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What about Lunch Money. Do you Care if they spend it on Lunch or not?

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

So do you care if they are buying actual food for lunch?

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

Is this for all schools including high schools? With my SD16 come to find out that she was using her lunch money to buy RockStars at school instead of buying actual food.

hbell0428's picture

I use the online thing too; we can see exactly what they are doing. They even tell you to send a note in saying.....Lunch only - No extras. This way they can't spend it all on a $1.00 cookie.....after paying $2.00 for lunch; it gets expensive times 4 per week!

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

I checked their online program. I had already signed them up a couple of years back. Don't really use it but for sure will start using it now. This way we don't have to remember to give them money every morning or the night before.

I had figured the online program was more for the little ones.....SD16 money from last school year rolled over so she has some money for next week.

purpledaisies's picture

I still say that it is their choice to eat and if they are hungry they will eat. Now one thing I would do is that if they didn't eat lunch so they could buy something then no snack! They will have to wait till dinner, but I would do that with my own kids too.

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

But how do you know that if they are spending it on lunch or not? They can just come home and say they ate lunch but are still hungry so can they have a snack.....?

purpledaisies's picture

If tey have things that you did not buy and then ask where it came from. I am that kind of mom I KNOW what they have and don;t have and if they lie I WILL ALWAYS find out! So it may not be that day but when I do trust me they will never do it again. Wink

Believe me my kids learned early that mom will find out and it will be worse if I lie. I guess I just do things differently.

Oi Vey's picture

Our school district allows parents to put a "lunch restriction" on their funds...they can ONLY buy "lunch" and not snacks if we request that.
I did that when I found out my 13 year old was eating cookie dough for lunch every day Smile Told him he could use his allowance for that! Smile

Doubletakex3's picture

Flashback to first grade. My mom found out that I was eating two dreamsicles each day instead of lunch. She made me go without lunch for the entire next week. I'm betting she even told the lunch ladies not to give me anything if I cried or begged.

z3girl's picture

When I was in elementary school, I used to keep my lunch money and hoard it to buy Christmas gifts for my family. (I was the youngest by almost 10 years and didn't grasp the concept that I wasn't expected to buy tons of gifts for everyone.) My parents had no idea and just thought I was a hungry kid when I got home. Knowing I did this myself, I would have a hard time giving any other kids a hard time. On the other hand, not needing to worry about remembering to give lunch money because of an online thing would be awfully convenient...

HadEnoughx5's picture

My skids have an online account too. This year my DH finally got a little smart and stopped giving them extra $. Last year, they were saving up all their extra $ and then they would want to buy something with it. They would hand me the money and I would be unfolding the ones from the way their BF gave it to them! Once I shared that with DH, he stopped being so generous Wink

stepfamilyfriend's picture

Lunch money.......
Our HS does not do lunch, so kids go downtown to eat. My DD mostly eats junk and I have little control over that. So what I ended up doing, is I combine lunch money with allowance. She gets 20 dollars a week. She can make home lunches, which I gladly pay for, and keep her money for weekends and other stuff, or she can spend it in town, which she usually does. So when the weekend comes and she has nothing for the movies, I remind her how she had a choice and could save almost 100 a month, if she was willing to bring food from home.