SS12 shows up with items that are not his.
SS has stolen before and lies. Not on a constant basis (I believe)but I believe he is still taking things that are not his I believe. He has shown up before with a class ring, sun glasses, ipod, things like that. Some are little things and some are expensive things. I ask him and he says he found it under the bleachers. WHATEVER! I just do not believe him. Can you guys give me any ideas how to catch him?
Can you leave something out?
Can you leave something out? Or maybe plan something with a neighbor, his friend's mother or one of your family members. Like have them leave money out, in a place that is visable but not right in the open and have him go over there just to see if he takes it.
My friend had this problem with her daugther, things started missing around the house, one of her neighbors confronted her about the kid stealing a pair of expensive earrings...she knew nothing about it. When she changed the kid's bed skirt, she found all kinds of things under between the matresses. Of course the kid had no clue how anything got there. It went from this to shop lifting and now she charges pending for stealing and using credit cards.
I will do that. Put something
I will do that. Put something out in the open and see if he will snag it. I put a lock on our computer room door (stuff in there and have to do through it) and our bedroom door b/c of SS. He knows I watch things and notice things at our house, but I don't see everything I am sure!
I will do that! Thank you!
My ss13 used to steal all the
My ss13 used to steal all the time-I believe he has gotten much better about it-although perhaps he is just more sneaky now. This kid would "find" all sorts of things-money, jewelry, toys-he must have been the luckiest kid int he world. I just took the things he "found" and made sure they were returned to wherever they came. If they were "found" at school I sent them back with my oldest dd and she turned them into the teacher. If there was no location that I could return them to -I just kept it and disposed of it or whatnot. I didnt get into arguments with him about it-just took it and returned it. Done. I am not sure why he stopped, but he did seem to "grow out" of it-or perhaps just the knowledge that his teacher, school, etc knew he was a thief got to be too embarrassing for him.
My problem is that
My problem is that know that may just work! Whe no place to return them to, I can return them to the school office and let them know that my SS "found" these items under the bleachers and I thought that someone might be looking for them! A very good idea!!! Thank you!