When does it sink in to these kids?
When does it sink in to these kids that the world isn't all about them and we aren't here to be their servants. It's father's day and I'm working my butt off making dinner and they haven't even said happy father's day.
Never. When you stop serving
Never. When you stop serving them, they just move to the next person, but at least it's not you.
When a parent, or some other
When a parent, or some other involved adult, teaches them proper manners.
Don't work your butt off for that anymore. It's their father, anything they make is going to taste heavenly to him, even if it is sandwiches. Let them do the cooking.
I'm going to go out on a limb
I'm going to go out on a limb and say either never, or when they have kids of their own and they have to learn the hard way when their OWN kids are totally selfish and self-absorbed. Maybe.
i'm hoping sd19 is slowly
i'm hoping sd19 is slowly learning that right now while she's pregnant and i won't jump at her beck and call to "help" her. (i still haven't figured out how she expects me to "help" her be pregnant). i hope the lesson hits overdrive once her kid gets here. and it is my fondest wish that she and bf will break up, and she will end up with skids that treat her how she has treated me, and with a kickass sm to her kids that she will be insanely jealous of. }:)
The WWII generation came home
The WWII generation came home and raised a generation of kids who wanted for nothing as best their parents could afford.
That generation assuming that physical things were a given went on to raise a generation of kids who were told that they were all worth something even if they didn't work for it. Everyone got a trophy just for showing up.
That generation raised the "greed" generation who assumed that financial success was the standard by which they would be judged. Remember the bumper sticker: "Whoever dies with the most toys wins"? Morals became irrelevent.
Finally we have the current generation whose parents wiped their butts and never quit. This generation assumed that someone would always do so and expect their parents to provide. Their parents don't disappoint. Since its expected there is no reason to say "thanks" after all that's why the parent exists.
Likely they'll continue this with their (mostly unborn as of today) kids. The elete 1 or 2% can afford to carry on the traditions while the rest, eternally hopeful of financial success, will emulate them as best they can.
I've dropped them with their
I've dropped them with their mother for the week (we do every other week in the summer) and neither of them had said happy fathers day. Just sad.
I'm 41 and took my dad breakfast this morning at 7am...he's loves sausage egg mcmuffins. LOL
First: Orange County... WELL
First: Orange County... WELL SAID... I see it exactly the same way...
My .02 on this thread:
I have two SD's 25 & 26 (That's what I call them SD's)... father abandoned their mother at 2 & 3, after putting her in the hospital more than once...
I met them all (Aunt who I married for almost 20 years, (Sister in law /(bio mom)who remains single for obvious reasons and the girls when they were 5 & 6(and on the run)...
Bio Dad died of an overdose when they were 8 & 9..."There is a god!"
Would I say I did everything for them "no"... but I Did as much or MORE than most Bio Dad's...
They never called me dad, just UNCLE... cause that is what I was...
but I was the ONLY male in their life... and I played DAD...
Still do... (even after I separated from & divorced thier Aunt)
When does it sink in... it was around 22 & 23... for them...
After college, and LIFE really started sinking in...
It's still sinking in for them...I have gotten a fathers day card from either of them occasionally, but it's NOT consistent, my birthday is the week after... and I usually get all cards, and gifts on that day...
Hell, I was never great at telling my Father how much I appreciated him...
BUT I always respected him, and I tell him I love him every time I talk to him...and that is all I ever expect of my girls, as well as a little time with them a few times a year, to catch up, hang out, and enjoy each others company... and we do that...
Father's day is just another day... 365 days in the year, They answer my calls, they make plans with me, and they still ask and listen to my advice.
Maybe my expectations are to low for ONE day, but... I am NOT thier father...
I just played one in their life... and it takes a while for people to realize the Sacrifices you made until they have to start making them too...
If i ever get the urge to
If i ever get the urge to marry another woman ,with kids,i will reread all these posts,have a stiff drink and then tell myself...HELL NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha! I had the same thing
Ha! I had the same thing happen to me on Father's Day. I prepared food all day so that we could have a nice family meal for dad. What do we get instead? A sullen 18 year old SS that came downstairs after spending the entire day in his room on his computer, helped himself to a huge plate of food, ate the whole thing without saying one word, and then left back to his room. Not one pleasant word to his dad about Fathers' Day - in fact, not one word about it at all. Loser.
Never, my step-kids think its
Thank GOD i'm not the only
Thank GOD i'm not the only one who feels like this...
I try to teach my Sd6 that
I try to teach my Sd6 that its not all about her, most kids are like that I think, it is annoying I know that, Sd is slowly realising that the whole world was'nt created just for her lol.