Last resort, looking for advice about my situation with step daughter
I have just come across this site while I am sat in complete despair
I have been married 12 years to a lady with 3 children, now 2 men and a 22 yr old daughter
Only the step daughter lives at home.
I have never met their father and have been the sole bread winner for all that time
The Step daughter has always been divisive and is very immature for her age. Relations between us have always been patchy, her boyfriend (25+) now spends practically all his time living at ours too.
While they buy their own food they have nothing to their name, they both work, contribute little and use everything of ours for the past year
When broaching the subject I am deemed mean spirited, I feel it would be good for them to get a place of their own but while she makes the right noises nothing ever happens.
She is a very dominant person, she has complete control over her mother using a combination of guilt and emotional bribery. I am not prepared to be bullied which often causes problems
It has got to the stage where she no longer talks to me in my own home but puts on a pretense whenever anyone else is around. I can not confront her, she refuses to speak to me point blank, her boyfriend while pleasant is completely controlled which leave me on my own in my own home
We also have a son between us who is now noticing the fallings out and quite often they alienate him from me too.
I have spoken to both sons hoping they will intervene and have a word, one says kick her out but my wife won't let me and takes her side all the time, the other is just staying out of it.
I want to try, would gladly go to a counselor but they will not entertain the idea, I feel not only alone and psychologically bullied in my own home by this daughter (and her weak mother) which I solely support but at complete breaking point. I also work 60 hours a week running my own business which again no one either helps or is interested in
I want to leave but feel I should stay and fight for what is mine but is very hard, atleast until I can walk away with something fair.
Anyone got any advice?
Hi Colin, I am not sure if I
Hi Colin,
I am not sure if I have any advice that can help with your DW or SD but I think that it might help if you went to a counselor on your own. It helped me years ago to get a better perspective on a bad situation. It gave me the strength and the clarity to walk away from a relationship in which I was taken for granted and taken advantage of by someone I thought I loved.
I wish you the best of luck.
I will definitely take that
I will definitely take that on board. I am really pleased to have found this site, all of a sudden I don't feel so alone
thank you
I would say also take legal
I would say also take legal advice...
I have done this in the past
I have done this in the past and not in a bad position, we live in a largish house close to a college and often take in students, like I mentioned in a previous reply, I'd rather be bought out since that gives my wife the opportunity to earn something with the place rather than sell up and live in a 2 bed place.
You are definitely not alone
You are definitely not alone here. I came on board here after feeling very desperate and "crazy" from my 5 year relationship and dealing with my ex-boyfriend's daughter. She is 22 also and I have known her since she is sixteen. Funny thing is that she hasn't mature one ounce since that time. In fact I have spent many hours reading posts on this site and it seems that she may be as someone once said here "emotionally stuck" at the age of 16. She is downright disrespectful and rude to my ex-boyfriend. After watching him basically enable her for the last five years I have ended the relationship. Take the advice of Bird. I myself finally started to see a therapist because I felt as if I was "crazy" watching all of their interactions. (You can ready my prior posts.) Between the drinking, her total disrespect I decided to speak to a therapist. After about two months into therapy she basically told me exactly what I have felt for the past two years, that being that he is an enabler (his ex-wife is an alcoholic) and he enables his kids also. My therapist really didn't give me much hope for change since he won't even admit her behavior is a problem or also that he is an enabler. I read a book called "Co-dependent no more" on the advice of my therapist and it helps to explain the behavior of individuals like your wife and my ex. Before you think about leaving, since you obviously have a lot more to deal with since you are married I would try to at least speak with a therapist. Perhaps you wife might change her mind if you start to go and join you . If not at least go for your own sake.
I must say that while I do miss his companionship I really don't miss all the drama that he brought with him into my life. For the first time in months I have been able to sleep soundly at night. Try to hang in there and remember to "love yourself" also. Good Luck to you.
You are in a tough position.
You are in a tough position. You can see what is happening objectively, but your wife cannot. She cannot throw out her daughter knowing she does not have the emotional or financial means to support herself...she just can't do it. IMO the boyfriend should move out. Talk to your wife and propose that you give him 3 months to move out. After three full months (from the 1st of next month) you will also begin charging the daughter rent (say $100/mo). Every month, the rent goes up by $50. She will decide soon enough that she wants to live elsewhere. Or at least it will help her to budget while saving for a place of her own. Get him out quick before they get pregnant and you never get them out. Say to DW, "I care about SD and I don't want to through her out...I want her to learn to take care of herself, just like we had to." "Also, I have to get up early and I don't want them coming in late...if they cannot get home by ____, they should stay elsewhere." "SD isn't gonna like this, and she's going to blame this has to be a decision between the two of us." Then have a family meeting and lay it all out.
