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sleeping during visitation

bellacita's picture

seriously, he picks FSD up for what very well may be his last visit w her for awhile and guess what? the kid is so tired she passes out in the car and he cant wake her up for anything. BM asked him if she could get her early "bc shes crabby". yeah shes crabby bc the bitch didnt give her a nap today! how selfish and rude is that to do that on his visitation day? and this is not the first time it has happened. he tried to wake her up but she was like jello. gonna wake her up for dinner and hopefully she will be up for playing then but shes gonna be cranky all nite regardless...if she needs sleep, she needs sleep. just not fair. what is even the point anymore...grrrrr...just makes me so mad. she ruins every day we have her, every day we dont have her w her BS and her threats, and she even ruins his time w her.


Anonymous12345's picture

I have this problem when my BD7 comes home from a weekend with her BF. She is cranky, exhausted, tired, dirty, hungry and all out of sorts. It sucks and its not fair to her or anyone else around her. I have tried bringing this up to her BF to which he responds "its none of your business what happens while he has her". This has been going on since she was under a year old and I don't see an end in site anytime soon.

sweetthing's picture

My son generally takes two naps a day and I thank God for every moment he sleeps. Smile

He is genertally very good natured & we can miss our naps maybe 1 day and then have an earlier bed time, but at 10 months he generally gets 11/12 hours at night and then 2-3 hours of naps.

Why anyone would intentionally deprive their child of sleep is beyond me, they need it.

bellacita's picture

the BM is a first rate witch so either 1) she wanted her to be cranky and miserable or 2) she wanted her to sleep during her visitation w dad