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FINALLY a good skid experience!!

Poppy's picture

After ten years of my SS23's constant anger, aggresion, and drama, he is finally where he belongs. He has been admitted to a long term psychiatric hospital for some pretty major stuff. My life was hell before, and I was a little leary of taking on another one of my DH's boys. However, my SS18 is a sweet, generous, caring, and compassionate little thing (don't tell him cause he is too "cool" to admit he spoils his little siblings, does dishes AND laundry, picks up after himself and even offers to cook dinner so I can have a break). He is a full time college student (which is why he lives with us, we only live a few miles from the college he chose) and is also looking for a job because he quit his when he moved to our state for school. He has a firm grip on reality and a life plan! OMG such a difference from his big brother... How did I luck out this time?!?! Karma is finally paying off, LOL

Kes's picture

It's nice to hear some good news for a change. I for one have had a very hard time with SKIDS and BM over the last couple of months, and its great to hear a happy story. I also believe in karma, and often content myself with the thought "karma will get them..." whoever is plaguing the life out of me. I am not a bible person, but I like the bit from the bible that goes "vengeance is mine, saith the Lord". Leave it to the universe, every time. The mills of God grind slow, but they grind exceeding small.

TheStepwife's picture

I could just cry reading this! I'd be happy if I got a thank-you every now and then for taking care of all the groceries and the kitchen, and the occasional pitch in on dishes, and SD keeping his own areas clean.