what happens on vacation? Are you on vacation with you kids and you wife is on vacation with her daughter and the baby? You know, together, but not really? I ask because we just got back from the beach. Me, dh, his daughter, and our son. Guess who didn't really have a vacation? you go it! ME! Why? Because he spent our vacation with his daughter and I got to be take care of a toddler by myself. I got to sit in the hotel room while he napped and they had fun at that beach. I got to do all the work of taking care of OUR child because he was busy with HIS child. Could that be at play here? Could it be that your wife feels like when it is all of you that you and your kids are the ones on vacation and her daughter is left on the sidelines because she is busy taking care of the baby?
YOu make no sense. Yes she
YOu make no sense. Yes she has a daughter that isn't his and no he isn't responsible to enteratin her on vacation, but they also have a child TOGETHER and someone has to take care of that child for him to be off with his kids, leaving both her and her daughter to babysit a baby while everyone else is on vacation.
Wht the hell does "leaving his wife to be babysitter not acceptable to his kids" mean?
I never suggested he push his
I never suggested he push his kids aside for her daughter. What I AM saying is that if she is babysitting the infant, who is spending time with her daughter? WHO? I get it - he hasn't bonded with her and she isn't his kid and his kid deserves his attention. No argument there, but if her daughter is not getting her mother's attention because she is busy with the child that the OP and the wife have TOGETHER (you seem to keep ignoring this FACT) then her daughter is getting screwed because she isn't included in the fun because the OP hasn't bonded with her but her mother can't entertain her because she has an infant in tow. So I want to know how much time he makes HIS kids self-entertain while she spends time with her daughter and hebabysits THEIR son.
I had one week long trip with
I had one week long trip with my bio kids this year thats all.
OMG, pay attention. They have
OMG, pay attention. They have a child TOGETHER. THey're both responsible for that child, but if he spends all his time with his kids from his first marriage, she is stuck with their infant. So, yes, he is responsible for his two and she is responsible for her daughter, but they're BOTH responsible for their infant.
And as a mother of a toddler that I have with my dh, I get the shaft on vacation. I work from home everyday. I get all the responsibility of raising our child alone all week long. I'd be super pissed if I also had to take that full responsibility so he can entertain his children from his first marriage ESPECIALLY on a family vacation.
If I am reading your bio right you have no kids and no step kids. YOu have no idea what any of us are even talking about from a parental discussion. Nothing sucks more than watching your husband ignore your child (that you have together)because his first family was there first. And while I see the point with him only having little time with his kids, raising an infant is very hard and I get the sense this woman wants a vacation where they share the responsibility of raising him rather than have him off with his other kids while she takes on that burden. Being a sahm is WORK if you're doing it right.
This forum is for STEP
This forum is for STEP PARENTS.
I dont mind keeping my baby
I dont mind keeping my baby son if my wife wants to do a trip or whatever with her daughter. He is my son I would make it fun just him and me
Just to let you know I help a
Just to let you know I help a lot with the house work and when my two other kids come over i clean up after them 100% so she wont have anything to bitch about I also clean up after her daughter feed the baby change diaper and work granted she does 70% of the house work but we eat out 50% of the week.
I am taking my wife out for her birthday but it would be better if was just me and her. Her daughter tries to control things like telling us where and when we should eat etc my kids dont dare try to run things when they come over
we are going but i have to take her daughter and leave my kids behind. But the next trip they will be included
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My step daughter is going
My step daughter is going that’s who i need a break from her is a pain in the *&(% always trying to control what we do what we eat in a store she picks up everything asking me to buy this buy that... My kids hardly ever ask me to buy them anything I do not know why her 9 year old daughter thinks she is more entitled to a better life than my bio kids we tell her no but she never stops If i get on to my step daughter my just telling her not to do that if i say that to her more than nice a day my wife gets angry and says don’t worry about her she is my daughter but sometimes I can’t help but having to tell her not to do stupid things she does she is very immature one time we were on a trip my wife and i left her in the room to watch the baby just so we could go to the lobby and get some coffee and my wife tells her don’t you dare open the door for nobody well when we get back 5 min later she has the room door open peaking looking down the hallway then she sees us and acts like a ghost closes the door real fast and acts like nothing ever happened even though we caught her red handed she still tries to lie. She is bad about tearing things up like writing on LCD hdtv SCREENS I bought a very nice new TV and I told her this is my toy your are welcome to watch it but please don’t you dare touch the screen ok..well later that night there’s grease on the screen and she was the only kid there and she just finished eating greasy chicken and I asked her did you do that and she just lies to me right in my face. This kid I do good things for her buy her nice things and if i ask her not to do something she does it in spite I don’t know how to deal with this my wife just makes excuses and does nothing about it or she will say well your kids do this bla bla bla
so you never left the room
so you never left the room for a few minutes with a baby there humm do you ever leave the room to go to the kitchen give me a break just went to get some coffee seems like your trying to condeem me for whatever you can i dont need advice from hypocrites like you
Yes I am concerned about
Yes I am concerned about myself arnt you? Whats wrong with that? Yes I would like to know how others deal with the situation isnt this what this site is here for? Bitching is complaining nagging no one likes it do you? You dont know what my eyes are closed to or open too
You can say that about most
You can say that about most people its built in to all of us. My choices are made what is best for my family including my other kids. No one makes all the right choices or they would not be on this site. I am reading all the posts and trying to work through my situation yes I vented a little whats the big deal if you got a problem that dont reply dont bother to read it I am a real human with real issues and concernes I am a good father trying to keep my new family and stand by my other kids also. I would like to be one family but its not working out that way but I have not given up
going to take my wife off for
going to take my wife off for the weekend and have a good time I still need to go back and read all these replies and come up with a plan
Thanks to everyone who had constructive input sorry have not had time to reply to all Have a good weekend everyone
I can tell you from my
I can tell you from my situation that my dh doesnt want to take his kids on vacat ion with us again. Why? B /c the last vacation his kids acted like entitled little shits. We spent way too much money and they wanted more and wouldnt even spend time with us as a family. Then as soon as the fun and money was over they wanted to go home and even accused dh of having his head up my butt and ignored them. First they choose to stay in bed and choose to do other things after dh got them up to spend time with them they said no.
I wonder if that might have anything to do with your situation. But at the same time it is very hard to take vacations and things when the kids are only there eow. Remember one thing life doesnt stop when you dont have your kids that might be another thing your wife might be having issues with. If you are always saying things like my kids would love to do this or we cant do this til we have my kids. I can see why she feels the way she does.
purpledaisies....thanks for
purpledaisies....thanks for your reply your case is diferent my bio kids wanted to spend time while on vacation granted yes they want to do fun things dont all kids? We have been on many vacations without my bio kids. I am starting to resent taking sd on all these trips while leaving my bio kids behind.
