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nothing legally done

truebloodfreak's picture

my SO has 2 sons from a previous relationship. they weren't married and when they broke up she basically just took off to do her own thing and my SO has been taking care of the boys for past 6 years. without help from her. he never went to court to get full custody. we founnd out about a year ago that BM was claiming three boys for public assistance and once we told.her to stop he now claims they can get a medical card. I'm just curious if somethting were to happen and my SO gets in trouble for not paying CS even he's been a single.parent with no help from her. anyovne else in a situation where the legal system is NOT involved

purpledaisies's picture

He needs to go to court or risk having to pay or getting the kids yanked from him! Something bad can happen if he doesn't take care of it.

truebloodfreak's picture

Im curious. why would he have to pay anything Iif he's been the only one supporting them?? IM clueless when it comes to legal issues!!! I've mentioned to him that he needs to talk to an attorney about his situation because its complex. we can't afford an attorney now even if its on a pay scale. we are really financially struggling and neither one of us can fford to take the time off work to sit and speak to an attorney. what is the deal with Co?

JustAnotherSM's picture

Make sure your SO's name is on the birth certificates. And then establish guardianship through the courts.

My DH's friend had a bad turnout from a similar situation. GF ran out on him and left him with baby girl. He took care of her until age 2. GF came back and asked to see her daughter, kidnapped her and took her 3 states away. GF filed in that state and won custody and then tried to get CS from DH's friend. After almost 2 years in court, proof that he had custody and took her to all dr. appt's etc., he now gets visitation only 1 weekend per month.

truebloodfreak's picture

I've been ethics him for 4 years and his ex was with him for 5 years. not the bm BTW. n all that time the. bm! has never tried to get her kids back. she doesnt want them, she has had them last summer for just a month and they came back. i really don't see her ever stepping up she has 2 other kids with another lives in California in a grow house don't her thing. she barely even calls them. his name is on both birth certificates. he is listed on their medical card and.we have papers from.schools for all these years. does it cost money to be a guardian????? how does he do that?

sixteensmom's picture

Have him get a co for cs from her. I think the state agency does that. And document everything. Lots of pics and medical records in order.