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I'm Pregnant - How to tell the Step kids?

rachaemdea's picture

So me and my DH are pregnant with our first child! Yippee day! As of today I'm 14 weeks. All is going well and we're really excited.

How to tell the SDs? (13, 9 and 5)

I think it will go over well personally. They have actually been bugging us as to when we were going to have kids. We've been married for 2 years now.

We've not told them yet because:

1. They live 1300 miles away so it would be on the phone.
2. BM would fill their heads with mean things like:
a. He's replacing you
b. He doesn't love you anymore
3. We want to see their reaction in person
4. They can't be happy for us when they are at home. Their BM never lets them be happy about anything that has to do with us.

How gently should we tell them? Ideas are greatly appreciated!

frustratedinMA's picture

Hi.. I am pregnant as well (22 weeks). We still have not told the skids... we had them this past weekend.. and we still were able to hide it. We will be telling them in Jan. We didnt want our holidays ruined by the bm.. she is psycho and I anticipate there being much of the same as you described..

Our plan..

A friend found this 12 piece puzzle and it spells out "We are having a baby" only the phrase is a word puzzle too.. we are going to have the skids put it together and let them figure out the puzzle phrase. After that, we plan on telling them that while things will change (as they would in any family), our feelings about them, and their place in our family will not change.

rachaemdea's picture

And challenging too! That's a fun idea, I don't have time left (they come in 4 days) to find a puzzle, but there is always Hangman!

I was thinking of filming it as well. Just to prove if I ever have to prove that they were happy in court, ya know. BM is a professional liar so that would be great footage to have.

frustratedinMA's picture

Oh.. that is a REALLY good idea.. yes, I would video it.

She might have found the puzzle at a Babies r us.. perhaps call there and see if they have it? you must have one of those somewhat near you.. right?

You could also do Charades.. have the category be phrases.. establish some of the words in some of the rounds.. then have a round where the words are established for the movement/motion and spell out we're having a baby.

rachaemdea's picture

It's right around the corner from our house! I think that would be really fun for them to do.

I'm excited now! Not that I wasn't before, just that, you never know... All we have to do now is make sure all 3 come for Christmas. Last year the oldest one "had mono" ...riiiiiiiiiiight. Never saw a bill or a dr's note. Ugh.

nicole's picture

i would tell them that Santa Claus is bringing them a baby brother or sister....Then again, would that be weird?

giveitago's picture

I gave it 40 minutes! Wow! A lot of that fits BM! We never did get the results of her 'evaluation', come to think of it we did not get ours iether but we were awarded custody...guess we passed muster?
The evaluations were court ordered, by a juvenile judge who was dealing with SD from age 13 until this current sentence is served and SD is now 18. It's hell on wheels, but I honestly believe that BM and her PAS is hugely instrumental in our girl's behaviors. The old 'seed not falling far from the tree' thing springs to mind!
DH is 'guilty daddy' too, which adds fuel to the 'entitlement' flames and I am in the middle as step mom.
From the start I learned not say negative things about their mother, I had no clue about how vile this PAS thing was, or that it even existed. My main reason was that they are children, 10 year old twins, and their mother pumped them for information the second they got home from being with us. I happened to say that she is tall, it got back to her and she had some, do not even remember what it was now, stuff to say on that. HUSH ME!! LOL
The things she said about me were hurtful initially, one of them was that I was a money grabbing whore, and that DH voluntarily impoverished himself by taking a dependant on and she'd still expect child support checks. SD was the main channel BM used because she is outspoken and smart mouthed, smart brained too! That girl will go far!! SD felt bad about what her mother said about me because it upset me a bit. I reacted, my fault, I should not have done. SD and I got to a point whereby we could chuckle about the name calling and we'd even come up with something MORE original! If BM wanted to direct her negativity towards me it was not working but...what the hell...let her have her wee delusions.
DH was hostage to her, he loves his kids. At one point she said they were not his bio kids anyhow! When the kids told us that we were hugely upset. DH has pretty much raised all five of her kids and spent bucket loads of money on them all, their value system is monetary until they reach an age, or level of maturity, where values kick in. BM is a slave to money, it's hardly surprising the kids have no clue with money yet. As DH says, they will learn when they get older and have to manage on their own. We are supporting them until they finish college though, that's our cut off point. We've been obliged to be more generous and make the transition for them because BM was so reckless and it's not entirely their fault that they have no clue how much stuff costs in reality.
All in all I believe that the kids can still grow up to be great adults, they will have seen life from several angles and, as they get older, they will have much more resillience against the crap that life can throw at them.
SD is currently getting intensive therapy, she's in a secure juvenile facility, and the therapy is in stages. Stage one is completed, stage two is more intensive and encourages introspection and I hope it removes any 'guilt' from her.
One of the things about the teenage years is that they develop a 'selective' memory, they go with the flow of whoever is 'giving' to them at the time...mercenary little sh1ts! It's a defence mechanism though, right? Kids have to learn to survive and with SO much dysfunction I do not blame them one bit. It's hell on wheels as a step parent but the operative word here is 'parent'. SD has already said she understands why I did what I did 'back then' as she calls it, bless her heart. Yes, I chastized her and, yes, I grounded her.
DH was so intent on giving them a childhood that he forgot about the more practical aspects of parenting. The behaviors were abominable, attention seeking and negative attention from dad was still attention. He would not deal with them until they got to such a pitch that it actually became that noise that penetrates the brain.
I suggested to him that they are doing it because they want attention from him and we could turn that around to be more positive. Court ordered family counselling too, I got the help I needed to recognize button pushing and I was a bit embarrassed that I allowed myself to be 'played' by a 13 year old! However, I changed my responses and the difference was night and day! I also disengaged somewhat, just to let daddy dearest see what I was dealing with, what he was avoiding, and we came together on the same book at least...almost the same page!
Kids move on pretty quickly, right? My belief, though, is that while they are 'moving' faster than the speed of light the whole log of events is still locked up in their heads and it takes time to process it all. I believe that this is what our girl is going through right now, the sifting through all the 'files' and putting a sequence/perspective to everything and I have confidence that she will emerge as a beautiful butterfly, having gone through the 'grubbing' stage and now being in the chrysalis stage. Just do NOT go to Madagasca and flap your wings quite yet girl!!
This turned out to be longer than I really planned it being...oops...sorry! It's up to you how much you read and agree/disagree with though, right?