Has she graduated from college? Helping her to get through school or job training would contribute to her ability to be independent.
Money and kids are problems that really mess with a marriage. You've come this far...hopefully you and DW can go on some date nights or day trips and treat each other well. That way, you'll be a comfort to one least when the kids are out.
I'm in a slightly worse situation, in that my SD won't ever grow up due to her disabilities and learned helplessness. So I know what it's like to have no say in what goes on in your own home. Still, I love my DH and we are a comfort to one another a majority of the time.
Thank you so much for your
Thank you so much for your replies.
To answer a couple of questions, she is in full time paid work taking home around £10K, her boyfriend earns around £20K, they are more than capable of moving out. It isn't hard to tell she is petrified of the idea of going it alone, doesn't have enough confidence to do it and her mother seems only too happy to feed.
Neither of them drive, he is banned and she refuses to, oddly enough she can accept lifts quite well though, it isn't an allergy to cars,
Shes texts her mother constantly claiming she is moving out 'asap' because she can't stand my abuse but when I check the computers history all I see is facebook.
Her mother backs her 100%, she will not go to any outside counseling hence my need to speak to the lads and to be honest my next suggestion will be that they might want to buy me out of the house, there is a lot of equity in the place (I have the money put by to pay off the mortgage but never have just in case of this).
My darling SD plays the victim card to a degree that even my son sympathises with her, I can't see him coming with me and don't really want to upset his life any more than I have to,
my mother and step mother see right through SD and have nothing but sympathy for my position.
To top it all my wife has been diagnosed with arthritis in her neck and is struggling, can't work (has never worked while we have been together) and needs help around the place. Again I feel this has fallen on me and am unable to ask them for assistance
I will look at that book, it sounds like it will hit the nail on the head.
Thank you all once again
Unfortunately we are right by
Unfortunately we are right by a train station and bus service hence it is easier for him to be here than with his relatives elsewhere in town, he is a nice guy, he is from outside the area and I employed him when he first arrived and we get on well, I have jetskis and we went out but he is no longer allowed, all I want to do is welcome him to the family but this level of dominance actually affects the dynamics of the house
He wanted to buy one, when she heard this she said 'why buy one when you can use his for free' and 'if you buy that I'll stab you in your sleep', needless to say he hasn't
The dominance she has over him is to the extent that if he stops and talks to me in another room she texts him to leave and he does
My wife will never kick them or push them out, my comment to her is that she still thinks like a single mother and makes all the decisions alone
Everytime there is a flare up like now the SD uses the opportunity to reinforce her position and alienate me further.
Despite being in the same house she hasn't spoken to me for the past 3 weeks except when I tried to resolve the situation and I got a 'I'll talk when I am ready' attitude, I bit and told her a few home truths which she broadcast by text to those who support her
I read a couple of texts to her mother 'he is being horrid to me,come back now, help' sort of thing
She won't share a room with me now and drags her boyfriend out when I walk in, this in itself is not that distressing but i feel that she shouldn't be benefiting from my house and it's internet , tv, laptops etc while she is behaving this way, am i being too hard by this?
A good friend said to me,
A good friend said to me, give them a month/6 weeks,
I'd love to see SD change but i think the only solution is for either her to leave or me and proceed to separate. This is forcing my wife to make a choice, I don't like that but perhaps she might get the idea that the money tree in the garden will go with me
I am by no means perfect, I have sought alternative ways to make me happy in the past but know that the only way to make this marriage work and solve this issue is to confront it head on.
It's been another miserable weekend, have spent the night on the sofa one more time but am happy to get up, get out of here and go to work.
Thank you once again for taking the time to write
I think you and your wife are
I think you and your wife are being pushovers. Unless the daughter and boyfriend are disabled, they will be able to be out on their own. And no you are not being to harsh. Everyone is benefiting by you working! What would happen if you left and then they all had to pay the bills without your help? Maybe that needs to happen....
"i feel that she shouldn't be
"i feel that she shouldn't be benefiting from my house and it's internet , tv, laptops etc while she is behaving this way, am i being too hard by this?" I would cut all of the power to the house, have your water shut off, eat out, cook for your son & yourself on a grill when the days are nice, take showers at friends or other family members (paying your share of the water bill), laundry mat for your clothes & your sons clothes, & live like little house on the prairie until they all move out. As long as you provide the basic essentials for your son, you are not breaking any laws.
Other than that, im not sure what to recommend but I like "take legal advice". If the others in the household want the nice things & access to the toys, let them pay for it all.
like this idea. You and your
like this idea. You and your wife are the right generation not to find this too hard, and your son is young enough to take an interest in the experiment. Slob and co-slob will not be able to cope with the loss of amenities. You could present it as an economy drive to save for therapeutic treatment for your wife's health condition (who could criticise that?).
