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SD22 Baby Shower....she's at it again..... ug!!

momof5_1969's picture

So today was actually having a good day, I should have known not to do that. Today in the mail, four SEPARATE invitations came, one for my husband addressed to him only, one addressed to just SS21, one addressed just to SD16, and one addressed just to SS18. These were for SD22's babyshower, which is supposed to be a "couples" babyshower. I was purposefully left out. I was furious. If she had just invited the family, I would not have gone and all would have been well. No big deal. No need to drive the dagger further into my heart now is there. The point is taken, I know I"m not welcome, but she just has to get the dig in.

So I bring the invites in and I"m so pissed off that I'm shaking. Keep in mind today is my husband's 50th birthday. We had plans to go out to dinner, me, him, SD16, and SS 18. I brought him the invitation,which I'd already opened and handed it to him to see. Then he starts trying to defend it. The I go grab the other invites and show him what was done.

Then he has the audacity to tell me that he doesn't know what I'm so upset because I wouldn't have gone anyways now would I, so why am I so upset? I literally blew a gasket. I said, you know you're right. I'm over reacting. I grabbed my stuff after he walked out of the room and I walked out the door and left. I left at 4:30 pm and didn't come home till nearly 10 pm. Needless to say, I did not take him out to dinner. I don't think I could have stayed sane enough to be nice to him. I was fricking to pissed I was shaking. I ended up going to my friends house and crying for a while because I was so pissed off.

So now that I'm home, I get to thinking. There is an RSVP on it. And the person who is putting on the shower is the baby daddy's Mother. I'm thinking I'm going to call her and say "Oh DH and I got the invites and we're so excited to come and we're RSVP'ing for the two of us. The other kids will be calling later. Thanks buh bye!

Most Evil's picture

Oh honey. I would ignore this for the bullshit it is, and of course do not go, and do NOT send a gift. If your DH goes, I would be furious. He needs to stand up for you, no excuses!!!

I am sorry you are going through this honey. I hate when these bratty kids use their kids as a weapon against the step!!! that is just sick.

Jsmom's picture

That was truly a power play. I wouldn't mention the damn thing again,and do not be involved in anyway with a gift. Let DH go and you go away that weekend and do something fun...He was dense about this.

I would have a hard time letting this one go.

momof5_1969's picture

Oh I'm definitely not going. This is just one of so many things that have happened lately and I just don't know how much more I can actually take. It's really too bad because I love babies, I love buying presents and she's the one who is losing out. Her loss. I just know with her -- it's never, ever, ever going to end. She is just plain NUTS.

ownpersonalopinion1's picture

I think I would have just thrown all the invitations in the trash and not said a word. She knew what she was doing senting the invitations like that to your address. She was bringing hate, trouble and hurt feeling into your home with this mess. Toss them in the trash where they should be.

momof5_1969's picture

HRNYC --- no BM won't be there either. She just recently had a big blow out with BM and they are not talking now. Surprise. She goes through this periodically also with her BM. SD22 and I went through this last year for about 9 months -- it was pure bliss. I was reluctant to allow her back in, but DH forced the issue (long story). Needless to say, things are worse with her now more than ever.

ownerpersonal -- yes I wish now I would have just thrown them all in the trash now. Instead I did throw some of her own personal mail in the trash, and yes I know its wrong but I don't care and it made me feel better. She has her own house and her own mail box, she can have her mail delivered there. I told my DH to tell her to have her mail delivered to her house. All future mail of hers that is delivered will be marked return to sender. I don't care.

Bad blood? Between me and BM? I don't even know her nor have I ever met her. There has been a lifetime restraining order on her since before I came into the picture. The BM is wacko though (after reading through legal proceedings, and after talking to my DH, his ex-mother-in-law, and others), also BM hates me -- and I don't have a clue as to why.

