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Counseling suppose to start tonight

dont know what to do's picture

Well tonight was suppose to be our first session, we are talking with a pastor and his wife who do this counseling often. Yesterday it was a huge deal about how DH had things to do and we couldn't go, well Wednesday is the only good night cause my DS gets picked up and can stay with his grandparents until we get home, if we went on Thursday then he would be home alone and he's only 10. A few hours alone is fine with me but it would actually be 5 or so hours. Anyway I asked him where we were going tonight and he said what are you talking about I have more important things to do and I just go so very quiet on the phone and just said ok nevermind maybe some other time. So then he texts "why did you sound mad" hmmm umm i don't know, maybe because you seem to have more important things than our marriage to work on tonight! I'm not mad actually I'm hurt! Can't even believe he agreed to go then backs out, oh wait yea I can what am I saying!

SMof2Girls's picture

Hold him to it! Make him go! If you keep giving him the option, and not delivering any consequences that will hit home, than you can't expect it to every change. You deserve better than that.

Orange County Ca's picture

Males don't need help. We're in control and on top of everything.

Go alone - you'll get a lot out of it especially if the religious man is trained.

If not I'd also go to a professional marriage counselor who will have more to offer. But obviously try your Pastor first.

After a few sessions when Hubby sees your determined he'll go. If nothing else he'll be curious to make sure you're not figuring out how to best file for divorce.

Remind him but don't nag. Inform him of the next session. Remind him the morning of the session and when you leave ask him if he's goiing and that the Pastor wants to see him. That's it - no nagging.

LilyBelle's picture

Gotta say- I agree with Orange here.

Asking once is a request. A gentle reminder is acceptable. Anything beyond that is nagging, and isn't good for the relationship. His lack of response gives you a message. Nagging makes you appear childish.... take the message he's giving you, and make a decision as an adult about how you will proceed.

dont know what to do's picture

Thank you all for your advice. I think I will go alone if he hasn't already canceled with them. I think it's important and I just wish he did!