Oh holy crap!!! I've read
Oh holy crap!!! I've read this whole long thread-- as a Stay at home mommy here-Im very appauld by some of this It was the OPs SOLE choice to marry a young pretty woman with a young daughter. Sounds to me like he sought that out!!! It is and was also HIS choice for her to stay at home with the young ones. Yes- HE chose that!!! So why is it that NOW, after the marriage--after them also having a child together----why is the OP acting like this???
I have a few questions for the Original Poster (not to another person here- who isn't even a parent at all)
1. How long did you know your current wife for, before you married her?
2. When you got with your wife-- did you & just her alone vacation together? Without her daughter? I'm asking this because I bet it's been you,, her & her daughter all along!!! I have a friend-who met a woman at a resort in Costa Rica while he was there on vacation. In her culture, you never leave a girl behind- even with relatives. It's a cultural thing. My question is-- did you know all along that this is how your DW felt & NOW you'd like that to change? If so-- that explains a lot here. Plz do let me know in your answer
3. When you DO take your kids on their yearly vacation in the summers- along with your wife & her daughter & Your young boy with your wife--- what kind of activities do you do with your older kids?? I see a few have asked you point blank questions- yet you don't answer There is VERY valid reasons for why these questions are asked. If you are out doing activities with your older kids-- then isn't it fair to say your Wife, baby & her daughter are being left out?? If YOU aren't staying behind 50% of the Vaca to attend to the baby-- then who is?? Your wife-right?
4. Why does your 10 yr old daughter CHOSE not to come visit? What are her reasons. Why is she afforded the right not to come to visit? How often, honestly, does she truly visit? Does she get along with your wife? Why not?
5. You say your Wife is trying to plan outings without your kids; how does she know when they are or aren't coming? If your kids are only in your home, say, 2 days out of a month--/ why do you feel they should be included in EVERY trip? How would your wife plan? She doesn't know when or IF they would even be there? I'm confused.
I'd love to help you figure some things out. I really would, but I'm gonna need you to be fair & answer some questions. It's the only way to gauge things here. I might be a good person to bounce ideas off of. My parents divorced when I was 6. I lived full time with my Dad. My mom raised my 3 yr older then me, sister. We lived pretty much cordial lives. I vacationed with my Dad primarily-- a few times with my mI'm-/ I'm a stepchild. I'm 35 now & I can tell you I never ever was upset or hurt by not going on all vacations my mom & sister went on. Nobody was jealous-- nobody felt left out. Could you be projecting your guilt onto how you feel your kids might be perceiving things? Do your older kids tells you they feel left out?
It is NORMAL for a couple to vacation with none, some or all their kids. But I'd bet that your wife told you in the very early days of your relationship-- that she won't leave her daughter alone or without her. I bet only recently this has became an issue for you? Please do explain more & ANSWER my questions. YOU asked for help & advice & I cannot give it to you without knowing your situation first.
Lastly, please tell me about the last 3 times your older children had an issue with your wife. What was it about? How was it resolved? Also- please do the same, but from your wives viewpoint; the last 3 times your wife had a problem with your older kids, what was it about?
Again- I'm only trying to help you. Hope to hear back from you soon
** if you respond to my thoughts here, and are not the OP-- please at least be a parent- either bio or stepparent. Still trying to figure out why any non step related person would want to constantly be on these boards?? Most of us WISH we didn't have these problems. This is a stepparent site**
Oh holy crap!!! I've
Oh holy crap!!! I've read
Submitted by stepmomto3bioto1 on Fri, 08/03/2012 - 10:15pm.
Oh holy crap!!! I've read this whole long thread-- as a Stay at home mommy here-Im very appauld by some of this It was the OPs SOLE choice to marry a young pretty woman with a young daughter. Sounds to me like he sought that out!!! I did seek this out my thinking was that if she had her own kids she would be understanding of mine I was very wrong She ssaid she would love my kids but thats not what happened
It is and was also HIS choice for her to stay at home with the young ones. I rather her work but its better for the baby she stay home
Yes- HE chose that!!! So why is it that NOW, after the marriage--after them also having a child together----why is the OP acting like this??? Acting like what? I think I am acting normal arnt I?
I have a few questions for the Original Poster (not to another person here- who isn't even a parent at all)
1. How long did you know your current wife for, before you married her? not well enough 11 months
2. When you got with your wife-- did you & just her alone vacation together? Without her daughter? yes a lot
I'm asking this because I bet it's been you,, her & her daughter all along!!!we went a few times with her daughter but mostly us alone while the daughter stayed with her grandmother. I have a friend-who met a woman at a resort in Costa Rica while he was there on vacation. In her culture, you never leave a girl behind- even with relatives. It's a cultural thing. My question is-- did you know all along that this is how your DW felt & NOW you'd like that to change? No I did not know she felt like this toward my kids if so i would not have married her! If so-- that explains a lot here. Plz do let me know in your answer I just want the same as she wants her daughter included I want all my kids included on trips one trip per year with just her daughter I can tolerate. I have blocked of 2 weeks to take my wife and new son and sd 9 to Brazil to see her family again a trip without my other kids. who are 9 and 13. you would think my wife would tolerate some more trips with my kids
3. When you DO take your kids on their yearly vacation in the summers- along with your wife & her daughter & Your young boy with your wife--- what kind of activities do you do with your older kids?? My son 13 went on a fishing boat 3 times by himself. I wanted to go with at least one time but my wife said she needed me to help witht the baby. I see a few have asked you point blank questions- yet you don't answer There is VERY valid reasons for why these questions are asked. If you are out doing activities with your older kids-- then isn't it fair to say your Wife, baby & her daughter are being left out?? They are not being left out I was with them the whole time..If YOU aren't staying behind 50% of the Vaca to attend to the baby-- then who is??I did 100% stay witht the baby Your wife-right? no both of us she only has him 110% when I am at work
4. Why does your 10 yr old daughter CHOSE not to come visit? she said that her step mother does not like her and also she likes to play with her friends..What are her reasons. play with her friends.. Why is she afforded the right not to come to visit? I dont see it right to force her to come as my new wife honestly does not want her there... How often, honestly, does she truly visit? about one time every 1.5 months Does she get along with your wife? yes she does get along with my wife my wife has the atitude against her and my son Why not?
5. You say your Wife is trying to plan outings without your kids; how does she know when they are or aren't coming? the parrenting plan calls for me to have my kids every 1st 3rd and 5th weekend of the month and wendsday afternoons until 8pm thats the schedule If your kids are only in your home, say, 2 days out of a month--/ why do you feel they should be included in EVERY trip? I did not say every trip I said some trips How would your wife plan? I plan with my wife She doesn't know when or IF they would even be there? I'm confused.
