Is there such a thing as an accident anymore?
If my SO says his child by another woman was an "accident" - that meaning, she SAID she was on BC but purposely stopped taking it and didn't tell him - am I wrong to be mad? This is 2011, if you REALLY don't want any children, forgive me if I'm wrong, but aren't there measures that a MAN can take? Like a condom?
Does it really matter? What's
Does it really matter? What's done is done, right?
Sure, nothing can be done to
Sure, nothing can be done to change it, got that....but irritating nonetheless that you can actually blame someone else for it happening - sounds pretty irresponsible to me, especially when you're talking about a huge, irreversible, life-changing event that will affect you and everyone else around you forever.
You're not wrong to be mad.
You're not wrong to be mad.
I never loved her and I didn't want to marry her are two other lines that annoy me.
Ha! He said that too!
I got the reverse: (BARF
I got the reverse: (BARF INDUCING PINING)
"SHE (the Behemoth) never loved me"
"I'll I wanted was a nice family; you know white picket fence and all"
He will NEVER EVER admit that marrying and breeding with the Behemoth was a huge mistake.
(No subject)
I love when people say "it
I love when people say "it was an accident!" ......all I picture is her tripping and falling on the man's dick.
I wish it WERE an accident.
I told him "at least I was smart enough to stop breeding with hubby 1 and hubby 2 after the first child when I saw things weren't working out!!!"
oh well, little bastard is
oh well, little bastard is here. i hate to say it that way, but very true. can't change it.
Accident is the wrong word.
Accident is the wrong word. Mistake is the right word. Stupid mistake. Avoidable mistake. Calling something an accident denies culpability, and that is why it frustrates you. It was a mistake for him to place such a life-changing decision in her hands; by not using a condom he relied entirely on her to take the pill. So maybe she lied. Bad on her, but bad on him too. So many men like to push all the baby blame onto us just because they don't think they need to wear condoms - she's on the pill. Screw them. She didn't take her pill. He didn't take his condom. Equal blame all around.
I have a girlfriend who wears
I have a girlfriend who wears the "he never loved her" line like a badge of honor.
The man was married for 15 years and they have 4 kids.
He may not love her now, but there was a time when he did.
No I don't think there is any
No I don't think there is any such thing as an "accident" anymore, not with birth control being so easily accessed by everyone, condoms if they are not handed out freely are freely purchased in a supermarket, but unfortunately, there are still women out there who think trapping a man by getting pregnant will work out nicely for all concerned, and men who don't think, they are just so anxious to have sex, they may, so they can blame her later, ask the question are you on birth control, but at that time they don't really give a toss they just want sex. Then when the baby comes along it's all the womans fault. Iagree with the poster above - sons should be taught to take their own precautions, not just believe a woman who says she is on bc and take responsibility for bc too.
Yes. When you're in a
When you're in a relationship or even hooking up with someone you know, and the woman says she's on birth control, the man should be able to trust that. If the man says he's had a vasectomy, the woman should be able to trust that.
People do and should trust their partners. When their partners lie, accident babies can happen.
Mistake is right. My DH is
Mistake is right. My DH is not always as bright as he thinks he is and I know he hates condoms (what man doesn't??) so I'm shocked he doesn't have unintentional children.
That being ex-boyfriend REALLY didn't want children until he was ready, which wasn't with me at that time. I understood...I wasn't ready either. I was on the Pill, and told him that repeatedly, but he still NEVER ONCE took the chance and was always cautious. We were engaged and he still was careful. I totally respect that.
My youngest son was an
My youngest son was an "accident"-or rather a happy surprise. We used a condom and it honest-to-god slipped off. I no longer trust condoms.
when i became pregnant with
when i became pregnant with my daughter i was 20 i had been on birth control for 9 years never missed a pill (i had terrible periods) we used a condom and he pulled out..conceving in that senario was close to impossible but my daugter is 5 and dad is a deadbeat she was a serious uh ho but i wouldnt have it any other way. ss was a drunken uh ho but hes here too nothing i can do about it or would do about it i love both my kiddos and want another
SD15 is the world’s biggest
SD15 is the world’s biggest mistake. Too bad my DH didn’t have the good sense to use a condom. But he was 18, drunk and stupid enough to believe that BM was on birth control. (She probably was, but too stupid to take it every day).
Now my family and I have to suffer dealing with his hellspawn because he couldn’t keep it in his pants 16 years ago.
Fathers should take responsibility for “accidents”, but what about these women? (I don’t want to call SD15‘s BM a “mother”.)
While it was his fault for being that dumb to sleep with BM, with CS, welfare, WIC and all of the social services available to single moms, it allows women like her to have children outside of committed relationship that they cannot support nor take any responsibility for raising.
SD15‘s BM has three kids by three different men, none of whom she was married to. She has mental health problems, prescription drug addiction, had a schizophrenic boyfriend and had her kids taken away. (The fact that my DH slept with this woman makes my skin crawl.)
I’m mad at DH for being stupid enough to create his hellspawn, but he didn’t decide that wanted to have a child with this woman.
Now he’s been financially sucked dry with CS but the BM didn’t have the sense not to have a child she had no ability to raise. She had her parental rights terminated, walked away from the messes she created and now others are left to deal with the garbage left behind.
Sounds like Victim-speak to
Sounds like Victim-speak to me. Poor pitiful me, nothing is my fault. Pretty immature attitude to take.
Thanks for all the feedback.
Thanks for all the feedback. I honestly believe that accidents really DO happen even if both parties involved take measures - but this clearly wasn't the case. So hello to the next 16 years of joy!
Won't it be something to be 60 and still paying CS? Way to go!