Deadbeat dads really tick me off!
My son just turned 13 and ever since he was 3 DH has raised him. My ex doesnt pay child support because he is on ssi. He is able to work but wont get the surgery to fix his leg because he enjoys being a lazy ass dead beat. We have been seperated since our son was 3. He has payed a total of $450.00 to help raise our child. He thinks he deserves all summer with my son! WTH I dont think so. I know child support and visitation are two different issues but how the hell can you expect to have him all summer when you do nothing for him all year. He calls twice a year, birthday and christmas. I swear he gets under my skin so much! I think him and BM should get together and move to a secluded island where I would never have to hear or see from them again. BLAH!! Sorry to vent!
This SpermIdiot is much like
This SpermIdiot is much like my SS's. Though at least in our case the SpermGrandParents paid their idiot son's CS obligation to my SS.
That said, deadbeat NCPs of any gender piss me off just as much as manipulative, contolling and seemingly nearly always destitute CPs piss me off. When they beg for more than that CS order requires for the NCP to pay it seems nearly always to be because they are living above their means.
There is equal contempt to go around on both the CP and NCP sides of the blended family opposition arena.
As for your deadbeat SpermIdiot, it is my understanding that SSI and unemployment income is attachable for CS generally. I would immediately initiate a motion for direct CS withholding from him SSI checks and also move for the family law judge to add a arrearage recovery plan to the direct with holding of CS from the SSI benefit check.
Check the regs in your state and take aggressive action to get CS from the deadbeat.
IMHO of course.
Thanks for the response. I
Thanks for the response. I did try to see if My son would be entitled to any of his SSI, unfortunately the Ex didn't work enough hours to get ssdi which is attachable for CS. SSI is basically welfare and Son isnt entitled to any of it. Meanwhile we pay plenty for DH daughters. Would be nice to offset it a little bit.
Nope only SSDI He only gets
Nope only SSDI He only gets about 700 a month. But if he and his fiancee couldnt live off his ssi and her paycheck why have two more kids? Its really frustrating.
Sorry you've had to deal with
Sorry you've had to deal with that. My husband is the exact opposite. He's even given his exwife gas money, groceries, etc on top of child support, buying all clothing, paying for all medical, etc. He goes overboard the other way and it's also frustrating.
Yea, that's my DH is with his
Yea, that's my DH is with his girls. He doesn't give the BM gas or groceries, but he will pay for extra school activities and clothes on top of CS.
Gosh doesn't it seem like the
Gosh doesn't it seem like the ex gets away with everything?
HAHAHA I like that "park the
HAHAHA I like that "park the kid in front of the tv, toss some hot pockets his way now and again and voila! lazy parent strikes again."
I think he really wants him this summer. Honestly I think just for pictures. He just had his second child with his fiancee. SO I think he wants to have that perfect family picture to send to everyone. I think if he had our son and his two kids All day he would be tossing him off on his mom. It would be to much for him. 13 is a handful lol. Plus two kids both under 3.
my ex was never a part of
my ex was never a part of bd17's life and never pays support, either. now that she is nearly grown and the hard work is almost over, that moron thinks he's gonna just swoop in and be her best friend. he thinks he's going to ruin everything i worked so hard to instill in her. she is an honor roll student and has never been in any kind of trouble. he has seen her a few times at his mother's house. he's tried to get her to smoke pot with him. she gave him a dirty look, told him she doesn't smoke and walked away from him. his overbearing crap got so bad that she asked her gramma to please tell him to not come over when she's there because she just wants to visit with her gp's and aunt, and she doesn't like him ruining it. so he's not allowed to be there if bd is there unless it's a holiday. he's figured out that he isn't going to undo what i did. bd has put him in his place and let him know that he is NOT a dad to her. he doesn't say anything beyond "hi" if he sees her at thanksgiving, etc anymore. other than the past couple of years a few times, he hadn't seen her since she was 7.
how wonderful that he wasn't interested in raising her, but he's interested in getting her high. how sweet that he doesn't find her worthy of paying support on, but he's willing to let her smoke up the pot he paid for. some people should just be lysol'd right out of this world.
WOW! Well Im glad your
WOW! Well Im glad your daughter didnt fall for any of his BS. I guess I can only hope that my son does the same thing when it comes to his father. I think im afraid that ex will do nothing to help raise our son and try to swoop in when its convenient for him. I think Im not giving my son enough credit though. Im sure he will see through his dads BS as well. Thanks for responding! I love love your comment some people should be lysol'd right out of this world! I know quite a few lol
So, you separated from your
So, you separated from your son's father when he was 3 and since he was 3 your husband has been raising him? hmmm
Yes We seperated for good
Yes We seperated for good when I met DH. Sons father lived in one state and I lived in another. We were on and off again for years. Was there a point to your comment? Does that have anything to do why he isnt help support his child?