I'd love to help you figure some things out. I really would, but I'm gonna need you to be fair & answer some questions. It's the only way to gauge things here. I might be a good person to bounce ideas off of. My parents divorced when I was 6. I lived full time with my Dad. My mom raised my 3 yr older then me, sister. We lived pretty much cordial lives. I vacationed with my Dad primarily-- a few times with my mI'm-/ I'm a stepchild. I'm 35 now & I can tell you I never ever was upset or hurt by not going on all vacations my mom & sister went on. Nobody was jealous-- nobody felt left out. Could you be projecting your guilt onto how you feel your kids might be perceiving things? Do your older kids tells you they feel left out? Yes they told me they felt left out and they also told my 71 year old mother the same thing who does not get involved in our lives.
It is NORMAL for a couple to vacation with none, some or all their kids. But I'd bet that your wife told you in the very early days of your relationship-- that she won't leave her daughter alone or without her.she has told me she will only leave her daughter with her mother who lives in Brazil
I bet only recently this has became an issue for you? no not recently Please do explain more & ANSWER my questions. YOU asked for help & advice & I cannot give it to you without knowing your situation first.
Lastly, please tell me about the last 3 times your older children had an issue with your wife. What was it about?I can only think of the last problem was last christmas my my mother was over and my daughter was telling my mother that my wife told her daughter not to share with her ever becouse my daughter would not share her itunes account music so my wife overheard my daughter telling my mother this. Another time was when my step daughter told my daughter she had to leave the the bedroom they share so she could study for school. My daughter was ordered out of the room by my step daughter. So my doghter told me that my wife told her to get out of the room but it was that my wife told her daughter to tell her to get out of the room. I got angry and told my daughter who is 10 that she is never to take orders from her step sisiter 9. I told my wife the same I told my wife that she should ask me or tell my daughter in a nice tactful way... I have to admit I blew up over this I let my wife have it that was wrong and was done in a way to make my daughter feel humiliated as she had no right to use the bedroom. How was it resolved? no resolutiuon ...Also- please do the same, but from your wives viewpoint; the last 3 times your wife had a problem with your older kids, what was it about? she says she does not have a problem with them she says her problem is with me that I only care about them when they are there. But that is not true I just try to spend some time with them. I am there father and they need me.
Again- I'm only trying to help you. Hope to hear back from you soon
** if you respond to my thoughts here, and are not the OP-- please at least be a parent- either bio or stepparent. Still trying to figure out why any non step related person would want to constantly be on these boards?? Most of us WISH we didn't have these problems. This is a stepparent site**
This entire thread gave me a
This entire thread gave me a headache. And I've asked a lot of questions to get a better understanding or to give the OP a peek inside to what his wife might be thinking. I think my questions and the questions above are valid.
I hadn't considered cultural differences with leaving a daughter behind so that is interesting.
All of that said, and I'm not switching sides because I think there are a LOT of red flags in the OPs posts, such as
1) he lets his daughter decide on visitation
2) he mentions at least once that he'd love to take his older two kids on vacay (no mention of his son with his wife)
3) he says they went to Alaska in June 2011 and also just returned from vacation, but somewhere else he says they've only been on one vacation as a family
4) he feels guilty and says he "wants to make it up to them" - huge red flag to a SM
5) he states he only has them EOWE and sometimes one of them doesn't come but still expects his wife to plan trips (which judging from his list of trips are more than 2 days at a time) around their time with him, which makes no sense
6) he calls his wife controlling, bitchy and naggy, but then changes his tune and says he is fine with vacation with just her, but not her kid.
Trying to be objective, it is possible that his wife remarried to have someone to take care of her kid. It is totally possible that she is a controlling bitch who thinks her kids are more important than his other children. It is totaly possible that she has raised her daughter to be entitled and is teaching her to also degrade this man by watching her mother do it. Hell, if I just read THOSE entries I'd swear he was married to Lazy McCrazy. I can totally see her doing this to a man and expecting him to treat SD8 like a princess while ignoring his first kids. We all can, can't we? Don't we all have BMs who are EXACTLY like this?
So what this all comes down to is whether or not the OP is being honest with himself and us. GIven the red flags posted above, his defensive / argumentative attitude and knack for giving just a little bit more info here and there to blame his wife, I think he isn't. Just my opinion, you understand. But I don't KNOW that. I could be totally wrong, in which case I say why did you give in and do what she demanded? Either way, you're at least partially to blame for your predicament. You either are fudging facts to make it seem like you and your kids are perfect (doubtful) or you're allowing this woman to destroy your life with guilt and threats. And either way, I feel sad for your new little boy who was brought into this world when one or both of you should have known better.
smdh, let me answer some of
smdh, let me answer some of your questions which due to time constraints did not have much time.
1) he lets his daughter decide on visitation Yes I do it does not feel right to me to force this on her. Maybe I am wrong. Part of the reason is her step mother has said and done many things to make her feel unwelcome and not liked. I ask my daughter what is wrong she just says my wife does not like her. Judging by my wifes behavior toward my 10 year old girl my wife does not like her.
2) he mentions at least once that he'd love to take his older two kids on vacay (no mention of his son with his wife)Yes I said that I did not mention taking my 11 month old son becouse she would never let me take him.
3) he says they went to Alaska in June 2011 and also just returned from vacation, but somewhere else he says they've only been on one vacation as a family
Yes we all went to Alaska and my wife said she had a horrible time granted she was pregnant that’s most of the reason she did not enjoy We stayed in an RV and drove hundreds of miles most people would have liked the trip. My wife had moments she enjoyed but her moods kept changing. When we got there we went to walmart to stock up on food supplies etc. We split up in wal-mart and my 12 year old son and I went to get a fishing pole. Wel that took about 20 minutes and my wife kept calling finaly when i met her she said she had enough and took off with her daughter leaving me to finish the shopping. Any way after that vacation she said she would never go with my kids anywhere not even to McDonalds.
4) he feels guilty and says he "wants to make it up to them" - huge red flag to a SM
Yes I do feel guilty Yes I do want to make it up to them. they did not ask for this its not there fault its mine. Let me say it again why should i have to take SD so many places and my kids only one trip per year. To be honest I resent spending my time and money on SD 9 and my other kid left out on so many trips yes I feel guilt I am wrong to do that as many times as i did. Ask yourself would you like to leave your bio kids behind and take your step kids?
5) he states he only has them EOWE and sometimes one of them doesn't come but still expects his wife to plan trips (which judging from his list of trips are more than 2 days at a time) around their time with him, which makes no sense
all our trips have been planned by me to exclude my own kids becouse she told me she wong go on anymore trips with my kids so my course of action was to apease her in hopes she would change her mind.
