Health Insurance Coverage
Me (bf) and sm are going through open enrollment. We are in a dilemma that we need answered. We live in Texas and so does bm and my 2 dd.
We are trying to find out if we put dd on sm insurance if she will be liable for anything regarding cs. I am completely trying to keep sm out of picture because she has no need to be involved in cs matters.
Does anyone have any knowledge of how all this works?
honestly I would contact an
honestly I would contact an attorney, call the Texas bar number for a consultation. Here in Oregon we have a 30 minutes consultation for $35 when you contact the bar. If you make a list of questions before hand it is a great and cheap way to talk to an attorney without hourly rates.
I provided health insurance
I provided health insurance for my SS from ages 15 through 19. This did not make me responsible for any CS.
However, please note that if you are married and filing jointly, the BM and the court have a right to request a copy of your tax forms when calculating CS so the SM's income can be considered. You may want to keep all of your monies separate in order to protect SM's income.
it depends on where you live.
it depends on where you live. I am in Florida, and while BM may get a copy of our tax return with my income listed, my income is excluded for child support purposes.
Exactly what BM tried to do
Exactly what BM tried to do to us. We now file separately...
I provide nothing and I even
I provide nothing and I even file taxes separately. All because BM is court happy. My opinion and my pre-nup agrees, we combine nothing and I am not responsible for Skids. I wouldn't do anything like this...No way in hell.
BM can have access to your records this way. Even with HIPA, there have been countless stories on here about SM and BM accessing info and screwing up bills. You are financially responsible at a lot of doctors office if you are the insurance carrier.
Why go down this path?
PB (BM) tried to stick us
PB (BM) tried to stick us with a bill...ONCE. Since she was court-happy, we just brought it up the next time we came to court and she was ordered to pay this bill.
I absolutely HATE that children can tie you to someone who would do as much as they can to DESTROY you.