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Get a load of this crap...

confusedmomof3's picture

Ok, ready for yet another round of BS..

Last weekend we went to the mall - Me, DH, biodaughter and SK's 10 & 13..

Biodaughter wanted to go to Build A Bear, so instead of dragging the boys through that store I offered to let them go together to the Gane Store to pick out games with their money. DH went his own way, stating that the boys would be fine and we would all meet back at the restaurant in 30 mins. Ok, fair enough.. they are 10 & 13 and together. So we meet back at the restaurant and everyone is showing off their stuff.. SS10 pulls out his purchase and it's a PS3 game called "Sims 3".. now I know nothing about these games, so I ask to see it and look at the back and it's rated "T" for teen.. then I see "sexual content, crude humor & violence" are the reasons for the rating.. I'm like "uh, Dh.. look at this".. so he does and isn't too concerned. Which right there is a big red flag.. because if I point it out.. it's me being a bitch, but if I guarantee if he looks at it and sees it "OMG.. he can't play this!!"..

So I say, "we need to look up ratings and reviews on the game and make a decision together on this." Fair enough, right?

SK10 throws a fit! He says it's fine and he isn't a baby and knows enough about sex that a video game isn't going to teach him anything.. WTH?? He's 10 for gods sake!

Now bear in mind SK10 had anger issues, OCD, ADHD and other jealousy/rage issues that he is in counseling for..

Ok, so we get home.. google the game and it says that "the characters meet, date, go home, make out, get under the covers and there is "up and down motion" and hearts.. then a baby arrives later".. uhmmm.. 10 year olds don't need to be playing simulated sex games! Am I crazy for thinking this? There will be a time in about 5 years (or less) where he will have sex on the brain enough - we don't need it now.

Well, after we google it we talk to SK10.. he is livid. We try to explain that we are just looking out for his best interest, blah blah blah.. he barters with Dh to just "take a look at the game for himself".. Dh agrees to do this the following day.

So.. the following day, while I am at the store (coincidence????) they look at the game.. I come home and DH announces that "the game is fine, it's only stick people and there is nothing inappropriate in it - however, SK10 thinks it's too hard to play, so he is taking it back".. Now, this sounds fishy to me, but oh well.. I can't prove anything.

Fast forward 2 days.. I get home from work and offer SK13 to go to the game store with SK10 and I when he gets home so he can return the game. I ask SK13 if it was really "that hard to play" and he looks confused. I'm like isn't SK10 returning it because it's too hard to play? He's like "No, dad told him it's inappropriate and he needs to return it".. My blood boils. I let it go.

So, SK10 comes home and I act like the conversation never happend. I take him to the store and say "you sure you wanna return it?" He's like "yea, I don't like it - it's too hard.." So I give him the benefit of the doubt.. maybe his brother misunderstood him.. (ok, maybe it's more like I don't want to trust my gut on this and think what I am really feeling - that there is a big cover up going on)..

Well.. now the BOMB.. Their mother FB messages me and tells me SK10 will have an apology letter for me - she caught him in a lie. Apparently, he said he returned the game (to her because it was inappropriate) and then his brother called him out and said you told "XXX" it was because it was "too hard or something".." She asked SK10 is this true and why did you say it..?? He says yes, it's true and he said it because his father told him to say it to me because "XXX" always thinks she's right..

WTF?!?!?!? Really? I was right. The game was inappropriate for this kid and his father agrees, yet tells the kid to lie to me - and his sorry ass lies to me himself!

I am pissed. NO WONDER THESE KIDS HAVE ZERO RESPECT FOR ME.. I am so pissed. trust betrayed totally..

So what do I do now? Do I confront DH with the fb message? Do I blow both him and SK10 out of the water?

I am so mad. Especially after I treated SK10 to a special night at the barn with me the same night he lied right to my face. The kid lied, of course because his father told him to, and then asks to go to work with me so I can give him a lesson (I teach horseback riding lessons).. The NERVE of this little jerk!

youngmama1b1g's picture

Mostly the big jerk!

Poor kid was stuck in the middle. As a stepchild- my mom will tell me, don't tell your SF- and guess what I don't tell my SF.

B22S22's picture

I'd bring it up once you receive the apology letter.... like at dinner. Thank your SS for giving you such a heartfelt apology, that you truly appreciate such honesty. Then turn to your husband and say, "Do you want to read the nice apology letter SS wrote me? I think we ALL need to discuss, as a family, how important honesty is in our home."

You get the idea.