6) he calls his wife controlling, bitchy and naggy, but then changes his tune and says he is fine with vacation with just her, but not her kid. Of course if I cant take my kids why should i take hers? Does anyone on this site want to take there step kids only on a nice trip? To be fair I would be fine with one trip a year with my step daughter and baby and not my other kids. Would even be better to go alone with my wife but its not possible. My wife is controling yes she times how long it takes me to get home from work. She times me every where I go if I am going alone. She watches my eyes to see if I dare to even glance at another woman I have to act like a horse with blinders or I catch her wrath. She complains a lot and she has it pretty good. She is a bit spoiled becouse she is used to having a full time maid/nanny. Dont get me wrong my wife has good traits about her also.
(Trying to be objective, it is possible that his wife remarried to have someone to take care of her kid. It is totally possible that she is a controlling bitch who thinks her kids are more important than his other children.
Of course she thinks her daughter is more important than my other kids.
It is totaly possible that she has raised her daughter to be entitled and is teaching her to also degrade this man by watching her mother do it. teaching daughter to Dregrade me? How does this benifit anyone?
Hell, if I just read THOSE entries I'd swear he was married to Lazy McCrazy. I can totally see her doing this to a man and expecting him to treat SD8 like a princess while ignoring his first kids. We all can, can't we? Don't we all have BMs who are EXACTLY like this?
So what this all comes down to is whether or not the OP is being honest with himself and us. GIven the red flags posted above, his defensive / argumentative attitude and knack for giving just a little bit more info here and there to blame his wife, I think he isn't. Just my opinion, you understand. But I don't KNOW that. I could be totally wrong, in which case I say why did you give in and do what she demanded? I gave in to apease her and thaught she would tone it down but things got worse and then started to get better.
Either way, you're at least partially to blame for your predicament. Yes your right...ou either are fudging facts to make it seem like you and your kids are perfect (doubtful) or you're allowing this woman to destroy your life with guilt and threats. And either way, I feel sad for your new little boy who was brought into this world when one or both of you should have known better.)
thanks for your reply
So take your bio kids on a
So take your bio kids on a trip...She still has the right to have her kids on her time for her birthday. I think the misconception for all of us is that when 2 people get married we automatically have to love each others children and everyone should feel like "the brady bunch" in all acutality this couldn't be further from the truth. I love my husband...can't stand his son. If he wants to take a trip with him be my guest but a vacation with the little demon would be anything but a "getaway". We need to seperate relationships to harbor new ones and allow you to keep the old. This doesnt make her a bad person. You mentioned you felt left out on the trips with her kid...maybe she feels outnumbered and left out when you and your bios get together. Blending families doesnt come with a manuel and unfortunatly feelings get hurt and bridges get burned...its messy and anyone who says its not one of the hardest things they have EVER done is lying.
I would be glad to take trips
I would be glad to take trips with just my bio kids but my wife wont agree for me to take the baby and she does not want me to leave her at home by herself. So if I went I would be leaving her out against her will which would couse her to be more angry and resentful. Your right this is very difficult
There are lots of issues yes
There are lots of issues yes my 11 month old does not have a passport yet. She wont agree to me taking a trip overnite with my kids I would have to do it against her will.
(My brother is in intact family yet he took their son on fishing/camping trips alone and his wife stays home with their daughter. What's the big deal? People do this kind of stuff, that's not wrong)
I agree I would be gald for her to take a trip with only her daughter.
I took her on the weekend
I took her on the weekend trip along with my 11 month old and step daughter.
I do somewhat agree with
I do somewhat agree with that.
The only problem I can see is that the SD has NO other family she can be left with. You can't just leave a young child alone at home so it does make it difficult for trips with just your wife and bio kids.
I honestly (if it wasn't for all the other stuff) would be saying - it's your wifes birthday and she doesn't appear to have a great relationship with your kids so of course she should be allowed to celebrate it in peace.
Sorry, I really have no answers for you, but it is a bit more grey with the SD because there is no-one else, no father to take her and give you a break, seems unfair to you but you knew it going in so it's a bit hard to complain.
OK, well, if you're being
OK, well, if you're being honest, I say just stop planning trips that don't include your kids. You pay for them. You plan them. So just do it. If she won't go with yoru kids, noone goes anywhere.
I'll be honest though. I have said the exact same words to my dh regarding his daughter. I will not go on vacation or even on a day trip with her until he gets her under control. She ruined our last vacation and made me absolutley miserable. She refuses to do anything more quickly than a snail's pace and refuses to eat anything she insists on ordering at a restaurant. I can't have my 18 month old sitting in a restaurant for 2 hours while she picks at her food and eats one noodle at a time. It is unreasonable for anyone to expect him to be subjected to that. I love my dh. I recognize he wants to spend vacation time with his kid, but I refuse to do it at the expense of the rest of us. A family vacation is just that - family - not one person gets to have everyday revolve around them.
So I can kind of see her point. Being stuck in an RV with three kids and being pregnant probably sucked.
That said, I would be fine with him taking her on vacation by himself. He is entitled to that time and he can afford to do it. ANd if your wife constantly threatens to leave and take your child, reminds you that she is young and can do better and breaks things, your issues are bigger than her not wanting to take your kids on vacation.
I still disagree with allowing your 10 year old to choose to visit. She isn't old enough to make those kinds of decisions and saying your wife is "mean" without being able to tell you what she did or said that was "mean" is an excuse. IMHO.
I am being honest or there is
I am being honest or there is no point in these posts I don’t have time to just waste. I considered not planning any more trips without my other bio kids. She does not want me to go on a trip with my bio kids by myself or with her. In my case it’s her daughter that is a pain in the butt drags her feet making others wait for her to eat shower etc. Before me and my wife were together her daughter was an only child. The bright spot has been our two daughter get along with each other very well. Not much fights between the two.
Yes my issues are much bigger but this just came to mind so I wanted to post and see people’s opinions.
After reading all your replys
After reading all your replys it sounds like to me that maybe your wife dont want your kids around as much ok fine but you fell the same about her dd. It goes both ways. So you both feel the same about each others kids. So now that you know that you can understand her and why she feels that way.
However i do think you have an unrealistic expectations of your kids going on every vac or outing you have as they dont come over very often and at that your wife doesnt really know if or when they will come b/c you let them decide that. Maybe your wife gave up on trying to plan anything b/c she doesnt know when ot if they will be there.
Plus your kids do get to do ll kinds of things with their mom just like your wife is doing with her child. Your wife just might be acting the way she is b/c you do have an unrealistic expectation to take your kids on every fun thing you do and she is frustrated b/c it just cant happen with as little,time as you have them. And she might feel like you expect life to,stop,til you have your kids to do these things.
I know that id be very upset if my dh said we cant go on a long weekend if it is not his weekend to have his kids and we have to wait til they are with us. Sometimes life happens weather it is your weekend or not.