I read the age of the son
I read the age of the son wrong, sorry for that.
he is 12, he doesn't deserve
he is 12, he doesn't deserve to be caught up in this.
Yea I wish I had some better
Yea I wish I had some better advice for you because no matter what you do or don't do, he is caught up in it. Pretty sad how some people can be so cruel. Anytime I felt caught up in a situation it felt like I had to do something rather extreme to change the situation. I'm assuming that you have already tried to get things worked out in a reasonable manor & it has not been of any help.
My DH had one regret when him & his ex wife got their divorce..He wishes he would have kept his kids in his custody. He never knew their BM would neglect the kids as bad as she did. DH had his share of faults & some of decisions were made when he felt guilty. I would like to suggest that your son stays with you (primarily) if at all possible if you were to split up with your wife. You sound like a good dad & hes going to need you.
Again, thank you, I truly
Again, thank you, I truly appreciate the comments
Part of me wants to up sticks and walk away and part of me tries to fight it out, trouble is by fighting it out I am still there, being alienated and yet still paying the bills
I put my foot down 4 years ago when SD got pregnant, she was doing nothing whatsoever at the time, was hell to live with and was with a local lad who had no idea what he was doing
Having decided she wanted to keep the baby I said I would not be happy with her living with us long term, some may disagree with me here but knowing her personality and character it wasn't ever going to be anything more than a babysitting arrangement for my wife and her trying to pin this lad down
Following me threatening to leave to my wife because they tried to force me to this, in the end she took an abortion tablet and it has been my fault ever since.
To give a better picture of the situation, the lad got 18 months inside for mugging someone shortly after. His mother tried to attack the SD because she was so obnoxious and SD has been barred from her local bar indefinitely
My wife knows I will see this through but the repercussions of her leaving under a cloud will go on forever hence my reticence in giving ultimatums.
The one thing that has really got me this weekend is when my SD took a call on her mums mobile from my son who needed a lift home from a local park. She didn't tell me and her mother wasn't in.
I feel that compromising a 12yr olds' safety for cheap point scoring is beyond the limit.
If I approached my wife about this I am sure SD would come up with something.
It's her son too, she ought
It's her son too, she ought to know. You need to have that one out in the open for your son's sake, even if not as a bargaining counter
Duplicate post-sorry
Duplicate post-sorry
I think what say makes sense,
I think what say makes sense, this site brings a realisation that there are other people out there going through similar and whatever the outcome it will be better than it is right now
I guess I am looking for confirmation that this is unreasonable behaviour and it is not my imagination or callous thoughts which is how my wife construes it
Thanks again and for the wishes
Other people out there have
Other people out there have been used and abused by skids and the lazy, guilty bioparents who enable them. They (including your wife) are all perfectly comfortable with the situation and have a vested interest in staying put (the free stuff you provide). They are setting a bad example for your bio son. It isn't a healthy environment. They are abusing your good nature and kindness. They will try to punish you and make you feel as bad as possible if you insist on the respect and adherence to your house rules that is lacking.
There are books out there about step-parenting and relational agression. Seeing a counselor by yourself (if wife won't attend) may help you put it in perspective and decide on a plan. Look for a counselor experienced with step-families. Some counselors are good and some are terrible.
Detaching helps too. These young adults are scamming you both. Your wife seems content to allow it, but you don't have to live like that. You aren't doing them any favors either because someday they must stand on their own. Protect yourself and your interests if you decide to split. There are people out there who are emotionally healthy and reasonable-maybe that's who you need to find.
Best wishes.
She has always been
She has always been protective for her as her father (ex Husband) has never bothered with any contact since she was 5, this includes birthday cards/present etc, nothing
I understand and respect this but the daughter has made contact with her father and fallen out with him in the past few years, my argument is that while I am not her father would he or any other behave differently.
I think it is hurtful after 15 years of trying to help sons and daughter along the path of life to the best of my ability and not have any advice or willingness to chat to them but I guess it is situations like this where you find out what they think and care
Our relationship has been fine in that respect, we do things together and have enjoyed it all however the onset of this boyfriend who is far too easy going has enabled this SD to control him and she thinks the rest of the family, that is why I make a stand. This has happened in the past with other boyfriends too
ANY fallings out wife and I ever have are over SD
I like the sound of your plan however I can't see anything being liveable after I 'kicked them out' which is how she will play it hence my hesitation
Fortunately I am away on business tomorrow so am going to take wife to a quiet place tonight and tell her my thoughts
Talk about nail on the head,
Talk about nail on the head, thank you... And Augusta and Bird also,
I had a sit down with wife who proudly told me SD pays her £25 per week for them both, my mum has heard the rent and want to move in along with all my mates If I told them!
I spend more on gas!
