BM allowing 13 SD to go all the way!!
Well.......I just found out BM is giving SD13 now 14 the Okay to go all the way. She gave her everything to make it seem like it's okay. She didn't even tell me or BD WHOM SHE LIVES WITH!!!!!
So BM has become favorite pary mom; the yes mom; the I don't have to parent mom.
This is just crazy. I am trying my best to bite my tongue on this but.......HELP!!
Do you mean she gave her
Do you mean she gave her permission to have sex?
Basically; she said.....since
Basically; she said.....since your gonna do it is all the "stuff" and to boot she told a lot of wrong info about the whole issue........
This is actually something
This is actually something that doesn't bother me as much. IF SD says I'm an going to have sex, you can't stop me, I'd rather not have to deal with a baby as a consequence. Maybe BM is just trying to avoid being a grandma? If her intentions are not that good, just be thankful then that the outcome is the same, you don't want to deal with a baby either right? Just hope that SD takes that pill or whatever like she is supposed to.
Sounds like our BM. That is
Sounds like our BM. That is why she lives with her now and not us. We had too many rules. DH grounded her for lying about having a boyfriend for a year and BM encouraged her to lie to dad about it. Needless to say a court case later and SD doesn't live here and if she asks to come back I am leaving...
Gotta love BM's that want to be friends with their kids.
Nope!! BM husband has a PFA
Nope!! BM husband has a PFA with SD so she has to stay with us for 4 years! And the kicker is I found out she's "done it" at our house with her grandmother watching her!!
This is my limit. NO child
This is my limit. NO child will come to my house pregnant. NONE. Won't happen. SO and child can find an apt and he can move if he doesn't like it. DON"T CARE.
I have told SD myself, no grandbabies for SO in my house.
As far as the sex, I feel for you. But that little girl will need to live with the consequences that SHE has put herself in. If you and her BD explain that to her and she still does what she wants, then its on her.
I think that was the whole
I think that was the whole point. It sounds to me as if the girl is sexually active and mom is trying the best she can to offer some sort of protection from an unwanted pregnancy. I am of the mind that I would rather equip my children with the knowledge and the precautionary meds rather than my child having a child.
In todays society of dual incomes, divorces and latchkey kids, it is quite difficult to be everywhere at once. We can't watch them 24/7. Not everyone agrees with this, but it really is a parental decision and if she is the primary parental custodian, its her responsibility to prepare her child whatever way she sees fit.
If you knew the BM you would
If you knew the BM you would have NOT made that point. She never sees her or takes her for a night. She spends NO time with her at all!! And when we try to giver her boundries (I AM SORRY BUT 13 OR 14 IS TOO YOUNG TO JUST OKAY SEX) BM will basically tell us tough crap and let SD do whatever she wants.
I know kids are going to be having this; I'm not an idiot. But for BM to know all of this and not to share it with us since she resides with us is crazy!!
So, if SD is living with you
So, if SD is living with you & BM never sees her, SD's rules are the ones in your home...regardless of what BM says. Your house = your rules.
Nope, I don't know your BM.
Nope, I don't know your BM. I can only write in generalities and based on my own experiences. Tricky thing about the world wide web. We only get a one sided argument. So, I try to be open-minded and try to look at all of the other sides. I don't profess to be right by any means. I try to give the benefit of the doubt to most people and try to believe that they are doing their best by their children or stepchildren. Not everyone has the same parenting styles. My beliefs are sometimes opposite of what I write. I just don't think that anyone has the corner of the market on parenting. It is like most things, trial and error.
Totalybogus I was thinking
Totalybogus I was thinking the same thing. I did that with my dd. Only I told her that I was not in any way telling her I gave permission only that I felt that she needed the info and 'stuff' to handle the situation if she found herself in one. I also explained what a child cold do to her future and the like.
I don;t really know what all this mom told her child but at this point it sounds like she is trying to prevent her child from having a child. As for the gma :jawdrop:
My mom started talking to me
My mom started talking to me about sex when I was 11 (my older sister was 14 so she had "the talk" w both of us) and she showed me how to use a condom and everything. She talked to me about it again when it came time for her to have the talk with my younger sister. I did not feel that she was in any way giving me permission to have sex, she just wanted me to have some knowledge on the subject and to be careful. Both of my sisters, who received the same sex-ed from my mom, as well as myself waited until we were older to have sex and when I finally did I was very glad that my mom had told me about all my options and had told me about the consequences.
