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At My Wits End

lpollard8985's picture

I have been married for 2 years. My husband has one son with his ex-wife. His son is supposed to be spending the summer with us, but his ex-wife has decided she wants to see him. I don't have a problem with her seeing him, but she is going overboard. She wanted to pick him up from school on yesterday and I was fine with that. HOwever, my husband told her that he needed to be at church by 6 for Youth Day practice. She started calling around 5 saying his stomach was hurting. Needless to say she didn't bring him. She brought him to school this morning, where I work, ( and yes he's in my 1st grade summer class enrichment) and told the secretary that she would be picking him up this afternoon. I called my husband to see what she was talking about and he simply said, "Well that's not what's supposed to happen, but I don't know what her plans are." I am his wife, but I feel as if I have no true say so in what happens when it comes to him. My husband knows his wife is "not the most reasonable person" but he continues to allow her to do these things. He lets her do them then says, "Well it'll all work out in the end." During the summer, his son spends the entire day with me and I don't think he takes into account how I truly feel. I feel like I'm caught in the middle with no where else to go. What am I supposed to do? Am I over re-acting? Help!!!!!!! I need advice and a little guidance.

caregiver1127's picture

Not over reacting but your DH needs to start to set boundaries now with the ex - have your DH set up a schedule with her and then stick to it. Do you have to take care of him all day and if your DH wants to take him for his rightful nights then you tell BM when she comes to pick him up that you are taking him home with you as per the court order.

lpollard8985's picture

I decided to work with the summer enrichment program at my school this summer. There is only 1 first grade class and I am teaching it. My SS is in the st grade which means he ended up in here with me. So, yes I take care of him 24 hours a day!!!

I am about ready to bite back, but I feel like my DH needs to step in and stop making me look like I'm the bad guy in the situation. I've told him how I feel and he really doesn't seem to 100% understand where I am coming from. :sick: