No good deed goes unpunished....
So the latest in our month long saga to try to give the skids coverage under my health insurance policy. The deal was that we pay for the policy (which is a perk of my job) and BM pays $15 copays and $15 prescriptions. Everything else is split 50/50. Since she was paying $600 for health insurance and there is no existing medical agreement, sounds like a good deal, right?
Well BM mannaged to turn this offer of mine into a month long tantrum that 1) we should split the copays and prescriptions (no BM, I am not going to deal with you billing us for $7.50 constantly) 2) then we were trying to screw her over because we wanted it in a written agreement signed by the court 3) then she fought us that we should discuss MY insurance with the judge so that the judge could decide 4) then SHE didn't know what we wanted to write in the agreement 5) after I wrote the agreement, she wanted to me to state that I would insure SD17 until she was 26 (ummmm, no, thats a separate issue), 6) then she said she would cover copays and other costs if she could afford it at the time (ummmm, no - your choice you work 30 hours a week).
We get served with papers from child services because she is seeking a medical agreement after our agreement to come to this amicably and refuses to provide us with copies of everything she filed since she claims she only filed exactly what we asked for. Through this whole process, she has been hostile, yelling at DH, calling names and acting like she was doing US a favor. I must have told DH (and he told her) a dozen times to just forget it then - the two of them would get an individual policy or split her old policy. She refuses to do that (it will end up costing her a couple hundred bucks for her portion that way).
I make one last effort because the kids need insurance and if I cancel it, SD17 won't have any for college. I can't reinstate hers until next January. So I write BM an email stating that it is my policy, she can choose to be involved or choose to get othe insurance with DH, her choice. If she chooses my insurance, she needs to provide me with answers on bills and charges without argument or threats and not expect me to track this stuff down. We don't like each other but we need to be cordial when dealing with this issue so that the kids can have medical care.
Her response was to send me two totally rude emails, one almost all in caps telling me that she has never asked me for anything, that I am doing this for the kids, not her, blah, blah, blah. Interesting - I had no idea that 12 and 17 year old children are required to provide their own insurance so I am actually doing the favor for THEM. I cancelled the insurance yesterday and since then, she has called DH twice telling him she doesn't know what she did wrong, that she needs insurance for them, etc. She got the skids all worked up and they are mad at us. Unbelievable. We practically begged her to take the insurance, she was horrible about it the entire time, I was worried she'd never pay her share since she threatened that, and now I am the bad guy. So OVER this! Luckily its a done deal, the insurance is cancelled and its her problem now. She shouldn't be writing checks with her ugly mouth that her ass can't cash. Should be a fun weekend with the skids (sigh).
"No I don't hate you BM, I just hope your next period happens in a shark tank"
Oh we will be. BM threatened
Oh we will be. BM threatened to take us to court over this and DH told her that the judge will be very interested in seeing the emails that she sent to me/us and how difficult she was.
The funny part is that we wrote tht medical agreement that has now been filed and signed by the judge to state that I would provide insurance as long as I chose to and then if I ever chose not to, BM and DH would either use her employer's plan or an individual plan and split it. BM won't do that now and is saying that she is putting the kids on Medi-cal. We'll be showing the folks at Medi-cal her emails too.
Agreed - but here is the
Agreed - but here is the thing. If you want to be in control, then you need to work so that you have the financial resources to do so. If your options are 1) go on state air or 2) act like an adult so that you can use my insurance, I'd sure as hell pick option 2. I HATE BM and it was pretty difficult a couple of times to put that aside and still make the offer through this past month, but it shouldn't be all about her.
I was trying really hard to be cordial about this - I want the skids covered, but I want to deal with BM as little as possible, and I don't want to be worried that she is going to "lose" a bill to spite me or not pay her share. When someone fights you tooth and nail when you are trying to give them something that doesn't even benefit you, you've got to wonder how well they are going to come through on ANY agreements that are made.
DH is just blown away by her behavior. Well not really, sounds like she was a yelling, screaming, controlling harpy for most of their marriage. Kind of like his mom - I think thats ALOT of the reason that our DH's end up with someone like this for a while. Then they get smart and trade them in for a saner model.
ooops, I mean "state aid",
ooops, I mean "state aid", although I wouldn't mind denying BM air.
My DH has my SS on his
My DH has my SS on his insurance through his work that his mother refuses to use then calls and yells at him that she pays for everything and shes broke blah blah blah. DH told her hes not going to pay for something that is FREE. I don't get why BM's are so stubborn think of the children not yourself.
BM did that to us to. Last
BM did that to us to. Last year while I was still in super stepmom mode and didn't realize what a sleazy, cheap, money grubbing, witch BM was, I covered the skids under my insurance. The plan I had back then was Kaiser which pays for everything, but you have to go to Kaiser facilities for care except emergencies.
BM tried to get the judge to make DH pay half of her $600 a month policy because my insurance was, and I quote "useless, unnecessary, inconvenient, and not requested". The judge looked at her like she was insane after BM had spent the entire time crying that she was losing the house,eating out of a food bank, and couldn't afford gas, and just said "why on earth would you not use this lady's insurance if she is nice enough to provide it for free?". The judge will not be amused when she sees the emails that BM sent me when we tried to get an agreement set up to let her use the insurance and cancel hers.