Bad blood between me and SD22? Yes!!!

secondwife64's picture

I'm so sorry momof5. What a rotten thing to do. I've gotten plenty of invitations sent to my home without my name on it. It sucks, but sending four separate invitations to everyone in the home except you is really terrible. What a horrible human being. That your H said he doesn't get what the big deal is is infuriating! How are you handling it? Will H be going? Would H ever tell his rotten kid that what she did was not acceptable? If he goes and continues to make excuses for her behavior, what will you do, if anything? I'm curious because my H does the same thing. He often says, "that's just the way Snooki is. Don't let it bother you." Um, yeah. It''s not supposed to bother me. If I'm "bothered" then I am the one with the problem, because, you know, it's just the way she is.

The suggestion to ignore this BS is right. It's just hard to do when the snubs arrive at the doorstep of your home and nobody, including your husband, seems to notice.

For what it's worth, you have my cyber-support!

momof5_1969's picture

secondwife --- thank you Smile I felt your hug through the computer! The crazy thing is that I have disengaged from this tyrant he calls his daughter and yet she still does this horrible things. I seriously just want her to leave me alone. I told him to say nothing to her because I don't want her to think she got to me.

The night it happened I left the house I was so pissed. The next day I was so raw with emotion that I ended up being weepy the whole day. Keep in mind there is a long line of stuff that has happened clear up to this point. I have and had been thinking about leaving. I'm a Christian so this really is a tough and difficult place I find myself in. These relationships with these people are turning me into someone that I am not, and I don't think that this is healthy for me anymore.

My husband and I talked yesterday for a bit. He was still clueless as to why I was upset with him because he didn't send the invitations, and he said that he was blown away at my anger towards him. I then told him his insensitive remarks towards me after the fact really is what sent me over the top. If he had said "I'm so sorry honey, what she has done is horrible," and had comforted me, hugged me, helped calm me down....or something of that would have gone a whole lot different.

So the more we talked yesterday the more we both realized that we were both unhappy, and he has agreed to go to counseling. I'm thankful he is finally agreeing to go, but we'll see how things continue. My thoughts have been that if this is how it is going to be and continue to be, that I will wait until my daughter graduates, and then I can move on. I like not having to work right now so that I can be there for her when she needs me, be home for her, etc. I do some part-time work babysitting and make actually pretty good money at it, and DH told me that I could do with it (the money) whatever I wanted. So I've been stashing it away in an account with my name on it. I've got nearly $3,000 in it, basically enough to get re-established if needed. Part of it is to take my daughter on a graduation trip. So we'll see how the next few months go.

thank you for your cyber support and hugs!

emotionaly beat up's picture

I completely understand how you feel about this situation, and I am so sorry for you. I like many others here have certainly walked MORE than a mile in your shoes and it hurts so much. However, the blame for all of this heartache falls fair and square on the shoulders of our husbands who refuse to acknowledge even to us privately that their daughters are bitches.

My husband's daughter (can't bear to call her my anything even SD), has caused so much trouble in our marriage over the years, trouble that could have been avoided had my husband even once said, I'm sorry, I hate the way she treats you.....instead of, I don't know what's the matter with you, so what if she ignores you, why do you care, why can't you just ignore her crap I do, you just hate her, what's she ever done to you etc., etc., etc., So, when I say she has caused trouble in our marriage, it really isn't her at all, she means nothing to me so she cannot hurt me at all, it is my husband, the man who is supposed to be there for me, who has caused ALL the trouble in this marriage by DEFENDING his precious daughter no matter how rude she was every single time.

I finally banned her from the house and suggested if he felt his daughter was being wrongly treated by me, then he should go and live with her as I was not taking it anymore. The final straw for me was the birth of her baby, when she ignored me completely at the hospital and even refused to take a gift from my hand.

Around 2 weeks later she rang daddy and asked him to come and see the baby, he actually came home from work and said we were going to go to her house that night to see the baby. Just as though nothing had happened. Anyway I won't go into the long story suffice to say we didn't go. A couple of weeks later we had some photos of the baby hand delivered to our letter box addressed provocatively to Nono, she did this deliberately to show me that I was not going to be part of her or her baby's life. Shame for the baby I think, but that is all I could not care less about this little bitch. Anyway, the envelope the photos came in got thrown into the rubbish bin, and something made me get it out, sure enough, when the discussion came around again, my husband said he could not recall only his name being on the envelope, I was just making that up because I hate his daughter. Thankfully I had the envelope to show him, although, he then said she didn't mean anything by it. So who is the problem, the woman who was brought up to be a selfish, spoilt immature brat, or the person who brought her up that way.

