Destructive/abusive SS wants come on an extended visit
I am new to this forum and I have received some counseling in the past to help me deal with this situation. I have an adult SS who is quite destructive and wants to come visit us. Before you jump to the conclusion that I am cold hearted, let me give you a little background information. I have a BD and two younger SS. The youngest SS still lives with us.
Prior to my DH and I getting together about 3 years ago, he told me that his oldest son had emotional issues. He had custody of his children from a previous marriage. I knew that my SS had been in counselling for 9+ years for issues surrounding his parents divorce and was on medication for depression. He had spoken to me about sending his BS to live with his EX because of the problems he was having with him and the fact that his EX interfered with his disciplining of his BS' bad behavior.
I also knew that the relationship between my DH and his EX was terrible. They quite literally hate each other. Further, his EX is awful. His EX has made multiple false allegations of child abuse against my DH (during that same 9+ year period) with corresponding summons to family court only to have the case dropped each time after he spent thousands on legal fees to defend himself. She tapes all phone conversations. Both my SS told me this during a casual conversation. Needless to say, I was floored. When confronted, EX's spouse admitted that they had been recording phone conversations for 10+ years. My DH and I no longer speak to her and handle all child sharing arrangements through the mail.
When we got married, my oldest SS behavior seemed to be okay. Gradually over time, he started refusing to take his medication. It took me awhile to realize that his refusal to take medication seemed to correspond with phone calls to his mother who called at first weekly, then biweekly, and then everyday. He began to act aggressive towards my youngest SS and his BF - verbally abusive and sometimes hitting and punching them. He ripped holes in his younger brother's clothing. During this period, my SS decides that he no longer wants to bathe, wash his hair, or brush his teeth and that we cannot require him to do this. He raids the refrigerator in the middle of the night and hides plates, tuna cans, and so on... in his closet. One day, I can home from work and found my SS in my bedroom sitting on my bed talking on his cell phone (turned on speakerphone) with his BM. His BM was advising him to "if you feel like you are being abused, call..." I immediately spoke out telling her that my SS had her on speakerphone.
About a week later, I was sent out of town on business unexpectedly. My DH was unemployed and at home supervising the children. While I was out of town, my mil came to visit during this time. Within 2 days of my being out of town, I get a frantic phone call from my DH. My SS has done something to the plumbing in the bathroom and water is squirting from behind the tiles into the bathroom. (I would not have believed it had I not seen the plumbing when I got home.) We live in a 1 bathroom house. I had my DH hook up my travel trailer so that they could at least bathe until I got home. The next day, I get another frantic phone call. My SS has torn up one of the water lines. I give him the phone number to my RV repairman so that he can come fix the problem. In a couple of days, I get another call. My SS has ripped a 2' by 3' hole in the sofa with his fingers. The total cost to repair all the damage done in the 2 weeks I was out of town was over $15,000.
When I got home from my business trip, I called a family meeting. I told both of my SSs that things had happened around the house that I was not particularly pleased with and that we were going to establish family rules based on mutual respect. Everything seemed to calm down for about two weeks until my oldest SS swore at his BF and then punched him several times in the face. My DH and I decided to send the oldest SS to his BM and keep the youngest SS with us. During their separation, the youngest has started to flourish, has much more self esteem, participating in sports for the first time in his life, and is doing extremely well in school.
Back to the problem, my oldest SS has fallen out with his BM and would like to come to visit us for an extended visit. I understand that this is my DH's son but I cannot afford either financially or mentally for him to destroy our home. The financial strain of being the only breadwinner, my husband becoming handicapped due to a hit and run driver, being handed a $15,000 repair bill I didn't budget for, the abusive behavior from my oldest SS, the badgering of my DH's EX contributed mental breakdown from stress. I am not sure what to do. I asked about meeting my SS somewhere halfway between us and him but my DH doesn't want my SS to feel he is unwelcome. Could someone please offer me some advise as I really don't know what to do?
Ok I didn't read the whole
Ok I didn't read the whole thing to be honest, I stopped when I realized he's an adult, YOU DO NOT need to allow someone who is abusive and destructive in your home. Don't do it. Ok I'll read the rest now but I doubt my opinion will change
Um, no. He is unwelcome.
Um, no. He is unwelcome. Who cares if he feels that way? He is an adult, you said? I dont understand why you are even entertaining this notion. He has caused you all thosuands in damages-not to mention the emotional damage to everyone in the household. I would be asking him how he is going to pay you back for damages.
It's a shame he's fallen out with bm-but he either needs to grow up and find his own place or go back to bm. It sounds like she cultivated many of these issues and she was successful at it. Yeah for her. That also means she is now stuck with him and doesnt have the option of the other parent for help.
I agree with Buttercookie.