Anyway, am dropping food payments, I am not going to subsidise this any more, the 3d large tv is going to work for presentations and will stay there.
Am seeking legal advice and will not leave under any circumstances.
Sorry, am really looking for
Sorry, am really looking for others opinions and questioning my own thinking.
This site has been insightful, thank you
Oh no problem, I appreciate
Oh no problem, I appreciate the advice.
Have been away for a couple of nights, true bliss!
Have had several calls from wife telling me her daughter is now 'depressed' because of the situation
The cynical side of me thinks it is her attempt at guilt since her attempts to alienate me arent succeeding.
Will have a sit down tonight but I don't think they will like what I have to say
I hate bullying with a
I hate bullying with a passion, the problem is that (and I think the posters on this forum have taught me) it is not best to play them at their own game, firstly it is dragging oneself down to their level and you never look better for doing so and secondly it takes a twisted mind to play these games which I am pleased to say I don't possess
Boyfriend is away working for a week, I think she is preparing for this and the loss of support in this 'battle'.
Quite and interesting case to watch in a way.
great post once again
Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
I would recommend that you do
I would recommend that you do NOT move out of the house under any circumstances. I am assuming you are in the UK based on your earlier post and I am not sure if laws are similar to the US. My DH moved out in the beginning of his divorce with his ex with the idea that they would sell the house quickly. She dragged the listing and sale out for 4+ years. He had absolutely no leverage to speed up the process since he was no longer residing in the home. Just a thought.
On returning from working
On returning from working away I have been told my SD has been to the doctors (alone) because her periods have stopped and has been diagnosed with stress, all this in 2 weeks!
There is clearly no depths to which SD will stoop to get attention, her mother is giving it still but has realised there is clearly a limit now to what I will accept and respond to
I don't have any time for
I don't have any time for people trying to get attention using the wrong method, my opinion is that if you can't behave as you would like others to treat you then you won't get my time.
Trouble is it is only me that thinks this way in my place
Well I got back last night
Well I got back last night from work to an empty house, wife has taken 12 yr old son away somewhere.
No note nothing, SD has gone too,
All this from someone who keeps telling me to grow up
I had the most pleasant evening I have had in a long time! Trouble is I know they'll have to come back at some stage.
Have prepared a room in the house with a lock for my stuff and where I can sleep, there is a storm ahead but I am enjoying the immediate peace
Yes I called and texted my
Yes I called and texted my son but it turned out he was staying with his brother and there was no reception.
He has been looked after all weekend but I will be collecting him later, I saw him yesterday at his football and he was unaware of anything but will talk to him later
I removed all financial items from the house and my own personal possessions including the £2000 3D tv. I have a second residence and have started to fit it out
In addition, taking advice on from here I have fitted a lock on the large spare room in the house and will be using that room as and when I like.
I will have a sit down chat later but have been suggested the following
- send her a separation order, will be putting a charge on the property and will have meters read at the end of the month and pass the bills onto her (them)
Colin-I wonder if you can
Colin-I wonder if you can make up a screen name like the rest of us on the off chance SD finds you've been posting to step talk and tries to use your words against you?
Thanks for the advice, I will
Thanks for the advice, I will try and change it
Enough is enough, have told her i am done
have had to break the news to my son, worst thing I have ever had to do. The perfect boy who did nothing wrong and deserved none of this.
Have moved into back room as of tomorrow.
His brother has taken him away with him for a week, a lovely gesture
I'm really struck by your
I'm really struck by your commitment to your son, good on you. Is the brother who has taken him away, one of your SS's? He did just the right thing so you can think clearly and practically. All the best with it all.
This website has made me
This website has made me realise that these problems don't go away, the nature of people posting is that there is a serious problem already
It is up to me to decide whether I want to live with that and I don't
Reality is I have probably stayed this long for my son.
Wife is still blaming me going because she is sick, I would care for her whatever condition she was in if she cared enough to listen.
My only advice to others is that anyone fed up with step children who don't live with them, remember it could be worse, you might have had to live with them!
I am sorry it that appears a rant, last night was awful,
Dear Augusta. Thank you for
Dear Augusta.
Thank you for your advice, please don't concern yourself, Smith isn't my real name
Thanks Augusta Smith isn't my
Thanks Augusta
Smith isn't my real name anyway. I take your point
I hand wrote a detailed letter and gave it to wife yesterday spelling out my feelings in a constructive way.
She dismissed it and reverted to her usual unfounded rubbish.
Am getting advice today. Finding myself increasingly angry about how useless the wife and step family have been, I have begged the boys to help but they did nothing, now I expect they'll become this clan against me.
Am up for a battle
Son is doing well. We are in contact, I know my wife will turn the emotional screws but he can make his own decisions.