Like you, I have not completely dismissed the idea of leaving, we do not deserve to be treated like this and our husbands have the power to stop it, yet choose not to. The longer his goes on, the less I believe that they truly cannot see what is happening, they are just too weak to do anything about it, and are prepared to throw us to the wolves so they don't have to deal with this.

I hope your couselling sessions go well, and that you and your husband can make it through this. Surely it would not be too hard for them just acknowledge what is happening to us, to apologise for their offsprings behaviour towards us and to try and make us feel better with some love and understanding on their part, instead of always defending the bad behaviour of their daughters.

Hugs and kisses to you I hope this tough time you are going through is over soon. Don't go to the baby shower, it's not worth it. I honestly think your husband should confront her about the invitation and ask why you're not on it, he needs to tell her if he goes you go, that he loves her, but you are his wife and he also loves you, and he will not let her disrespect you anymore, then give her the choice to either invite both of you, or none of you. He should also tell her that what she did was rude...........How bloody hard is that. All the best.

sandye21's picture

It sounds like this is a no-win situation. DH says don't let it bother you and waves it off as if it is nothing, making it sound as if something is wrong with you. So what would DH say if you completely disengaged from SD, like you are waving her off as if she is nothing? Tell DH it is obvious she wants to act as if you do not exist so you are returning the sentiments. You do not want to be around her or hear anything about her. If he wants the situation to change he will have to do what is necessary. It is not SD who is fault as much as it is DH for being too much of a coward to do the right thing. It's not easy for him to let SD know that manners ARE a big thing and you deserve respect as his wife.

One the other hand, this same scenario happened a few months ago and someone reponded, go to the party like you were invited. Have plenty of wine and be as obnoxoius as you possibly can. Even surprise DH! Maybe even 'accidentally' spill a bit of wine on DH. Buy an inappropraite gift. Make all sorts of suggestions about how to 'properly' raise a child, what to eat during pregnancy, how to keep your figure post-pregnancy, what colors to paint the child's room, etc., etc. Maybe drive over her fence as you drive off. You want to make this 'memorable' for everyone. Then tell DH, "I don't know what you're all upset about."

momof5_1969's picture

sandy -- oh my goodness that is absolutely hilarious and had me laughing out loud!!! I did tell DH that I considered calling the baby daddy's mom to RSVP and tell her we got the invite and we're so excited to come, etc., but then DH told me that then everything SD22 had said to her about me (meaning that I'm crazy, etc) -- then she'll believe it.

My ex-husband actually said something to me the other day, and made good sense and that was "don't defend yourself when someone is bad mouthing you because the truth will all come out in the end" -- and your true friends will show themselves true during that time. My daughter had homecoming the other weekend and that was when I saw my ex. He is breaking up with his longtime girlfriend, and she is badmouthing him to anyone who will listen. She even tried with me, but I wanted to stay out of that mess. So that was why he said that to me. Weird, me getting good advice from my ex. Whoda thunk it?!

Sandy thanks for the hoot laugh! That totally made my day. I'm so thankful for this forum and don't know what I'd do without it!! You all are awesome here!

emotionaly beat up's picture

OOPS! sorry all for posting the same thing over and over, something weird was happening with my computer I think. Wasn't trying to forcefully express my opinion at all here Smile Sorry.

momof5_1969's picture

My DH is now talking about going to the shower so as not to offend his SD22. He wants to know my opinion. He says either way, he's going to offend someone, so he can't win. He says "I won't stay long" and its not like he wants to be there. Says he'll just take a small gift and then get out of there as quick as possible. Seriously? Wow.

I told him I was not going to make this decision for him because he's a big boy, and he needs to make a decision on his own for a change without my input. So he says that if I wouldn't be offended he would be going (even though his daughter has treated me like CRAP for so many years).