Hi purpledaisies thanks for
Hi purpledaisies thanks for your reply you right about my wife not wanting my kids around if I even mention one of their names her face from a smile to cold stone serious most of this is jus plain jealousy i think.
My wife does know that my kids come every first weekend 3rd and alternating fifth weekend and Wednesday afternoon. I don’t expect to take my kids on every vacation or weekend trip I expect that she should acknowledge and be more understanding that a father likes to have his kids involved somewhat in his life and vacations to me are a time one can focus on the child without distractions from home. I love my children just as she loves her daughter. Her attitude toward my children only makes me resent her daughter and everything I have to do for her daughter.
I am going to exhaust all
I am going to exhaust all efforts until my wife and I can at least come to some understanding
I also want to say as being a
I also want to say as being a step starting at 14 I saw firsthand jealousy between my mother and my step fathers kids and me and him. I was jealous of him and he was jealous of me.
I also feel that some of her reasons / complaints about my kids are trivial excuses drummed up to only mask her jealousy.
I am trying to apease my wife
I am trying to apease my wife like the Britts tried to appease Germany before WW2. Its not working she is running all over me. So is time for another approach. I REFUSE TO SELL MY KIDS DOWN THE CREEK FOR HER AND HER DAUGHTER NEVER! my wife needs to be reciprical I put up with hers she can put up with mine what fair is fair and it should not be any other way.
Dad has some serious issues to confront. The first is repairing the relationship he has with his daughter. He needs to reach a fair and reasonable compromise that includes ALL the children and finally, perhaps there needs to be an all around attitude adjustment for these folks. This family is not going to make it if they keep going this same path--this whole divide and conquer way of thinking will damage the family unit completely.
Speaking as a sm, I do not
Speaking as a sm, I do not and will not plan my life around my husband's ex wife's kids. Why would I? It doesn't make me a bad or "controlling" person, either.
hippiegirl, Go back and read
hippiegirl, Go back and read no one is saying anything about planning one’s life around step kids. Another thing does anyone consider these are children here some ones grandson, granddaughter son daughter etc.. why do your kids deserve better than your step kids I need to feel like i have done the right thing spending time with my kids or I feel empty inside. I am a happier man when all my kids come not just a step daughter that is ungrateful and constantly disrespects me. Thank your or please is not in her vocabulary most of the time. My resentment keeps growing...
Should you feel guilty? No.
Should you feel guilty? No. But, that might not stop you from feeling guilty anyway.
You love your kids, as you should...they are, afterall, your kids. BUT, they are NOT your wife's kids. Yes, she knew when she married you that you had kids, but I can guarantee that she didn't know what she was getting into (none of us did).
The truth is (whether you want to hear it or not), MANY dads in your situation feel very guilty for no longer being in their kids' lives on a daily baises, and because of that, you let your kids get away with A LOT. And, you don't seem to realize what an effect this has on your wife. She has to spend a lot of time (and probably money) on kids who aren't who she has little to no say on how they are raised, on what manners they do (or don't) have, what contribution they make to the household, etc. She pretty much has to put up w/whatever you decide because you are the parens. And, if she chooses to disagree, to stand up and say "wait a minute, these kids should NOT be allowed to run the house everytime they come over", she gets deemed the "evil stepmom". It is a hard position to be in.
So, for her, taking a vacation w/your bio kids, is not much of a vacation at all. She would either constantly be silently suffering, while putting up w/behavior that she would NEVER allow from her own kids, OR feel like she is an evil bitch because, god-forbid, she puts her foot down and tries to make her step-kids be respectful, have manners, etc.
Take your vacation w/your wife. You said yourself you have had and will continue to have vacations w/your bios and her. Let her have this one. Let her enjoy it.
And be thankful she puts up with everything she does.
yes but finding it dificult
yes but finding it dificult time wise to reply to every post
Submitted by planningMyEscape
Submitted by planningMyEscape on Mon, 08/06/2012 - 11:12pm.
Should you feel guilty? No. But, that might not stop you from feeling guilty anyway.
You love your kids, as you should...they are, afterall, your kids. BUT, they are NOT your wife's kids. Yes, she knew when she married you that you had kids,(TRUE) but I can guarantee that she didn't know what she was getting into (none of us did). i AGREE BUT THE SAME CAN BE SAID FOR ME ABOUT HER DAUGHTER)
The truth is (whether you want to hear it or not), MANY dads in your situation feel very guilty for no longer being in their kids' lives on a daily baises, and because of that, you let your kids get away with (A LOT. MY KIDS COME OVER SO LITTLE THAT SEEMS LIKE THEY ARE MORE LIKE RELATIVES VISITING FROM OUT OF STATE YES I DO FEEL GUILTY FOR NOT BEING IN THERE LIVES AND AS FAR AS GETTING AWAY WITH THINGS THERE PRETTY MUCH GOOD KIDS AND DONT HAVE ENOUGH TIME IN OUR HOUSE TO CAUSE MUCH TROUBLE) And, you don't seem to realize what an effect this has on your wife. She has to spend a lot of time (and probably money)MY WIFE REFUSES TO SPEND A DIME ON MY KIDS SHE WONT COOK FOR THEM EITHER. on kids who aren't who she has little to no say on how they are raised, HER KID IS NOT MINE BUT I HAVE TO PUT UP WITH HER IMMATURE ENTITLED DAUGHTER WHO LIKES TO CAUSE CONFLICT 24/7on what manners they do (or don't) have, what contribution they make to the household, etc. She pretty much has to put up w/whatever you decide because you are the parens. And, if she chooses to disagree, to stand up and say "wait a minute, these kids should NOT be allowed to run the house everytime they come over", she gets deemed the "evil stepmom". It is a hard position to be in.
So, for her, taking a vacation w/your bio kids, is not much of a vacation at all.SAME CAN BE SAID WHEN I GO WITH HER DAUGHTER! She would either constantly be silently suffering, while putting up w/behavior that she would NEVER allow from her own kids, OR feel like she is an evil bitch because, god-forbid, she puts her foot down and tries to make her step-kids be respectful, have manners, etc.
Take your vacation w/your wife. You said yourself you have had and will continue to have vacations w/your bios and her. Let her have this one. Let her enjoy it.
I understand what your
I understand what your saying. thank you Yes it can be tiring as my vacations are with step daughter
When you got with your wife--
When you got with your wife-- did she EVER leave her daughter alone with anyone??? Did she TELL you from the very get-go that she never would??
So why do you expect that to change now??? You REFUSE to answer very very valid questions here & your flat out leaving a lot out of "your" side.
So without any of the answers here, to help you: I come to one conclusion. You should Vaca once or whatever you decide, a year ALONE with your older bios AND then sepatatedly with your Wife & young bio & stepdaughter.
Only advice I can give you. I really really have tried to help & offer you advice. Hope you come up with some way to remedy the issue. Best of luck!!
