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overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

The skids go back to BM this weekend after having them for almost 2 months... I am 8 mo pregnant and I cannot freaking wait to finally be able to get my home ready for my own childs birth and homecoming (this is my first child). I feel horrid saying it but omg I cant get a darn thing done with them always underfoot and in the way messing things up as I try to clean/organize. I have been trying to get the nursery finished, house cleaned and organized, etc and having them back with their wicked BM will def help me out a lot. I try to get things done during "nap time" but always have to correct them for playing in their beds or making noises so that when one falls asleep I barely have time to get anything done before the other is awake again. And by the time "bed time" rolls around I am so darn exhausted and just want to spend some QT with DH and nothing gets done. I have laundry piled up, dishes waiting to be washed, floors that need vacuumed, toys that need to be put away as well as everything for the new baby to organize and put away... I NEED A FRIGGIN BREAK!!! Oh I can't wait to take them back to their mother...

And I thought that we were going to have them permanently b/c BM had court the other day for probation violation but thankfully that got postponed. I was excited until I realized that I did not want to spend my first few months home with my soon-to-be daughter dealing with them. Maybe in another 6 mo to 1yr I would be happy to have full custody but I want time to get to know my own child...

Okay, I think vent over... God I hope Im not as horrid as I sound lol...

overit2's picture

I thought you were doing a regular over the counter test last week? Dont' drs normally also do those urine tests even if they send for a blood test?

queen-B's picture

Mine did, but also ran the blood test. The urine test came up negative, but the blood test came up positive. Unfortunately for me, I lost the baby two days later, on Valentine's day, if you can believe it. We're still trying tho!

dragonfly5's picture

Congrats! Be Happy! No you are not are tired, and rightfully so. Enjoy your time without them....

AustMum's picture

Not horrible at all! Enjoy the break and getting ready to meet your new little one! Smile good luck!

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

Thank you all very much for the support and words of encouragement. Hopefully our last weekend together won't be too stressful... but I wont hold my breath lol. We drive 8 hours 2nite to get to my parents house and are spending the weekend there for my baby shower and then dropping the kids off at their mothers early Sunday morning. I hope they dont give me too much trouble and at least my parents will be around to help out a lot. (They look at the skids as their grandkids-totally cool with me)

I so appreciate this site and everyone on it. I think this place will really save my sanity and my relationship as I am able to vent here in a way that I would never speak to my DH. I really do care for these kids its just super stressful to be their primary caregiver when they are here... especially with my pregnancy and all these crazy hormones. Again, thank you all very very much!!!