I completely understand. My
I completely understand. My attitude to writing letters, texts and emails is that you should write them with a view that anyone who could potentially read them would see I was being reasonable.
I also think it prevents things being twisted and they can be re read
I didn't mention SD at all. I said how I wanted to get my feelings through and yet she didnt want to know
It didn't surprise me but I felt it was a fair effort
I couldnt bear to walk away from this without knowing I tried my damnedest, it is now reaching this point
Solicitors in an hour
Augusta you could never lose
Augusta you could never lose your dignity! I can't believe that
I am a Libra! so are you
I am a Libra!
so are you still married?
It went ok but I see it will be carnage, I unable to get hold of wife, she is in a state of distress but this will need to be discussed. The irony is that the SD will not figure in the bedroom count
Solicitor (a woman, which I was pleased about) gave me all the advice, am considering offering her and her family to buy me out or do my sums and buy her out
Can't see the point of wasting money with them, my wife is well out of her depth so i think will try and do a lot of this informally.... but then that might be wishful thinking
My wife hasn't had to pay a
My wife hasn't had to pay a bill in 13 years, I dont feel taken for granted, just so frustrated with the lack of respect from this toxic sd which permeated through the place and being powerless to prevent it.
My wife's weakness was the final straw, people around me are not at all surprised
Financial matters will come up in a fortnight, by the end of next month I will be withdrawing payments for bills, it is the only way I can move forward.
Am putting together a package to buy her out, will also offer to be bought out but that would involve a bird party who would hae to live there. Good luck with that
I haven't read all the
I haven't read all the various replies and answers in this but I did read your first couple posts here.
My first advice would be to NOT "just up and leave" because legally and financially you will be seen as abandoning the house and belongings. This leaves your wife in the position of being able to state that you left her in the house, she will have physical possession of it and all belongings. Therein it can be implied, or stated, that you need to continue financially supporting that house even after you leave since you know she has no means to do so. In short, you can find yourself with nothing but what you left with and still paying to support this household.
If I were you, I would stand up and put my foot down. Tell SD that the BF is no longer allowed to sleep over, as you are not running a hotel, flop house, brothel, etc and he can come visit and go home at night. She will begin paying a full 1/3rd of all rent and utilities and begin looking for a place of her own and be out within 90 days. You may even want to pull the BF aside or take him out to a beer and tell him what's going to start changing and tell him it's nothing personal, but "man to man" , "I may have to put you and her in jail if you decide that playing her little games in MY house is what you want to do.".
All of that is perfectly reasonable and any self sufficient adult should be able to handle that as it is STILL a good deal. You are well within your legal rights to restrict the BF from coming on the premises, tell her and him this, if she doesn't abide, you will have him arrested for trespassing. He will decide that she is not worth getting criminal charges over and if he is such a pu$$y with her, he will absolutely bow to YOUR demands if he thinks you are serious. When you go to work every morning, unplug the cable box or the Internet router and take it with you, hell turn off the electricity breakers and padlock the box, if you are paying for it, there is no reason ANYONE should be using anything they aren't paying for while you are at work. If they are made miserable, or mad by this... GOOD, go get your own place!
Stop sleeping on the couch and being made to feel like an outsider in your own house! You pay the bills, it's YOUR HOUSE. Sleep in your own damned bed, if your wife is having a fit because you told her little angel to pi$$ off and grow up, then SHE can go sleep on the couch. If they want to ignore you or whatever, fine, that's their choice, the more they see you sad or mad the more powerful they feel and the more satisfaction they get. When they come in the room, turn up the TV so loud you can't hear them talk, if they have the remote, TAKE IT from them and put what YOU want on. Make it damned clear that you pay for all of it, so YOU control all of it. They can have an opinion and input on life in the house when they PAY for it.
You may have to put it very plainly and clearly to the whole bunch that this is the way it is and anyone that doesn't like it can LEAVE, unfortunately this would include your wife. It sucks but she may HAVE to choose between you and her little princess, maybe they can collectively go get an apt to share and support themselves. This is far better than you bowing your head and giving up and walking away, THEY are in the wrong, stand up for yourself!
Great advice. I totally
Great advice. I totally agree with everything you said. It is worth a try and sooner rather than later the gang will get tired of it and leave.
Thanks Billy I understand
Thanks Billy
I understand your points.
I put something similar to the solicitor, she advised me that while you could put a fight, if you didnt want to be there then go, it makes little legal difference
it is half my place and half wife's. This doesnt negate what you are saying but does complicate matters
I am still paying bills for now but truth be told dont think I want to remain with wife after her actions regardless of SD and her boyfriend
Her family has really disappointed me, totally useless and closed ranks after so many requests for help
I am giving it a week or so for the dust to settle and will push for changes in the finances.