TO stepmomto3bioto1 on Tue,
TO stepmomto3bioto1 on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 8:16am.
Sorry I have not been able to respond to everyone due to time constriants..
When you got with your wife-- did she EVER leave her daughter alone with anyone??? (YES SHE WOULD LEAVE HER WITH HER MOTHER A LOT...Did she TELL you from the very get-go that she never would?? YES SHE DID SAY THAT!
So why do you expect that to change now??? I KNOW THAT I HAVE TO HAVE THE SD 24/7 THAT DOES NOT MEAN I HAVE TO LIKE IT. I TRY TO PUT ON A GOOD FACE AND DO THE RIGHT THING) ALL I ASK IS MY WIFE TO RECIPROCATE! You REFUSE to answer very very valid questions here & your flat out leaving a lot out of "your" side. I AM TRYING TO RESPOND TO ALL QUESTIONS WHAT AM I LEAVING OUT ON MY SIDE?)
So without any of the answers here, to help you: I come to one conclusion. You should Vaca once or whatever you decide, a year ALONE with your older bios AND then sepatatedly with your Wife & young bio & stepdaughter.
Only advice I can give you. I really really have tried to help & offer you advice. Hope you come up with some way to remedy the issue. Best of luck!!
I read the whole tread and this sentence tells me that you should not have married your wife in the first place. I donot think you are ready to be in a marriage with anyone and the best thing you can do for her own sake since she is young is to separate and let her live her life and find someone worthy of her.
If you want to be with your children you should fight for full custody and be a full time father. Then you will not have guilt and will be available for them and vacations with them whenever they need you and want you. You can stay single till they are 18 or 21 and decide to leave the home and start their lives. This is the only way that you can relieve your guilty consciousness. Then you might be available for a woman but only if you have worked through the serious guilt and shame that you carry over from your divorce.
Your wife is young and she should not carry the burden of guilt that you carry. The fact that she is from a foreign country complicates things since she does not have a wider support net or group of extended family and friends - cousins, uncles, brothers , sisters that her daughter can go to and play with.You are her only rock and support. If you leave her alone she feels abandonment and rejection due to the fact that she cannot go to her mother or grandmother or her cousin and just have a good time.
She is a human being as you are and has feelings as everyone else. It seems to me you have unrealistic expectations of her sitting back and not having feelings and being in agreement with everything that you do.I am sure she loves you and wants to be with you and you love her and want to be with her. You have to ask her: How can I be more understanding? and she should ask you: How can I be more understanding?
The fact is that you made the choice not to work on your first marriage , divorced and have EOW with your children and not full custody. Your children from what it seems have a very wide support network of family , friends and resources available to them. Nothing to feel guilty about - they are enjoying a pretty fulfilling life as it is. You on the contrary are trying to overcompensate for your guilt by using them to relieve your feelings of dissatisfaction that your first marriage dd not work. Now you are trying to fit your wife into a role she did not sign up for and on top burden her with all the guilt you feel.
Instead of showing your children what it means to have a happy , healthy , loving family - you are creating turmoil with your wife by making her responsible for your feelings of guilt from the divorce. You have to move away from your past and start living in the NOW. The now is your beautiful wife and son that feel your anger and frustration . Do not create divisions where they do not exist. Create love and peace.
One story: My ex`s BM2 parents divorced when she was little- a baby. Her father re- married and created a loving, stable family , put his wife first and his sons and sometimes did not maintain a relationship with his daughter because her mother was not a very pleasant woman. Guess who my ex`s BM2 respects today more? Yes, she respect her father because he has shown her what a family means. Guess who she chooses to go to celebrate on 4 th of July with - with her father and her half - siblings. Why - because her father put his wife and family first and she had no choice but to respect her father for his choices.
My ex was so guilt ridden over the fact that he did not spend time with his daughter that he started blaming me for that - just like you do now with your wife. It is a good thing that we did not have children together and I did not marry him. That guilt of his blinded his perception and understanding of what it means to be a parent.Being a parent is not about vacations - it is about leading by everyday example. If you leave your wife in Walmart and go shopping for fishing rods with your son - you are saying to your son that your wife does not matter. You are brushing her off. If you leave your wife home and take your kids places - you are showing them that your wife is not part of your unit. It is another story if she tells you - guys enjoy the movie and I will go shopping while you eat your popcorn.
Talk to your wife in a loving and supporting manner- do not be judgmental and accuse her of jealousy. It probably has nothing to do with jealousy and all to do with YOU.
Create a loving home with your wife so that one day your children will respect you more and will want to create the same home for themselves. But first you need to take a very close look at yourself and speak lovingly to your wife. Do not make the mistake that my ex did because he lost the best thing that has every happened in his life and although he will get the short term satisfaction of playing the parent role in the long term his daughter would have lost respect for him .
The vacation is a short term satisfaction that they will get . In the long term they will remember the poor way that you treated your wife and that you left her behind. Kids feel that type of things.
Love and Peace
I am saying all of this in a loving way - create love and peace with your wife and live in the now not in the past.
anafiodorova thanks for your
anafiodorova thanks for your input..
you said ..I read the whole thread and this sentence tells me that you should not have married your wife in the first place. I do not think you are ready to be in a marriage with anyone and the best thing you can do for her own sake since she is young is to separate and let her live her life and find someone worthy of her.
Excuse me! Who are you to decide who I should or should not have married! Your sentence tells me that you don’t know what you’re talking about and for whatever reason your blowing the whole thing out of proportion. I never said my guilt is controlling my life it’s not. Its seems to me that you and others on this board but not all are projecting their own versions of how they were treated by their DH. I do put my wife first just because my other kids come over and I spend time with them does not mean she is not important to me. My wife spends time with her daughter 24/7 catering to her needs spending time etc… What’s wrong with me wanting to have time with my kids? Why is it that some DH wives accuse men of living in the past? If that’s the case then my wife is living in the past by keeping her daughter… A lot of this is jealousy pure and simple people just want to find excuses to hide behind. Wives should let their husbands enjoy their kids when they visit they knew that the men had children before they married them! Yes the table can be turned both ways. These types of replies only put me on the defensive I can either ignore them or refute them. My wife knew I had children just as I knew she had a daughter. I have not been able to find a resolution yet and I don’t need people to tell me to give up because my wife is younger than me and can find a better man lol... We do love each other but the blended family situation is very difficult as we all know. Part of my reason here is to vent and get it off my chest. Isn’t this site called Steptalk (where stepparents come to vent)? In some ways I feel unwelcome here because I have differing views than the majority here. I just hope to find a compromise with my wife that will include me having my fair share of time with my other bio kids without her scorn! That’s only fair as she has who she loves 24/7 she should be more understanding and reasonable to me also. Yes she chose to leave her country and yes she is homesick. I am doing my best to integrate her to the life here and my family here has been very good to her.