So I told him that he should ask some other people's opinions. So he's going to ask his brother's opinion and our pastor's opinion. He is currently on the phone with his brother. He seriously DOES NOT GET IT.

What would you all do if this happened to you --- and your DH asked your opinion? Or if he went to the babyshower?

emotionaly beat up's picture


To be honest if my husband said he didn't want to offend his daughter so he would be attending the baby shower, I would feel betrayed. It would hurt me deeply to think that he would attend this function knowing that I had been ignored in such a horrible way by the person whom the shower was for, and I dont' care if it is his daughter, in fact it would make it worse for me that it was his daughter, because in attending her shower without saying a word to her about her bad behaviour shows her that he is not only happy and comfortable with how you were treated by his daughter, but he supports how she treats you by his attendance at the shower.

This situation I believe will only get worse for you, once these daughters deliver the ultimate weapon to e used against you - the new baby, the miserable life you had before will become unbelievably more miserable. I think your brother and sister in law are being very unfair to you here, they think your husband has a right to see his daughter and be a part of not only the grandchilds life, but all the events leading up to it, whilst you are left on your own on the sidelines looking in. Marriage isn't all about the wife or the husband, it is supposed to be a partnership and it should be about US not me or him. Your in laws are thinking of your husand's needs and wants, and they are certainly making sure your SD gets what she wants, but What About YOU. What about your needs surely it is not too much for you to expect to be treated as though you are a part of the family and as such should be invited to family events. It will never happen, but if your husband and his family stood up to her and said look this is rude, you wouldn't need to be on this site. Why are these me so afraid of their adult daughters, and for the most part it seems to be the daughters who are causing all the trouble in our relationships, well perhaps I should say the father's of these spoilt brats who are causing all the trouble.

I have come through the 1st pregnancy of my husbands daughter and let me tell you - he allowed her to treat me like dog poo on the soles of her feet, despite my warning him at least 4 times that this was going to get worse after the baby was born. Would he listen, no, so it did get worse after the baby was born, well for me it did anyway. However because it got so bad for me it forced me to make a decision - ban the rude little cow from my home, and if that included the boyfriend and the baby so be it. I completely turned the tables on my husband, and after 8 years of abuse from his daughter called it a day with her. I was not about to put up with her teaching the child to ignore me in my own home as well. In taking a stand and looking after my own physical and mental health I inadvertantly put my husband in the position of having to suffer due to his daughter's behaviour. She went off when I banned her, and my husband of course is quite upset that his daughter is no longer welcome here. Funny thing though, the two people who caused all the trouble in this house, my husband and his daughter are now the only two suffering. I think that is fair enough, he taught her no manners, he accepted her ignorant treatment of me and my family, and his failure to address her rudeness gave her free reign to do as she pleased in my home and to treat me appallingly because she took his silence as acceptance.

It hurt at first to see my husband hurting, but stepaside made a comment that made complete sense to me and after mulling it over for a few days I decided she was absolutely right - for 8 years my husband watched and ignored his daughter's appalling treatment of me HIS WIFE and seemingly was happy all the time doing it. He didn't get upset for me, he wasn't worried about how she treated me, he certainly wasn't worried or concerned about how hurt and upset I was by his daughter's treatment of me, so why should I now be concerned about him feeling hurt beause I simply said enough. Funny thing was that a small part of me always remained upset that he was suffering right up until the envelope containing photos of the baby (and bigger ones of his daughter LOL),were hand delivered by daughters boyfriend to our letterbox addressed to my husband only and my husband despite all that had happened, still said "She did'nt mean anything by it" Yes she did, she was showing me exactly how she felt in no uncertain terms. Just as she had let me know quite clearly from day one that I was not welcome in her life, she was now letting me know that I was not welcome in her baby's life, she was being provocative and daddy defended her YET AGAIN.

