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Too little too late?

nakichick's picture

I have recently had a break from my SO, during which he broke up with me. A few days later he realised he'd made a huge mistake and now we're back together. We've talked about our problems and I've told him what I need from our relationship, which is more time. To be blunt, I asked for 2 nights a week completely to ourselves, 1 night every 2nd w/e to go out together (he has SD14, SD4 and SS3 every w/e) and one day a month where we can go for a hike, day trip or whatever. He is trying I think, though I am worried we are going to slip back into our old habits and patterns. I work away for 6 weeks at a time and are home for 3 weeks, so this makes it hard as well, he constantly brings up that when I'm away that I don't spend any time with him, which is true as its impossible to see each other except for skype.

I've also told him I'm not happy with SS3 getting up in the middle of the night and jumping into bed with us. He's going to 'try' to put him back into his own bed when this happens now instead of bringing him into bed with us, though he accused me of making him choose between me and his kids.

Things are a lot different between us since our break and break up. I'm having trouble trusting that he won't do this (running away when things get tough) again - he's done this several times - and I'm also finding it hard to reconnect and be affectionate towards him as we've struggled through so much in the last 18 months and I just don't know if I've got the energy to keep trying. I'm finding hard to let go of all the past hurts, fights, accusations. Its like he's finally making the effort for our relationship and I just don't want to do the same anymore. Whether I'm doing this to get back at him or I'm just worn out I don't know.

I don't know if I made the right decision to go back to him or if I should've finally let him go. I will be going back to work soon so that is going to give us a lot of space and time to think about things.

Just needed to get all that out. Thanks for listening!

instantfamily's picture

Correct me if I'm wrong but he has three kids, the youngest 3, you sound young yourself- and you're doing this why?

I'm just saying it sounds like from your profile you like to be active and do things; Stepkids don't allow for that.

If I were in your position, I would walk away and not look back.