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Adult Stepdaughter Problem or Over Reacting? Help Please?

goldilocksandthefourbears's picture

I have been with my husband for alomst 18 years. We have four children all together. His daughter is almost 30 now she was 12 when we got together. I want to talk about our past before I ask for advice. When my husband moved in with his daughter I had a 1yr old and a 5yr old. Righ from the start his daughter hated my 5yr old (also a girl). She would go into her bedroom and break things, take her things. It became a real problem. Then when his daughter was 14 she went back to live with her mother (he choice). Then we started having problems with her mother and her multiple husbands. When my stepdaughter came to visit at 15 she tried to cut me with a butcher knife. Her dad told her that if she didnt want to be part of the family she could stay with her mother. She stopped calling for a year. Then we recieved a letter stating that her mother had given her permission to marry and that she was married. My husband was livid. She and her 16yr old husband came out to visit. By that time I had, had a baby. He was 6 months, when her husband tried to play with her new brother she told him that he would have is own soon and to not touch my baby. That is how we found out she was pregnant. After my grandaughter was born they moved away, she told me it was because she didnt want to raise her baby around me. When she was 17 she called her dad and told him she was pregnant again. We went to see the baby born and then moved closer to her to help out now that she had two babies. I had my grandson every day, all day. He was the sweetest little boy. When he was nine months she decided that I could no longer see him. A month later he died from Sids. He was in the hospital for 26 hours as they tried to find out what had happened. She allowed her parents to see him and her mothers NEW husband, but wouldnt allow me in.
We moved away because my husband said it was to painful. Two years later her mother passed. We went right out to be with her. She stayed in the state she was living in for about two months after her mother passed. Then she called and said she was very lonley. She couldnt come right away as she was having another baby. As soon as my new grandson was born they moved in with us. It seemed that everything was going okay. Then she got sick, she went to the doctor and he told her she had to have her gallbladder removed. Ever since then she has been telling people that she is dying. She has had one month to live (she says) ever since 2006. Over the summer of 2010 she took her brother (my son) to a concert and was mean to him the hole time. I was upset about it and called to talk to her I lost my temper and hung up on her. She called her father and told him if he wanted to be involved in "that family" she didnt want to talk to him. But later on in the summer there was another concert her and her boyfriend wanted to go to, so she wanted us to watch the kids. Her youngest brother has just had surgery and could only eat Jello. So at 5 and 12 I thought that the grandkids would understand that they could have other things but not Jello. This made my stepdaughter irate, she called and told me I was the meanest person, evil even. Because her kids couldnt have Jello. She said that she only sent them over here because of the concert and that they wouldnt be allowed back because I was evil and spoke nagitavly about her mother infront of her children. I would never do that to them. So now it has been a year since she has spoken to any of us. Here is where Im asking for advice. She has been coming around and I dont want to talk to her. She hurts me, I feel abused by her. So I dont want to talk with her and I dont want her at my house. My husband agreed that he would go to her house. So do you all think I am over reacting to her? Thanks

inneedofanswers's picture

Oh goodness!!!

Sounds like the crazy bitch has put you through the ringer a number of times!

I'm so sorry about what she did to you after bringing up her boy for 9 months! it must have been very painful for you not to be with him in hospital.

You have given her so many chances to be a family and to treat you with the respect you so clearly deserve.

I guess the question is how many times are you willing to be treated like shit and have your heart broken.

If I was you I wouldnt have been so forgiving so many times!

She sounds like an evil cow or that she has some mental and emotional issues that need to be dealt with.

Its great that your husband is fully supportive of you. I bet his heart has been broken every time she has beeen terrible to you.

In my opinion you should just get on with your own life. If she comes crawling for help then you need to tell her to stand on her own two feet and that you have had enough of being her doormat.

Maybe standing up for yourself will actually make her think about her actions and make her start to respect you....... miracles do happen!!

oneoffour's picture

No. She is a toxic person who blames others for her poor life choices. She probably fought with her birth mother as well but you will never find this out. Keep her away and hide the checkbook and credit cards when she is around. Ask your DH to meet her away form the house. Toxic, poisonous and inherently evil.

Most Evil's picture

You are not overreacting. I am glad you are finally protecting yourself from this toxic person!! and glad that your DH understands. I would never, ever, in a million years do anything else for her, especially babysit!!

Shannon61's picture

Stay away from this emotional and psychological train wreck. She's a trouble maker and only God knows what she's really capable of. Let DH see her when he choses, but keep her out of your home and away from you and your children. She cleary can't be trusted. Life is too short for this type of drama, and if you continue to let her back in your life you'll end up just as miserable and crazy as she is. We decide who sits at the head table of our lives, and she doesn't deserve a seat.

momof5_1969's picture

I agree with every single post. Protect your children with you, and don't even allow them to be around her either. She is toxic poison and she will talk bad about you to them also. She sounds like my SD22. I have put my foot down and she is no longer allowed in our house, and if my DH wants to see her he can go to see her outside of our house. She is coming to our house on Thurs. -- but only because I will be gone and its her birthday. He feels obligated to do something for her birthday. I don't. I told him I am not doing anything for that bitch anymore.

She is pregnant and I've decided I'm not going to allow her to manipulate me with a child. I can already see the writing on the wall. I'm not going to let it happen. As hard as it is, you will have much more peace. Cut her out of your life -- especially if your DH is supportive. It will be a relief.