I agree with Buttercookie. There is no way I would allow SS to move in after he caused so much damage.
This is my home. It is the center of my life and the place I come to recharge and have peace.
I am in the process of trying to get SD out of my house now. She has caused huge problems, and worst of all wrecks my serenity. Once she leaves, there's no way I'll let her come back. When SS moved back in with BM, that was a lucky break for you. I would count your blessings and say no.
Tell him NO way in hell will
Tell him NO way in hell will he be welcome in your home after all the damage he has done. If your dh says anything tell him he knows where the door is period! This is an adult and IF he was to come to visit say a day or whatever and if there is any damage you will expect him to pay for it. Have him and dh sign a paper stating that as well.
What is wrong with people today good grief.
Thank you for replying and
Thank you for replying and validating what I was feeling. My first instinct was that same as purpledaisies - NO way in hell but my DH thinks I am overreacting. Unfortunately, I have been the one stuck with cleaning up the aftermath paying the bills associated repairs from the last time he was with us as well as spending money on counselling for myself, my DH, and my youngest SS. My youngest SS does not mind talking on the phone with his brother but does not want to see him in person or have him in our home. You would think this would send a clear message to my DH.
What I find least helpful is my MIL who is normally a really sweet person but is encouraging this visit. She is an enabler. She overcompensates (spoils) with the children because the children were hurt and are still being hurt by their BM's behavior. She makes excuses for the children's behavior due to "emotional problems." She enabled the EX's bullying by discouraging my DH regarding setting limits on the EX because she was afraid she would cause more legal bills. I have, however, told my DH that if the MIL is so keen on the reunion, maybe she should consider hosting it at HER home.
You are not overreacting. I
You are not overreacting. I will not allow my boyfriend's adult children in our home. They are nasty, disrespectful, sneaky, and manipulative. I will not allow myself to be treated like this in my home. If my bf wants to see them, they can see him somewhere else. Since he stopped giving them money, they don't contact him, unless they need something else.
I have the same issue with my bf's mom-nice woman, but she is more of a problem than his children bc she believes that "the kids" will eventually "learn to be loving" if my bf gives them what they want. She reads his daughter's ridiculous Facebook postings (lies, drama, lies, more drama) and bombards us with 1000 questions. I know she is annoyed that I don't want them here, but like you, I feel she can have them in HER house. She can stay up instead of sleeping, and worry what they are stealing or sneaking looks at, handle the drug use, and who knows what else.
I feel badly for you...remember you are a hard-working woman who deserves respect and kindness, and your DH needs to SUPPORT YOU.
I would say absolutely not!
I would say absolutely not! I think you have had to put up with enough already - emotional problems or not. JMO.
No he is an adult who abused
No he is an adult who abused the privilege of coming to your house by his behavior. I would tell him that he owes you 15K and if he pays you back, you will consider it. But, if not, Dad can meet you at a restaurant for dinner. That is all he deserves...
I agree!
I agree!
As I read the initial post, I
As I read the initial post, I thought about a program I recently watched about a young man who was stabbed in the chest with a butcher knife as he slept - by his mentally challenged brother who'd stopped taking medication. He managed to get up, passed out on the kitchen floor and almost bled to death. Fortunately his mother was at home and found him. After the incident, the brother didn't remember what he'd done. And the family had him committed. No family should go through this type of trauma.
Your top priority should be the safety of your family. He's clearly not stable and should not be allowed to stay for an extended visit. Take him to dinner, take him to the movie, take him to the race track, take him fishing, but do not take him into your home. If something happened, you'd have to live with it for the rest of your life. Stick to your guns and tell your DH you can't allow that strife back into your home.
If SS is not happy at BM's let the state find him some place else to live.
Extended visit after a
Extended visit after a falling out could mean he is coming back to live. If you do not want him to do this you need to make it very clear to your husband what exactly is meant by an extended visit and hold him to what you agree to. If you allow this kid back in your home for any length of time I think you would be best to have a contract for him to agree to and sign, with excplained consequences if the contract is broken.
One of my bio children loved to play things up to anyone that would listen and she told some real lies to get the sympathy and compassion of others and make me look bad. The sun rose and set in her father and eventhough he abandoned her, she knew life wa going to be all good if she could just reconnect with her dad, the one who loved her the most. She quit school 3 months shy of graduating, knew she was in love, guy dumped her, she ran to daddy who she learned yet again was not available. And I get a call begging me to come back home. I put her on a contract, she agreed, it was signed and she did everything she agreed too.
Extended visit after a
Extended visit after a falling out is almost guaranteed he is coming back to live. I would make it abundantly clear to DH if I were you that he is not welcome within 20 miles of you-and if DH wants to throw a tantrum....TOO. FLIPPIN. BAD. But if I were you I'd put my foot down and do it in a hurry. Good Luck!