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Game over.. SS10 threatened SS13 w/ knife

confusedmomof3's picture

Ok, well.. the final insult to injury happened yesterday..

I get a phone call from DH's ex wife (we are actually on semi-friendly speaking terms) and she tells me about a fight her sons had Saturday night..

Apparently Saturday night the boys (SK10 & SK13) had a disagreement over a baseball game - this happens whenever they try to play any type of team sport because sk10 tries to dominate the game and make the rules suit him. Well, one thing led to another and they started screaming at each other and it carried into the house.. no parents were home at the time as mom and step dad have their date night every other Saturday night (conveniently on the weekends they have all the kids and skids).. anyways.. they were supposed to be watched by their older half sister but she wasn't due to show up for another 30 minutes which isn't that big of a deal..

Well, sk13 goes into his room with his cell phone to call mom and sk10 follows him and tries to grab the phone when sk13 punches him. Allegedly sk10 was "going psycho trying to grab the phone" and sk13 was defending himself (and to his credit sk10 has a bad temper and does go psycho).. after sk13 punches him sk10 runs downstairs and grabs a knife..

At this point their step brother (who is 12) yells "sk13 run, sk10 has a knife).. sk13 runs out the door screaming on the phone for his mom to come home sk10 has a knife!! Their step sister (age 10) flips out and calls her dad - who is with the boys mom and is hysterical.. lovely..

Mom and step dad get home within 15 minutes and supposedly "lay down the law".. older half sister shows up and they leave for date night.. WTF??

The next day they all go Go-Kart racing and act like nothing happened..


I, like any normal person, hear about this and hit the roof! I'm like, this is messed up! And the most disturbing part about this is that this isn't the first time sk10 has gone after his brother with a knife - he did the same thing 3 years ago and no one acted like it was a big deal!!

The kid has serious anger and rage issues, is on adhd medication and seriously more than likely has other mental issues that have not been diagnosed yet..

So, I talk to DH about it.. I tell him this is serious and I do not want it just pushed under the rug and dismiss it as "oh you are just over reacting" crap.. well, that's exactly the approach he took. Everyone is so nonchalant about this and quite frankly I am fed up. The damn kid got a knife!! A knife and threatened his brother with it.. "oh, he never intended on using it - I know my boy"... what? please tell me I didn't hear that right.

I told DH and sk10 that this is serious crap and he could end up in juvenille jail over it and no one sees it. The ripple effect on the other parents in this situation could be horrible.. my ex could raise one hell of a stink about it and rightly so..

So, I quit. I'm done. Sorry, but I flat out REFUSE to live in a house where I have to fear a 10 year old kid is going to come at someone with a knife... nope, no effing way. I'm pissed and my decision is absolute.

This is just another classic example of shitty parenting all the way around.. good luck guys.. your kid will be in the news soon enough at the rate he's going.

knucklehead's picture

What the hell are two 10 year olds, a 12 year old, and a 13 year old doing in a house unsupervised?!?
OMG. This is crazy.

confusedmomof3's picture

Oh yes.. Mom does it all the time.. Stays out till 2am or so. Thinks its ok for the 13 year old to watch all 3 of them..

Yup... Great parenting, eh?

oneoffour's picture

And your parting shot should be a call to CPS and report the screaming and drama you saw from the street. Unsupervised kids running around screaming with knives.

confusedmomof3's picture

Oh.. and the latest and greatest.. I found out that on Easter (yes Easter) morning he went after his brother with a piece of broken glass and threatened to cut him.. apparently they got into another fight and a glass was broken and this was sk10's approach on how to handle it.


And the mom is just now telling me this?

What is wrong with these people? Am I the only rational person here?

confusedmomof3's picture

What's next is I'm leaving him. I need to protect myself and my 9 year old daughter.

DH just refuses to take the gravity of this situation seriously. He has the "my boys can do no wrong" attitude and is a complete enabler to these behaviors. Sorry, but that is just unacceptable to anyone with more than 1/4 of a brain.

The kid lies, does whatever the hell he wants, has no regards for rules or the rights of anyone else, etc. etc. - it's all listed above in my rant. There is no consistent discipline, no ramifications for his behaviors..

I can't be a part of this anymore. I have no control, no authority, no rights, nothing.. so be it.

You can't make someone see that their kid is a monster - I've tried.

So, really the only option is my daughter and I leave. Yes, it will be difficult and yes, it will suck.. but sometimes life is just hard.

Orange County Ca's picture

You and your child/ren have moved out by now right?

The kid literally is insane and needs to be in a institution where he can't get ahold of dangerous objects and you would be a unfit mother to allow such a person into your home or your children into his. I know you know that - I'm hoping to hurry you up.

The crazy kid could easily slice someones throat.