I think everything you say is right and if I wanted to stay it makes perfect sense. I just can't see going back to this as a possibility and taking her advice I am renovating a barn that belongs to a memeber of my family and am staying in it too. if I have to show expenditure I will change things.
To add to that as each days passes the feelings of liberation from the purgatory of home are wonderful and the desire to go back has all but gone
Have had a lot of contact with son, after a short while I suspect he will form his own conclusions.
I will take another good look when I am on a pc (currently on phone) but felt your efforts deserved and answer and a thank you for taking the time
Colin when you say "you will
Colin when you say "you will not leave under any circumstances"....does that mean you've decided to kick them all out and you and your bio kids will stay there? Because that was going to be my advice. I know you dont like ultimatums and neither do I, but there comes a time when you are left with no choice. I'd be telling SD and her BF to be gone in a month. If they refuse and Mother supports them, then she goes too. She may be your wife, but her inability to cut the apron strings, nor her arthritis are your problems once you are seperated. Tell her if she cant support YOU on this, then you will no longer support HER, or her daughter and her boyfriend on anything. You and your bio kids have as much right to stay in that house as they do, why should you be the ones to leave? Cut them loose, and tell them to cope without you...wife included.
I am thinking really hard
I am thinking really hard about what you and Billy said.
If I kicked out SD wife would never ever forgive me. Life would never be the same again.
I feel bullied all round but can't see how that would change whatever my actions
Whatever my actions I will always be 1 in a family of 5, the stepsons have been useless and their true colours are well and truly on display. This is despite 15 years of being there when their father hasn't even visited them
SD father (who is from her second marriage) has done nothing for her either
I feel an outsider, I don't mind paying a mortgage of £20 k for five years, I do t mind giving her food money but I am fast thinking a new life beckons which will be much better than what I had and what I would have if I carried out these actions.
I am not arguing your points, more trying to show how, once i have seen their lack of interest to help, i am unhappy with the surroundings too and right now am not keen on sharing my life with anyone there but my son.
He is coming back tomorrow. He will be facing a 'devastated' mother and will be distressed, I have no choice but to point out that while he was away I wrote to her, texted her to talk, tried to visit, sought advice and yet she was unwilling to do anything that could potentially improve the situation
Sounds to me like you are'nt
Sounds to me like you are'nt part of the family at all, just their meal ticket. But appears you are doing the right thing, legal advice and all that. Slow and steady wins the race your i's and cross your t's. They wont realise what they had till its gone....
I am trying, I could give
I am trying, I could give them a million quid but that wouldn't make them like me more
Reality is I will do what is reasonable because of not only my conscience but also so at any point and I can illustrate this to my son. I am sure he will need this pointed out
Oh and thank you and all the others for your posts, it has helped me a lot
Thank you. am looking after
Thank you.
am looking after myself just fine, I have a busy life and can't afford to be away or stay under the duvet
I've have met up with my son and have regular calls too.
I am at the stage where I would go to counseling with either a view to going back with changes or to end it as best as we can
It is a shame one has to go to these lengths to be noticed.
Reactions from all her family have been useless, I have helps so many of them out it would have been nice to have had a text or call from someone
That makes going back even less important for me
Are you still will your step kids then?
I think anyone who believes
I think anyone who believes their stories without understanding the situation isnt really worth knowing
Ditto to that Colin
Ditto to that Colin
Having had no contact from
Having had no contact from anyone at all in my wife's family for 2 weeks now I realise just how much they though of me and how little I want to know them again
It is sad to think that 12 years count for nothing but then again I'd rather know and not waste another minute on them
You're right, that is the
You're right, that is the only attitude to take
Will start pressing for some finances to be sorted out next week
I won't carry on paying for this for no effort and this hostility, I know it sounds bitter but thats the way it feels
It turns out she is making it clear to all those who'll listen that I have left her because of her ill health. A low trick
In addition to this, tonight on the first night I was to have with my son she decides to take him out doing activities, it appears she can not only be selfish and divisive but also capable of putting her condition to one side when it suits, I never realised she had so many talents
Have had first proper contact
Have had first proper contact with wife now, have cleared all my possessions from the place.
she was nothing but hostile but didn't like being told she is picking up the bills as of next month, neither that her SD is to blame for her manipulation and her for allowing this to happen
She didn't like being told that the house will be up for mediation either.
At last I feel empowered, for the first time since I don't know when I feel like the one in charge of my finances, my happiness and my destiny.
All of a sudden have received concerned messages from Step sons, the penny has finally dropped
I think I came on here as a last resort, am surprised how many people suffer with step kids but one thing is for sure, I won't be doing it again
Augusta, I am really sorry to
Augusta, I am really sorry to hear this.