If you struggle in your
If you struggle in your feelings you should communicate with her and she should communicate with you in a loving way so that all anxieties are alleviated. I am sure it is very difficult for her being alone without her mother and family. I am happy that your family embraces and loves your wife and supports her in a caring way.
I donot want to project anything on you. I just hope that you take some time to look inside and do some work on yourself in a loving and compassionate way. Instead of judging her as jealous and putting labels on your wife you should try to look at yourself. Yes, I know it is painful. Yes, I have been there. Yes, I know it hurts and yes until your mind is in overdrive you will not be able to find a solution. You need stillness of mind.
Guilt is what our modern - nation state is built on and there is no escaping it. We all carry it in one form or another. Including me - every day all day:). In schools, institutions, media, shopping etc. we are all permeated by guilt.
It is all about loving and caring communication - once we get into our mental boxes and thoughts that make us react in unloving ways we forget that we are all love.
In a loving and peaceful way I hope that you find stillness and peace of mind.Be love!
thanks thats part of our
thanks thats part of our problem we dont commuinicate about our problems she clams up
Without communication - a
Without communication - a loving one based on mutual respect and listening and trust you are not given a chance to improve the partnership.
My ex locked himself in the bedroom and did not want to talk and communicate for days.I repeatedly asked for us to sit on the kitchen table and talk in a loving and kind way.He later re - emerged and said he does not want to invest in continuing forward with marriage. Changed his mind during the month , we tried but a real loving dialogue never happened because the damage was done already and he would not communicate and only blame me for seeking a dialogue and compromise. He was stuck on being right and stubborn.He did not want to listen.
If one party wants to be right and insists that the other one is wrong the dialogue and compromise will not follow. If you insist that she is jealous and she insists that she feels as outsider , alone and abandoned nothing can more forward. You are in your mental boxes. In order for compromise to occur one party needs to get our of the mental box and say: I admit I should have been more involved and the other one should follow I admit I should have taken consideration of your feelings and not texted during our time together. Then from here the conversation can start unfolding and you can both find a common ground. However if she is dead set on her being right about her non involvement and you are not willing to make concessions you are both not allowing positive energy and love to flow.If only you make concessions then you feel like the injured party and start feeling resentment towards her and her child.This makes you more defensive and overly sensitive whenever your other children are involved.Suddenly everything her daughter does is bothering you and you start looking for love from your other children.However , you still love your wife - if only she would be more involved and caring towards your other children. The key is communication and her talking to you about her feelings.If the child does not cry the mother does not know that the child is hungry. She should open herself for her feelings to you and you should listen in non judgemental way and assure her that you understand and love her. If you call her jealous you are getting back in your mental box and she will get very defensive and close up even more.
Try to open up a loving and caring dialogue assuring her of your unending and unconditional love for her.
It is all about our ego - we have to be right no matter what. In that process we lose the love.
Hi anafiodorova If only you
Hi anafiodorova
If only you make concessions then you feel like the injured party and start feeling resentment towards her and her child.This makes you more defensive and overly sensitive whenever your other children are involved.Suddenly everything her daughter does is bothering you and you start looking for love from your other children.However , you still love your wife - if only she would be more involved and caring towards your other children. The key is communication and her talking to you about her feelings.If the child does not cry the mother does not know that the child is hungry. She should open herself for her feelings to you and you should listen in non judgemental way and assure her that you understand and love her. If you call her jealous you are getting back in your mental box and she will get very defensive and close up even more.
(yes this is mostly how i have ben feeling) I have not given up trying to talk to her.
The first step is to go
The first step is to go somewhere where you two and only you two felt happy in the beginning and start a loving open conversation. You can make it a point to go to your spot every weekend for 2- 3 hours. I loved a waterfall hiking trail and when I wanted us to talk I suggested to him that we go there sit on a bench and talk. If she is open to dialogue she will come and share her feelings.
In my case he was not ready to talk. He reached out to me yesterday after 10 months of us being separated and done with the relationship. I guess some men need time to realize what they have lost. I donot want to see you guys separate because you were not able to talk in an open , loving way.
I was in your position and I wanted dialogue but he was not ready to talk to me. He was in his mental box and even told me that there is nothing that I can say that can make him listen or consider my feelings. He was deaf and blind to my feelings and stubborn. So much into his mental box that he could not open his heart and closed it off out of fear. I am afraid this is happening to your wife.
I pressured him to talk and he was not ready to open up and obviously needed time to objectively look at the situation. Turns out he needed 10 months of No contact with me to realize some things and I am not sure whether he understands fully everything.But I donot judge him or blame him because I know that he does not know what he is doing.He needs time to come to his light.
Is it possible that your wife needs time? How much time do you think she might need? Have you asked her whether she wants to work on the marriage?
I understand how you feel and how difficult it is for you. Refrain from judging , blaming or calling her jealous because that puts you into your mental box and will push her even more away.Both of you need to grow in your hearts and open them even more so that you can understand one another. Consider that a gift!
Oh....I didn't realize your
Oh....I didn't realize your situation was this complicated. To be honest, I only read your op before I responded. Too many in between posts to read. I will admit, I have no idea what being separated from my children is like, I don't know what non-custodial parents go through, and I used to get irritated with my DH for getting depressed on his kids' birthdays-not fully knowing what he was feeling & because I saw it (the first family) as being a distraction away from his CURRENT family. Again, I just don't get it. I also didn't read about how your wife's kid is a pain in the rear and that you paid for everything. MY bad.
This is tough for you, and I'm sorry for you. I've got no advice....just sympathy. ((( hugs )))
thanks I felt depressed on my
thanks I felt depressed on my kids birthdays for a few years. Now I go do something special for them or with them and that provides some relief. Did you get angry with DH when he got deppressed? My wife gets angry with me when I show emotion regarding my bio kids.
I don't think I will have the
I don't think I will have the popular opinion, but what I see here is a very insecure woman who wants her man to love only her and her child. She is extremely jealous of his children, and really doesn't want them around.
Instead of going away on a weekend that isn't her "birthday weekend", she wants the OP to switch weekends so she can go away only with him and her DD and BS.
I'm sorry, but that's wrong. Heck, I probably feel the same way as she does, but I would never suggest that to my DH. Don't need WWIII breaking out at our house.
OP and his DW have been together for at least a couple of years. Even though she said she wouldn't leave her DD with anyone else, I'm sure the OP thought she may as the child got older.
If my husband wouldn't go on a vacation alone with me (no kids or skids), it would be a cold day in hell before I would go on a vacation with his kids alone, while leaving mine out.
I understand that sometimes it's not possible to include everyone due to scheduling conflicts etc., but that is definitely not the case here.
