I feel sick...them horrible skids are coming for the w/end - please help....I have to leave home to feel comfortable
OK....skids are so far up their psycho lesbian mothers bum - its like as if they see her as GOD or something...
So when ever they come around here they are rude, disgusting, inslulting, annoying, boisterous, demanding, expecting, etc....then when they go back to their mothers...they tell stories...make things up and blah blah blah things all over their fb site about me, and my kids....their father has his head in the sand and unless I actually point it out...he does nothing....Im so annoyed with it all...
The good news is...they refuse to come here anymore because they dont like me...and yay...thats good...cos they actually act like kids from a juvenile delinquent jail...like really bad foster kids...
So....they are coming over to stay all weekend....and I dont think I can handle it.
Husband said that he is going to get us all tickets to go to the football....but why would I wanna go to the football on a friday night with a bunch of kids....nah...wot I wanna do was not taken into consideration at all....so Im thinking of going off for the weekend with my daughter....
Any thoughts guys...please Im in tears...I dont have any friends here in this country - I left my country to be with my husband....and subsequently because of these horrible skids behaviour, my eldest boy has since returned to our country to live with his horrible father until the army takes him....he couldnt stand these two horrible skids talking nasty about me any longer...he also looks at me as being stupid to wanna give up our lifestyle home and my 150k a year job...to live like this....
help please
If I were you, I'd let your H
If I were you, I'd let your H go with his kids, you do your thing. DO NOT put yourself in the line of fire. Go off for the weekend with your daughter.
I second this. And when you
I second this. And when you have to be in contact with them and if your DH gives you ZERO backup and support, I find the double punch approach of:
1. doing a hobby you like (gardening, yard work, sewing, etc) as far away possible physically
combined with
I used to cringe when GG would say to his inept, supersized, totally disrespectful,clumsy,annoying Prince Hygiene or VD "go help Auteur"
Um, no DON'T help; keep your grubby, little start-of-the-new-ecoli-strain hands AWAY from my kitchen, garden, etc.
Go help your DADDY!!!
OH thanks guys... I am
OH thanks guys...
I am thinking of heading to the beach with DH sister for the weekend...she dont have her kids this weekend and is meeting another gf down there....
My daughter thinks she has a grad party to go to on the sat night...which DH may have to take her there....I feel sorry for her if she has to stay with the fat ugly disrespecfull steps for even one night.....
otherwise she cld come with me...but she is only 17 and it makes it hard when we can go out and DRINK....PARTY AND NOT ANSA TXTS PHONES ETC...
and why do I wish my husbands time with his kids be horrible...
GOOD GOOD GOOD!!! I'm sorry
I'm sorry your daughter can't go. Really though, she will find something to do. Maybe daughter can stay with a friend all weekend???
Have fun, ignore all phone messages from H. Stay away. It will make it all easier.
I would definitely go your
I would definitely go your own way for the weekend. You need to relax on your own and have a drink or two, you deserve it. Stepkids that are swayed by thier biomoms can be a handful to say the least. I'm in a similar situation, as we all are, and I'm sorry your husband has his head in the sand, mine does too. We have full custody for now so at least you get a reprieve. Good luck to you.
Liks: I feel the same
I feel the same way!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please dont feel bad..Skids seem to be on a mission to make SP's LIFE a living H3LL!!! I wish DH could just for one day "feel" like I feel after being around his LilPrincess!?!?! WHY or WHY?? You are not alone in your feelings... I wish for a 1/2 way house for StepParents to run to.......
I wish I had my SD EOW......she lives and torments me DAILY!!!!!!!!!!!! I literally want to poke my eyes out when I see her walking up the drive after school.....NOW I have the WHOLE summer with this lil princess!!! I dont know if the ever would be enough BOOOOOOOZE to help me get through this summer!!! DH is off a lot durning the week....he works 12 hr shifts....so we will all be trotting around as one big happy family this summer as SD's school is closing and she wont have summer term like she has for the past several years....MY SD is so rude and mean and is ALLOWED to treat me like an outsider...I just really dont think I will make the next several months of summer.....I am praying for devine intervention...some way to get SD sent SOMEWHERE other than HERE!!!!!!!! (SD has solen my bio's Ipod so I am praying that DH will take our therapist's advice and send SD to a residential treatment center....Hello God??? a little help here.....)
" I wish for a 1/2 way house
" I wish for a 1/2 way house for StepParents to run to......."
LOL!!! I felt like that this week for sure!!!! After SS moved in with us cause (as far as I was told) BM kicked him out in another of her unreasonable fits.
However discovered yesterday that it was his choice, and he brought his dog with him! So I'm not feeling quite so charitable about it (not that I wasn't pissed to start with).
My husband always pulls a face when I say that I'll stay home when he wants to do something with the SS. In fact we're all going on holiday for a week, I was wondering if I'd manage just a week but now with him living with us FT (and it's properly FT as he hasn't spoken to his mum since leaving) I suggested I stay at home with the dog while they go away and he wasn't impressed!! But I said I'll be needing a break from SS by then, not a flipping holiday with him!
I'm sooooo glad he doesn't have a daughter, I really couldn't stand all that princess crap. :sick:
U know the other thing that
U know the other thing that pisses me Off about them disrespectful skids.....they just don't do as they are told....not even their father can get them to do the right thing....and I'm sick n tired of them breaking my things....from salt grinders to steamers...they just love to break it....
Wen I told bm I was going away....he calls me immature. That I should be able to handle insults from skids and it's all in my mind?
Great support