rachaemdea's picture

I had a Dr's appt the day they were flying to our house and I was able to get a video (just for sound) of the heartbeat and I played it for them and they had to guess what it was. It took a while to get it and they were excited as the week went on.

SD9 told her mom and we heard on the other extension her reaction. BM said, "Oh! (In a nice way, believe that or not) Well, she's probably really tired and a little moody. Pregnant women don't want to admit it but they are so go easy on her."

WOW! She defended me! I almost fell out of my chair.

If you have 20 minutes, read this, it really opened my eyes:


groovetheory's picture

I would say, tell them when you are ready and when you want to. Considering the span of distance between you all, I would wait. I told my SD when I told the rest of my family, and that was only because she was there at Christmas when I was making the big announcement. I was about 5 months then.

If you don't want to listen to them ask over and over about it - or tell their BM and get the drama on it while you are pregnant. I would wait as long as possible, but that is just me.

Cinders's picture

Congratulations on the baby news.

We have been trying to nearly a year now, my partner had a vasectomy when he was with his ex has they have 3 kids and we have been together for 3 years now and last year he decided to get it reversed and it was successful. No one knows this only us so it would be a nice surprise to my parents who are sad cause they think it will never happen.

My partner is not too worried about telling his kids, 20/14/10 the youngest are girls so they will be excited and want to help all the time, the oldest is a little odd, he is very quiet and doesn't let on much so he may not say anything.

The only concern we both have is there mother, she WILL firstly tell them the baby is not there dads and explain why as she doesn't know about the reversal, so she will tell them i must have cheated on there dad and then once we are over that she will fill there heads with how he will love the new baby more and it will be more important.

She is a crazy witch and not an ex that is reasonable so god knows what will happen.

Good luck x x

JIS 's picture

I was wondering how this worked out for you - any updates? We are in a very similar situation - the reversal and the craziness! Any info would be helpful.

Future stepmom32's picture

I found your story very interesting, I'm in a very similar situation. My fiance is going to get a reversal. He has 3 children and is divorced. His ex hates the ground I walk on and she has yet to even look me in my eyes. Shw wants another baby so badly, she is looking to adopt, so I know she will be terrible when she finds we are even trying for another.(It will be my first) How long did your partner have his vasectomy before is was reversed? I'm very nervous that it will not work. I'm young and healthy, but he's had it for almost 9 years now and I'm worried it may be irreversible. Any advice?

giveitago's picture

Congratulations!! Personally it's choose later, I do not want the 'are we there yet?' type thing with the other kids. DH and I do grieve that we will not have the 'firsts' together but we are older, have three bios each and I will look forward to grandchildren to do the 'firsts' alongside DH.
I wish you all the best.

liks's picture

^^^^^^ Lovely way to look at life ^^^^^^

I would LOVE to tell my skids that I am now having a baby to their father....I would film it too...just to show the courts how disgustingly rude these children are regarding me having anything to do with their BD.

They would assume I was delivering the devil and god only knows what the BM would be calling it....goddam her golden uterus status would be threatened...!!!

congatulations to you are starting a new life and new challenges to your obviously lovely existance....I hope all works out perfect for you....

by the way, any hints how to make my skids reside 1300 miles away....? Smile