Hi Secondplace your reply is
Hi Secondplace your reply is close to what I have been thinking. I know people of course prefer there own children and that’s normal but to want to hinder the other spouses access to their kids hurts a lot. It’s starting to make me feel like I need to chose my kids or my wife and I do not want to have to do that.
I wanted to add that my wife tells me that I take time away from her daughter but when my wife has the chance/time to spend with her daughter she does not take advantage of that time. For instance if am out with my older son my wife just lets her daughter watch TV and play video games all day which is what her daughter likes to do. Seems to me she is not an involved parent even with her own daughter and she blames me for that. I have offered to keep the baby so she can go out with her daughter but she does not take advantage. She seems detached from her own children. Before we were together I noticed she did not have much to do with her daughter besides daily routines.
Secondplace, you worded that
Secondplace, you worded that good. "I probably feel the same way she does, but would never suggest it to DH". So true.
You nailed it secondplace and
You nailed it secondplace and hippiegirl - This is the crux of their problem - lack of communication.They have no avenue to talk about their feelings and try to compromise.Thus fear and anxiety settle instead of love and appreciation. He says she is jealous and she says I am outsider and this builds up resentment that spills over.
Loving, caring communication with respect to their feelings is necessary so that they get out of their judgemental mental boxes and release their ego driven assumptions. Once that happens love will flow for all involved.We should remember that we are all love. The sun shines and the air is there for all of us. Until there is love they have a chance. If there is love that means that they still remember their light. Once they lose their light it is very difficult to come back to the light.
yes for sure I need to find a
yes for sure I need to find a way to talk to her without her or I getting defensive. I think this is one of the biggest problems with most relationships not just mine.
Yes, I did used to get angry
Yes, I did used to get angry with DH for showing emotions regarding his kids. I'm not proud of that. We have come a long way in the last 17 years. Things are alot better your marriage still relatively new?
So whu did you get angry?
So whu did you get angry?
We have been together 2 years.
I've read most of the replies
I've read most of the replies to your initial post, and it's sort of gone off track.
You seem to be getting extremely offended that a lot of ppl that have replied aren't agreeing with you and are giving constructive feedback. I don't think you really wanted honest opinions, I think you wanted confirmation that how you're feeling about this subject is acceptable. What basis to I have to say this? Every post that doesn't agree with you has you being defensive and argumentative.
Sticking to the question asked- I think it depends on the circumstances. As many previous posters have stated, your wife's life can't be put on hold for every time it's your children's turn to be at your house. You have your "big" family, including your new children (SD included) as well as your bio children. You also have your "little" family, which doesn't include your bio children. You are going to have to understand that life does not stop because your bio children aren't there. You can't force your wife to love them and shove them down her throat. If YOU want to plan things on the weekends that your bio children are there, take some initiative. Do it. Sometimes it's ok to do things with your "little" family...but you planning a big trip to make it up to your bio children kind of goes to show that you still may have a few underlying issues about not being there 100% of the time anymore.
Your reply is a little
Your reply is a little irrelevant to my post. You want to think about it and try again?
To answer the first question, SD is expected to be treated equally by dad because that's what the dad is complaining about in the first place. His wife doesn't treat the bio kids equally.
I have mixed feelings on this
I have mixed feelings on this one. As a SM, I completely understand your wife wanting to take vacations without stepkids. I can only speak for myself, but it wouldn't be much of a vacation for me if my SD was there. It would be extremely stressful and I would want to go home. I don't have any kids so I definitely do not want my SD coming on vacation with my husband and I. That being said, she has a kid of her own who is not yours and expects to bring that kid along but not your bios and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I can see why you are upset. But I also feel like your wife shouldn't have to plan all her vacations around visits with stepkids. Her life doesn't stop just because your kids aren't there.
Maybe you could suggest taking a couple's vacation alone with your wife? Sounds like you could use some couple time!
This may be a duplicate if so
This may be a duplicate if so I apologize:
You said: "You too must have a chip on your shoulder. Your reply is in no way constructive thanks but no thanks".
I beg to differ. SOMETHING is going on. They gave you some things you seriously need to look at. If you don't see yourself in that description just ignore their Posts. But if you honestly look at yourself and see maybe you fit the description you may find a solution. If you dismiss their comments out of hand you may have kicked aside the problem AND the solution.
I regularly took two vacations, 1 week each. One with my wife and no step-kids and one with my children. A inexpensive vacation with children is a week long camping trip at a local state or federal park.
Try to watch this - it might
Try to watch this - it might help you with the guilt
Try to watch this - it might
Try to watch this - it might help you with the guilt
I am your wife in this
I am your wife in this situation and my DH feels the same way you do. We have compromised and any trips that are with my family his child does not come. It was crucial for me to have some vacations only with him and our two children. My SD does not like me and makes it very stressful on everyone. But even in cordial situations, us stepmoms need a break and not just when they are not in our homes but on vaca too. Good luck and I know this is so tough.
I got angry because I was a
I got angry because I was a lot younger and more immature. I saw that first family as a threat. I wanted all of his time and attention to go to the kids that I gave him, because in my eyes (back then) the kids that he had with his ex wife did not matter and I considered them "less than". Like I said, I'm not proud of acting like that. Now, I realize that DH's universe does not have to always revolve around me and my feelings. I've grown up.
This looks like a good
This looks like a good resource from people who have lived through it and have found a common ground/solution
Although this is not step related I think it explains the behavior of your wife and your reaction and how that creates stress in the marriage. You can read it together and discuss it!
Stay in love!
My Name is Mrs. Trace, I was
My Name is Mrs. Trace, I was married to my husband for 8years and we were both bless with three children, living together as one love, until 2010 when things was no longer the way the was [when he lost his job]. But when he later gets a new job 6 months after, he stated sleeping outside our matrimonial home. Only for me to find out that he was having an affair with the lady that gave him the job. since that day, when i called him, he don’t longer pick up my calls and nothing since to come out good. Yet my husbands just still keep on seeing the new girl friend till Dr.Magbu cast a spell for me,now is with me and me only.And i am happy with my family if you need his help contact on via email,[email protected]
Do your kids ever say they
Do your kids ever say they feel guilty leaving you behind when they are traveling with their mother or doing fun things with her? I can tell you after years of experience, my skids like to make my DH (their bio dad) feel bad that mom does an amazing vacation every year and all we do it take them to the beach in florida for a week and camping every other weekend. They realized that their dad was feeling guilty and they're now manipulating both parents to get everything they want at both houses.
Be careful with this type of will definitly get you into a situation that you won't be able to get out of without looking like a terrible father in the end.
One additional thought. I
One additional thought. I wouldn't trade weekends with bio mom to go away with just your new family. That will also create a problem. Tell your wife she has two choices.
1. Plan another weekend when i don't have the kids
2. We will all go together since this is my weekend.