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Skid lazy and I CANT DEAL!!!!

windee's picture

Skid had a job (for a few months) & would call in for stupid stuff all the time! EX: It's my grandmas birthday & I want to be here for her party (really just wanted to go outside and do something else). Well....Skid quit one day out of the blue, no notice or anything, didn't ask if it was ok or anything! Skid is making payments to BM for loan to buy a vehicle, BEFORE that accidentally shot (BB Gun) out grandfathers window in truck.... still owes for that one! I keep reminded Skid and DH!! And skid crashed MY old car in a field a TORE IT UP! Skid WILL pay to get that repaired ONE DAY!! Skid do NOTHING in our house! I told Skid to put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher yesterday (in the morning), got home after work and they were done but the dishwasher was running (I figured that DH did it...He did) Skid said "He beat me too it!" Seriously. This is every day. Today I text Skid to mow the lawn this afternoon and not wait until we get home (b/c I know that DH will help Skid or do it for Skid). No answer for hours so I waited until 1:00 and called Skid....BIG SURPRISE... No answer. DH is not making Skid work b/s Skid needs to spend more time on school work (quit work to get better grades even though grades are the same every year at this time and get better every year at the same time! Also doesn't study or go to bed earlier so how is this helping Skid?) No responsibility at all!!! Never cleans room, will not take a shower, brush teeth etc... unless to too! Sometime Skid wakes up and goes to school in the same clothes but sprays a tone of "Smell good" on! :sick: Skid is 17 years old almost 18!!! I know this is rambling but I really needed to vent b/c I feel like I am going to explode!
Thank you for reading!!

ThatGirl's picture

I could have written this. Hang in there, he's almost out of your house. Or that's what I keep telling myself.

windee's picture

I keep thinking or should I say hoping that skid will be out of the house soon......but I am so worried that skid will be living with us and mooching for years to come! Thank you for the positive thoughts though! LOL! Good luck with your DH and skids!

Elizamen's picture

Here's a thought - we could set up my SD17 with your SS - they sound PERFECT for each other, down to refusing to shower and spraying perfume to mask the smell. It's like you're living in my house.....

windee's picture

Isn't it horrible!!! He cannot leave his door to his room open because of the stench!!! And his clothes and body stink even after a shower or after his clothes have been washed......well that could be b/c he never washes his clothes! About once every months or two. It's so nasty!!!