I banned her from my home in August, and I won't say I am happy about it, I would much have preffered that we could all have just got along and been civil, but this piece of work was never going to let that happen,she walked in to my home hating my guts and she hadn't even met me. I have 3 children, they are normal and give us no trouble, my husband has The Princess and 2 sons, the 2 sons are living in a dictatorship and whenever they were here on their own they were great, when they were here with The Princess they truly did not say a word to either their father or myself, so now that Princess Natalie has been banned the sons no longer come around. All this trouble because 1 adult child out of 6 is a selfish self centered little cow who thinks that as long as daddy has a wife she won't get any money from him. So, as I said as much as I am not happy and would have preferred a different outcome for this family, I am glad I never have to see any of them ever again, and I am less stressed, my physical health is getting better, and I have come to the conclusion - If my husband still chooses to do nothing and not see his daughter and grandaughter because he doesn't want to insist that his daughter grow up and behave herself - then that is his choice, I choose not to be insulted and treated as an unwelcome guest in my own home any longer.

momof5_1969's picture

emotionally beat up --- I did feel betrayed. I totally agree with you that my brother and sister-in-law don't understand and are only thinking of my DH. Plus they have never been in a step family situation and only have biological kids so they have no idea what this is like, nor do they have a psychotic child like DH's daughter to deal with to compare to.

I agree with everything you have said here, and definitely empathize with you. I'm so sorry you've had to go through what I've been going through also. And good for you for putting your foot down. Hopefully your husband's eyes will open up and he will see the light soon. It sounds like you need the same counselor we have just started seeing.

My DH's daughter is no longer welcome in the home, but it was also after I put my foot down also, but my DH told his daughter that she was no longer welcome in the home -- even if I am not home. This way I don't come home and get surprised with her presence here. Also she is not allowed to have her mail delivered here anymore either. She had a cow over that because she is currently defrauding the state. Unfortunately, if I turned her in, she would know it was me.

I am glad to hear that your health is getting better -- that gives me encouragement because my health too has suffered due to the stress I've dealt with with his kids. I wish you the best from hereon out.

LizzieA's picture

How about showing him the Stepmonster book or anything else that discusses the crucial issue here? She has not accepted you as DH's wife and part of the family. She rudely makes that clear. Period. As long as he placates her she will think that he's going along with her attitude and it's ok to s*** on you. How hard is that to understand? Maybe come up with a scenario that puts him in your role. Perhaps he can see it then.

emotionaly beat up's picture

LizzieA, I don't know how many times over the years I tried to put forth different scenarios to my husband. In fact I reminded him several times over the years of the fact the he no longer spoke to his nephew's wife, WHY well because whenever we saw her which was about 3 times a year she did not say hello first. He felt that she should be the first one to say hello and was insulted because she didn't, he wasn't going to be treated like that, so he refused to speak to her, and ultimately lost his relationship with his nephew because of it.

It was like talking to a lump of cement, he honestly felt that it was okay for him to feel like that, his nephew's wife in my husbands opinion was RUDE to him. But when I compared that to his daughter's treatment of me............response "YOU JUST WANT TO FEEL LIKE THAT" His daughter would come into my home, bring alcholol and offer it to daddy and her brothers not me. Whenever I tried to speak even to my own husband in my own home she would cut me off and talk over the top of me - every single time. She never said hello or goodbye and would constantly make snide remarks, she refused to eat or drink (except the alcholol) she brought in, or alcholol that daddy poured for her from his bar, why - because as she said many times, she didn't want to get germs. If my children came when she was here, they would say hello to her, and she would not respond, but that seemingly in my husand's world is ok. Lizzie, I think there is something mentally wrong with men like this, I don't think presenting scenarios to them has the impact that it would on someone of normal intellect, they really don't get it. The relatioships they have with their daughters is clealry inappropriate and often seems to border on emotional incest. Something is not quite right here and I don't know what it is. The daughters are narcissistic at best or worse psychopaths and their fathers are either defensive or in complete denial. Either way, these men are selfish, because in allowing their daughters to behave this way they are not teaching them manners or social skills, and they are denying their daughters a normal life. These young women all seem to be angry, selfish and fearful of anyone taking their place in daddy's life, which doesn't sound exactly like they are living a happy normal life to me. Why when they have boyfriend's fiance's husand's of their own are these women hell bent on keeping daddy all to themselves and why are the daddies flaterred by this.

