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bio child with ex and step-siblings

truebloodfreak's picture

I'm just looking to see if there is anyone in a similar situation. I have one son with my ex SO he is 19 months old. Ex also has 2 boys 14 and 9. He watches our son during the day I feel like my son will prefer to he with his dad and older half brothers because it will likely be the "fun house" =not a lot of rules,regulations and constant video games. Stating up late,junk food etc.. I know he is too young now to have preference or favorites ... I feel like I don't spend enough time.with my son and.I'm not sure of.the quality of time.being spent at his dads is sitting watch ...
So I see my skids everyday M-F when I son up.I can't really influence them or enforce rules but I want to make son is safe and well taken care of Is there anyone who can relate to my situation ?
Oh I also make too money (not really a lot at all) to get daycare Assistance but I can't afford daycare on my own. I would prefer my son to be in a daycare 2 days a week for structure. I know his dad is a loving father but hes not focused on a lot of developmental things.

So confused!!!

alwaysanxious's picture

You have an ex who is a disney dad. Sorry, I have no advice. Its hard to dictate what someone else does in their own home. My SO is a disney dad, I feel bad for BM sometimes trying to counteract the spoiling.

buterfly_2011's picture

Do you know for sure if this is in fact how things are at the father's house or are you just assuming this is how it is? I think even if he is a disney dad children should be with a parent over any other type of child care. Sadly we have children with these men and we can't and don't have control over how they choose to spend their time with their kids. you can only control your home and the time you have. It took me 9 years of fighting this battle to realize that what my ex does and how he chooses to spend time with the children we had together is not my concern unless he is abusing them. It makes transitions hard when they back pack from houses with very different rules. And the kids are the ones who suffer but the child shouldn't be taken from his disney dad simply because he chooses to be a disney dad.

truebloodfreak's picture

I don't want my son apart from his father. I just up with rules and expectations. I want him to to understand consequences. I just feel like because I'm gone at work so much most of the day is with his.father and there is no structure. The first 5 years are the most important! I know all they do is play video games because I lived with them for 4 years. I read to my son every night. In the 4 years of me.being there I never saw my.ex tell his younger son to read a book or encourage reading. I was the one who told SS9 to do his homework. My ex prefers his friends and the single lifestlye and prefers for his woman to handle all the things with his kids --school doctors etc... BM is a deadbeat. Read my blogs. U will know the clusterfuck that is my life!!! Sad

Poodle's picture

I can relate to that truebloodfreak, and I even live with my sons' dad. It's a constant job getting him to stimulate and nurture them rather than relying on screens to occupy their brains. Heartbreaking. Echo's idea is good, swap care with a better carer during most days in these formative years. don't want to be too negative but something to insist on in the kind of environment your ex lives in, is at the very least a parental controls internet filter and that shouldersurfing by adults goes on. In my experience if you put a little boy in the company of only older boys and computers, you will get a level of brutalisation and corruption.

truebloodfreak's picture

Unfortunately I don't have any friends who would be willing to watch my son. They all work the same 8-5 grind like me. I can't change jobs its taken me a VERY long time to get a permanent job with benefits. I'm going to look at daycare for 2 days a week because although my parents are both retired they can't watch him 10 hours a day. I don't have a lot of people I can depend on. I don't have a lot friends and the ones I do have don't have kids. And I'm very.concerned about my son being around older brothers!! I'm dealing with anxiety because if this fucked up situation. Sad