It may be immaterial but once a couple of weeks allows the dust to settle you will see more clarity about how you feel.
For me, yes I miss my son but that's about it, I know that going back would mean me making concessions as opposed to them.
I am not unhappy about the situation, am very busy doing a place up to live in but that is also keeping my mind occupied
Have a couple of dates too!
Wishing you all the best
Colin. I came across your
Colin. I came across your posts. This site has helped me get thru a difficult time dealing with adult SD's. I hope you are finding good advice. Your last post seemed upbeat. Just a word of caution. time will work wonders on most matters. However good it may feel to begin dating right away. Perhaps taking time to put everything in order and finish the business at hand of separation or divorce would be a fairer approach to take for yourself ,your son and whoever the next lady in your life will be. A new beginning can happen any time. Would it not be better to have a clean slate with the emotional carnage in the past. Strife is not a healthy starting point. And remember. Whoever you meet could potentially be a step mom for your son. He will need some time and counseling to get thru this. Please read about PAS. Parental alienation syndrome. It is a divorce warfare tactic that could happen in your situation. It usually gets worse before it gets better. But the better is worth waiting for and working towards. By all means go out with friends. Have some fun. Perhaps just save the dating for a bit later. You'll know when you are ready. It will be when your legal situation is behind you. It will be when you can meet with a date and not talk about your past troubles with the ex. When you both ( she should have her life in order too) can talk about the things in life that interest you, the dreams you have, good memories of your personal history, growing up. When two people are meant to be together and make that commitment of love to one another it is evidence to all who know them by the life they build together as a team. Whether that is a home or business or family or other pursuits they enjoy together. The foundation of that new life is not built upon the still unsteady and crumbling ruins of a previous life but it is built on a slow and steady foundation of friendship, discovery and love. And time.
So. Off the soapbox. In my humble opinion. And personal experience in the school of hard knocks. Advice to be taken or left aside.
Best wishes. Lastly. Find something to enjoy about each day. They are fast and not to be taken for granted.
Ps. Even though no one
Ps. Even though no one actually dies in a breakup situation. It does require a time of emotional mourning and grieving. Especially for preteen children. There are lots of books you can read. Ways to cope. Distractions to keep one from truly dealing with the issues. I applaud you for standing up for your principles. And as my own mom told me today. One should never backdown from standing for integrity and dignity. What would we be then but a doormat for those who have no integrity to stand for?
Hang in there. All the best for you and your son. Don't abandon him to the wolves. He will need the example of a man with a backbone and integrity to guide him. Don't think that he knows these things already. Be sure he knows who you are as a man and a person. And likewise you to know him. As our children grow up the relationship should evolve. Not so much a parent and child relationship. But two adults. But in the meantime. Keep the adult issues about the problems with his mother aside. The child should not have to be the confidant of an adult parent in these situations. That is part of the PAS manipulations.
Ok. Best of luck. If you read some of the stories on here you will come across a lot of information. Take care.
Thank you very much for the
Thank you very much for the advice,
I think I need to point out that my dates are with friends already and are light, I tend to prefer the company of a woman anyway and am not going to blur the distinction between good company and choosing the next wife.
I take on board what you say and already deal with my son entirely separately. Please note this has been a long running issues and my feelings for all those concerned have not come overnight.
The part about what your mother said is what this is all about, treating others with respect and dignity and expecting the same in return, that is why I know my relationship to his mother is over
Thank you once again
When I was a single mom I
When I was a single mom I moved in with my parents and took advantage of the situation and paid no rent for awhile. When they charged me rent eventually, I felt a bit offended but paid it. When they asked me to leave after a year and a half I can remember feeling very abandoned and angry, but in hindsight I know they did the right thing. They acted in unison and because your wife will not act in unison with you, you are in a no-win situation. I'm only offering the perspective that if you can get your sd out, it will be for her own good and help her realize how she took you for granted. I see a divorce happening due to a triangle and your wife will lose out if she can's see this.
We can't change others, we can only change ourselves but sometimes in changing our own behavior and response to a situation it will cause the others to change. I'm sure a therapist can help you work through how you can change your communication with all parties effectively.
I agree, I have offered to go
I agree, I have offered to go to counseling, therapy and whatever it took to improve matters, no one is willing to do the same,
Understanding your point about the effects of my actions change change the behaviour of others, problem is by the very nature that you spend time on here and take the time to post I suggest you are a rational and reasonable person, the people involved in this situation aren't willing to change or consider my opinion
My wife puts her kids before me in all situations, she is petrified of being alone and sees her kids as the stability in her life, partners come and go. Sure I have reinforced her view but that is 12 years of being a husband and provider.
Words are unfortunately cheap, people can say how upset they are but reality is actions speak louder.