ctnmom's picture

I agree with momof5 Sandy you are halarious! Maybe drink too much and take out her mailbox w/ a squeal of uyour tires...Mom, I'm glad you're going to counseling w your DH. He seems like a decent guy, you 2 just need some help setting up some rules and boundries w/ someone on the outside and I think you'll be fine. Smile I'm also christian, (Catholic), and a very wise person once said to me, "nowhere in the bible does it say you have to be a doormat for someone else's rudeness". Pretty powerful words IMO. I think you need to completely disengage from this girl. At some point she became broken, how can she be that cruel and hateful even as she's carrying a little miracle? So sad. Sad P.s.I would've thrown the invites away as OP said. Thay came to YOUR house, didn't they?

sandye21's picture

I think it was Stepaside who came up with original idea of attenting the party, being obnoxious and driving over the mail box. Do you remember the movie 'Second Wives Club'? Wouldn't it be great to get together with some other SMs and give back to SDs the grief they gave to us?

momof5_1969's picture

My DH talked to his brother about it, and his brother told him that he should go to the babyshower, unless I was throwing down the "gauntlet" (so to speak) and was going to divorce him over it because down the road he would regret not having gone and been apart of his grandson's life. So okay, I get that. Then my sister-in-law, who I do love, came over yesterday and said the same thing. She did agree with me on that fact that SD22 should not be allowed in the house at all, and that if she does show up here that I should just call the cops, but that I should not tell DH that he can't have a relationship with her. She did agree that what SD22 did was terrible and awful, but that DH would regret not having gone years down the road. So I guess I agree with that. I am not going to make that decision for him.

However, two nights ago I told him that I was considering separating because I didn't know how much more I could take. I flat told him that I did not like his kids, that I was not happy and I didn't ever see things getting any better. I told him I was praying a lot and didn't know what to do right now. He wanted to do counseling, and I told him that I didn't know if counseling would even work. Well, he made a bunch of phone calls and HE set it up -- which shocked me. He even started doing some things differently --- things that I have been praying about. He even told me that he should have been treating me better, and not been taking me for granted -- he even cried. This shocked me. He's not an emotional man at all.

Our counseling appt is on Monday. So we'll see how that goes. We have a lot to air out and a lot of issues. Thank you all for your support -- and even your "fun" suggestions! They bring a smile to my face during some difficult times. Smile

sixteensmom's picture

I'm afraid that set of invites would find the shredder with no mention of the shower to the others. If you're not Invited they don't go either.

emotionaly beat up's picture

JoJoBo, I wonder if your MIL was dealing with a SD instead of a SS would her husband have made the same phone call. The father's of girls don't seem to want to do the right thing as your MIL's husband did, and yet I am convinced the outcome would be the same, all it takes it for daddy to speak up. But your little footnote that hubby is a multimillionaire made me laugh, I am sure SS and his wife took that into account. Glad it has worked out for your MIL though no matter what the reason behind it SS and wife no longer rude to her, and her husband supported her at a time when he should have. Life is too short for all of this nonsense.

emotionaly beat up's picture

That's good to hear JoJOBo44, your MIL is lucky to have his support. Most of the trouble spoken about on this site could be avoided if the fathers were as strong and supportive as your MIL's appears to be. Well done to him.

emotionaly beat up's picture

I got that crap all the time Mustang1, it makes everything so much worse doesn't it. Everything his daughter did that caused trouble in this house was always my fault. I would offer her a drink, she would say no, and mutter something about germs, when I would complain that he needed to say something to her, even that would be my fault, he couldn't understand why I was upset because if that was how she felt, that was how she felt, so what, why did I have to pick on everthing and so on and so on. Fun isn't it.