I don't know what BM told SD and if she actually said "go ahead," obviously that is not appropriate but if she found of SD was having sex I think it is a much more appropriate response to enlighten her as to her options and consequences than to forbid it (which would probably go in one ear and out the other, IMO).
My dd is 13 and I have not
My dd is 13 and I have not and would not give her "supplies" for sex. IDK if i would when she is older. She likes boys very much but she is would also like to be a virgin until she marries. I think that is a very rare thing but my best friend was-she married last year at 29 and my dd knows this-so she is kind of a role model.
I talk to her ALOT about sex, love, and relationships. Why she needs to wait-as there are about a millon years-not just pregnancy and STD's. That any boy she has sex with now most assuredly will not be with her later-eitehr he will dump or she will grow tired of him-so why have sex with someone you know you are not going to stay with? This actually seems to have resonated with her the most. She had a boyfreind at teh beginning of the year that she kissed and he told everyone and then they brokeup and she was very hurt. He was talking to another girl while they were still together.
My parents didn't supply me
My parents didn't supply me with condoms, pills, etc. I was taught that irresponsible sex can lead to unexpected pregnancy. I was taught to respect my body & I was taught that I should expect others to respect my body.
My parents were always open to my questions & they approached me when they had something they had something they wanted to discuss with me.
I was never given a free pass to sleep around. I was TERRIFIED of getting pregnant...not even so much because of the baby, but of knowing I'd have to tell my parents. I don't believe in abortion, so that wouldn't have been an option for me.
Sounds like SD got the shitty end of the deal in my opinion. BM throws all the stuff at her, feeling like she's accomplished her maternal role & leaves the 13-year old child with the burden of remembering to take a pill at the same time every day. What if her pills fail...because I think we all know a 13 year old is going to forget. Chances are she isn't going to carry a condom with her, because I think we all know a teenage boy isn't going to give 2 shits less about being responsible enough to carry one.
At 13 years old, does she understand the importance of using a condom even if she is on the pill to prevent STD's?
I think that's far too much responsibility to put on a child.
Growing up, being well-informed did not = a free pass. Being well-informed by my parents = being terrified of the nasty diseases that will NEVER go away no matter what medication you take. The diseases that you are obligated to tell anyone you have a relationship in the future with, you have. The diseases that will deter people you want to have relationships with from wanting to have a relationship with you. The diseases that could possibly make it impossible for you to have a baby when you're ready to have a family.
Being well-informed by my parents = knowing that if I got pregnant before I was able to support myself & a child, I'd have to give it up for adoption because I wouldn't be able to care for it.
More than any of this, the fear of having to approach & disappoint my parents to tell them I was pregnant was enough to make me wait until I was out of their house & supporting myself to have sex. Of course, my parents took a true interest in parenting.
It's sad that to think that so many feel it necessary to "friend" their children rather than parent them. I guess it's easier for the parent that way. The child...not so much.
It is simply a difference of
It is simply a difference of parenting styles. Surely you cannot profess that your way is the right way. That would mean that anyone who disagrees with your way is, by definition, a bad parent.
A parent who "friends" their
A parent who "friends" their child instead of parenting their child is a bad parent. They're taking the easy way out which benefits them & hurts the child.
That isn't a difference of parenting styles. That's friending vs parenting.
I can assure you that I am
I can assure you that I am not my dd friend nor did I ever give permission for her to have sex. I did however make sure my child had all the best info and the tools to make sure she did not end up preggo!!!
My dd will the first to tell you that I never gave her permission nor did she ever feel that I did. However she is a very smart girl and choose to wait and she will tell you that is largely in part of my PARENTING and I HANDLED the situation.
I am not a naive person either and refuse to put my head ion the sand and pretend that my dd will not be having sex. I did make sure she understood everything that came with that and the tools to make sure she is safe. There is no reason that parents can't give their child the tools to make sure they are safe with out someone coming in behind them and telling them that they are giving permission to have sex my giving them to their child. I call that being a responsible parent and one that knows real life!
So, according to you, one
So, according to you, one parent's idea of protecting their children by educating them and giving them the means to protect themselves if they are hellbent on having sex is "friending?" Is that a fact or is that your opinion based on your parenting style? If there is fact behind your assesment of detriment to the child, please enlighten me to the study performed and the percentages of unwanted pregnancies based upon the opposing styles.
I don't disagree with your opinion or style of parenting; however, that is just what it is, an opinion.
total are you talking to me?
total are you talking to me? If so no I don;t think it is friending, I think it is being responsible.
Nope to storm. It just
Nope to storm. It just latched on to yours. sorry.