My bio Father would throw me
My bio Father would throw me out if I acted like that, I urge you to take back control, you've worked hard in order to buy a home and you are being disrespected in it, your sd needs a spanking lol, it can't be nice for you and if you can't relax in your home its time to tell your wife that things must change or its time for her and her daughter to leave. Good luck.
I am going to mediation this
I am going to mediation this week,
I can tell my wife is now realising how serious this is becoming, I feel i have control for the first time in ages
I'll never be able to relax in my place until SD has gone, this will only happen if A) the place gets sold and the finances split or
the wife accepts my opinion.
Life is getting better by the day,
becomes less of an option but we'll see
It has been 6 months now
It has been 6 months now since I left and can just add the following to illustrate what is my experience of the situation since leaving my wife and ferral SD
Since leaving I was requested to go to mediation, I attended, suggested wife took a son so to remember what was said. I found myself sat at a table with my wife and two female mediators, my initial thoughts were that this was going to be a difficult 90 minutes.
My wife then went about reminding me why I had to go simply by giving her opinion, by the end the mediators were telling her this was not going to happen the way she wants.
She claimed I lied about everything and refused to go back for a second appointment, she issued a divorce on me which I signed reluctantly only for her to not present it to the courts despite several requests from my solicitor. in the end I issued a divorce on her and have applied to the court for the judge to divide our assets. She is now starting to make efforts toward discussion.
Regarding step children, her SD and boyfriend have not made any contact whatsoever, they have invited my friends to parties they have held at my home, had his parents stay there and have demonstrated to me that the decision I have made to leave still feels right
I have received a single text from one son, I replied politely, that was 5 months ago, the other sent an abusive text, we ended up having a good and constructive conversation about our relationship, the fact I respected his loyalty to his mother and that what we had remains.
My son and I go from strength to strength, initially the family played games as to when I can see him but that changed, we have been away twice and had a good time, he stays regularly but he is at an age where he sees a lot of his friends. I refused to agree to certain times in mediation for having my son because it allowed us to both to organise our lives around what else is going on and it has worked well
My life has got so much better, I have a few female friends, have some great times, am entering into nothing serious until I have recovered and become myself fully once again, everyone in my life understands that and I feel happier than I have been for a long time.
The next jobs i have are to sort out my finances and make an agreement, learn what I want and who to be with in time and most of all ensure my son is happy and I do not become one of the fathers people write about on here.
I have no regrets, I love my son, wouldn't be without him and am grateful for the time I shared with his mother ,
My son is my priority but I also have others and he will need to understand that in time should I enter a serious relationship
I have a busy social life, lots of friends, have discovered who were my true friends.
My advice to anyone in a similar position is that while no two relationships are the same keep the thought process simple.
In order to be caring to others you must first care about yourself, if others are not interested in your wellbeing then you need to address this.
If it can't be addressed you need to consider alternative action, disregard secondary needs, finance etc, they will sort themselves out,
I am a person who managed the finances for my business and home without help and even I have realised money counts little when it comes to being happy.
this is just my experience, having got up early with the flu I thought I'd share it as people were kind enough to post when I needed it at the time.
Thanks Coconut, While not
Thanks Coconut,
While not being a winner, I'm just trying to make the best of a bad situation, my thoughts are with anyone, male of female in this situation.
Just keep it looking at it simply, if that doesn't work then it won't7
Hi Colin. Have you
Hi Colin. Have you considered walking around your home in your jocks or flirting with her mother in front of her? I think they would quickly find another place to live if you do that.
When I used to live there the
When I used to live there the daughter would not like it when wife and I were getting on and the wife would back down.
I have made a nice little place, have a jacuzzi and sauna, life is pleasant once again. Best being well away from people I don't want to live or share my life with
Update- I have had to take my
I have had to take my wife to court to settle the house and assets but....
While I had my suspicions, I never asked my son because I respect his privacy, my sd gave birth yesterday to a baby.
She still remains in my house while the divorce is going through
For those not knowing, SD is 23 years old, my concerns are whether this will affect the judgement in the divorce case itself. It has not been mentioned in my wifes papers to date and my solicitor says it will not but in the middle of the night when you can't sleep I thought I'd post this!
Overall I feel even more relieved I got out when I did, the boyfriend, also living at mine is consigned to a lifetime of them now, the whole situation is becoming a Jeremy Kyle episode!
Thank you so much for your
Thank you so much for your words, you bothhave told me what I needed to hear.
My son and I have a better relationship than before, sometimes you can tell when they have got to him but on the whole 8ts ok
He was forced to keep this a secret from me, that was tough on a 12yr old.
I don't know lol. Men on the
I don't know lol. Men on the whole seem more susceptible to guilt, perhaps it's because we're not bright enough to manipulate and can't see through it
I just try and be fair and expect fair in return.