sandye21's picture

I used to hear that crap too - for over 20 years. It was always my fault for taking things wrong or not making SD and her hubby feel welcome. Now I could care less what any of them think or say. I will never allow anyone to accuse me of something I haven't done or discount my feelings again. After SDs verbal (and almost physical) attack on me just before Christmas last year DH knows he will never, ever convince me that I am at fault in any way. I was even suprised a few months ago when he said, "Noone should be treated like that in their own home."

momof5_1969's picture

mustang, thankfully no he hasn't done that to me. If he had, I'd end up blowing on him. And besides, now he would be right -- I don't like her! I flat out have told him I don't like her and have told him that for a couple of years now! She has definitely earned that!

momof5_1969's picture

goforit, I'm so sorry you're going through this too Sad I expected that this was coming after she'd had a conversation with her Dad when she and her boyfriend were talking about getting married and she mentioned something to her Dad about "what if I don't invite SM to my wedding." My DH told her that if I wasn't invited then he wouldn't be going because we were a package deal. So when I knew that she would probably be having a babyshower, I knew that I wouldn't be invited. I anticipated that when the invitation came that I would just not go because she has made it clear she doesn't want me around. No problem. I don't want to be around her either. However, when she sent FOUR separate invites to the house, that was a bit much. I did blow.

I was not only pissed at her, but at my DH. And then when he minimized my feelings I was even more angry. Thankfully, he is getting a wake up call and starting to realize that he can't be afraid of his children anymore -- and can't be afraid to set boundaries with them. Thankfully!

momof5_1969's picture

Wow so many responses! Thank you all for the support! I'll try to remember everyone's questions and responses. One thing my DH has said is that even HE doesn't like his daughter, but that she IS his daughter and so he feels as though he has to be around her for that reason. He has said if she wasn't his daughter he'd have nothing to do with her because she is an awful person. He has said that he can merely only stand to be around her for a few minutes and then he has to leave. They can never have a good conversation because she is such a miserable person.

We had our first counseling session last night, and the counselor told him that he needs to begin setting boundaries with not only the oldest daughter, but all the kids. My DH is willing to do this! Huge answer to prayer. He is going to tell her because she chose to not invite me to the babyshower and how hurtful that was to me, that he will not be coming. The counselor told him to keep it simple because she told us that we are dealing with essentially a 12 year old mind with his SD22. Counselor told us that we need to keep that in mind when dealing with SD22.

What I do know is that my DH is trying -- especially after I told him I wanted to separate and that I didn't like his kids and why. He is making an extra effort to stay on top of his kids to make sure that they are treating me respectfully, helping more around the house, and even being more attentive to me. I told him that all needs to continue. He told me that he'd realized that he'd taken me for granted. We did a lot of talking this weekend.

He's realizing that I am telling the truth about his kids because I am with them all day and they will do things all day long to me, while he only gets a small portion of their behavior in the evening when he gets home at night.

I am hoping that this continues. I am praying lots during this and through this.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Great news momof5-1969, So very happy for you this sounds like it may have a happy ending for you. The fact that your husband actually admitted his daughter is not the nicest of people and even he doesn't like to be in her company for too long is huge. My husband woud never say anything like that about his daughter, no matter what. One poster here said that if her SD spat in her face, her husband would justify it, my husband was more in that category, and probably still is, but we don't see her anymore and hopefully things stay that way.Because unless these men accept what there daughters are (as your husband seems to be doing), then nothing will change.

I am thrilled your husband is not going to the baby shower, not because I want him to hurt her, because I don't, but because in light of the invitation saga, it would have been the wrong thing to do. He needs to show her that rudeness towards you will no longer be tolerated by him and she will be the one to suffer the consequences.

I imagine telling her and her reaction to it is going to be tough on him, she is going to have a bit to say about this, scream around the family trying to get support, chuck in a river full of crocodile tears, and use her unborn baby against him, along with all the other poor me tales of woe they put forward to guilt daddy, but having the support of a Counselor is fantstic and will help. So very, very, very happy that things are turning around for you. It's great to read a positive outcome for someone on this site Smile I am glad your prayers are being answered. Good luck to you and your husband. This all sounds like things will turn around for you both. Keep us posted - you give us all hope.