It's ok I wasn't completely
It's ok I wasn't completely sure but no biggie. I'm not saying that my style is for everyone but I know when i was in my teen years my mom choose the other way head in sand. I had my dd at 18 ruined my future plans. I choose to talk to my dd and everything that came with it. I told her that I should have waited to have her and her brother after I went to college and was married. I explained everything to her and her brother about how hard it is and the emotions that you have after sex and such. I explained about being protected no matter what and std's. Like it or not our kids will be having sex period it is all in the way you handle it. I was brutally honest with my kids and they both said they appropriate it and it had the effect I was hoping for as they both have chosen to wait. My son has never but my dd has and she knows she can come and talk to me about anything including this. Now that she is 18 I know she will want to explore the world and I am confidant that she has the skills and tools she needs and if she needs anything I know she will come to me. Isn't that all we as parents can hope for? If we as parents don;t teach them first what is right from wrong and lay out our expectations and then give them the tools and skills to handle any situation even going against our wishes to have sex before they are ready then they will be caught in a situation that they have no clue how to handle.
And THESE are the women who
And THESE are the women who will be celebrated on Mother's Day!
I don't know if she still does it, but to "be cool," back when Princess just started dating when she was 16 and the boys were 12 and 13, Loca Grande would leave a basket of condoms on their bathroom sink and tell them to "take whatever you need."
Princess and I talk about all those things- waiting till you graduate high school, wait till you are SURE you are in love, wait till you're 30... What sex means and how it isn't always about love, and it can be a weapon- all the things we tell our daughter to be safe... I didn't tell her she had to wait for marriage- but I told her to wait till she grew up.
I don't really know who she is any more, but I know she at least waited till after high school graduation, and her dad has told her he will help her find an apartment if she were to become pregant before marriage.
(I don't think she's ever figured out Loghead and loca Grande weren't married when she was created...)
My BD13 has the best birth
My BD13 has the best birth control around: younger siblings. I have a BD5 and BD1 and there have been PLENTY of times I've had BD13 "take care" of her younger siblings (while I'm there, of course) so she can see first hand just what it's like caring for younger children. I've talked to her plenty about having sex and what it leads to but for her to be able to see first hand "here is this baby that you must care for" I think has helped her to see that having a baby is not always "fun and games" especially when you're still a child yourself.
In all seriousness, I've discussed birth control with her and the likelihood of her ending up on pills before she's even sexually active is high because she has a nasty cystic ovary and suffers from ruptured cysts nearly every month and the doctors have cautioned that outside of removing the ovary (which they won't do because she's so young), the only other thing to that can help is low dose birth control. I'm not sure how I feel about that but at the same time it would be killing two birds with one stone. At the end of the day I'd much rather her be protected and KNOW she's protected than to have to wonder. Doesn't mean by any means that I want her out running around having sex - just means I want her to be protected in the event that it happens.
Yes what ever happened to
Yes what ever happened to RESPECT for oneself? So SD is supposed to be the corner store. Just come in and get "it?"
So just because you're given a mosquito net, you're ok to trod off into a malaria infested jungle?
Not good.
Studies have shown that, in particular GIRLS who have "free sex" at a young age end up with not only unwanted pregnancies but heavily emotionally damaged as well.
Not to mention usually a ward of the state (welfare, foodstamps, etc)
I agree w/ all of you. I have
I agree w/ all of you. I have heard many different sides and unlike a lot of people on this site; I am OPEN for opinions/comments. I haven't been on this site in a couple months and forgot how touch some are.......
My BD12 was the one who confronted me about this.......My SD doesn't even know we know!! SD told BD "very detailed" things that I wasn't ready for my daughter to hear! she told her wrong you can only get prego when you are own your cycle. I had to go over everything again with my BD to explain the truth - which I don't mind talking to my BD about this.
and I know SD will do "whatever" but her BM is giving her WRONG info!!
And to boot BD is making me be the boss of SD; which I don't want to do. Being a SM is very hard!!
Thanks for the advice!!
That is wrong she should be
That is wrong she should be giving her the right info. Someone needs to set this girl straight before something happens that no one wants. Poor kid! Sorry you guys are going through this. Your SD needs someone to talk to her asap, if it were me I'd get a book that has the facts so that when I do talk to her it won't be a BM VS SM. I'd tell her that the only reason I was saying anything and giving her the book is b/c she needs the correct info and leave it at that. Explain everything I could and have it backed up by the book then I'd leave her the book and tell her that if she has any question to feel free to ask.