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off topic, but need your opinions

raindrop's picture

I'm near NYC on a temp job. My hometon is several states away, so it's relaly just me out here and it can really get lonely and depressive. Just this past weekend, I met up with 2 of my cousins who happen to live in NY, but a few hours away from me. They are in their early 30's and our relationship has been pretty much estranged our entires lives because our mothers (sisters) realllly dislike eachother and haven't spoken in over 20 years! It was a little akward hanging with them in the city at first, but it started to become fun until:

we were approached by a verrrry messed up mentally ill lady who kept yelling at us that humans are decendents of goats and that our great great great great grandfather or mother is really half goat or some shit. When u looked into this ladies eyes, her eyes were clear and not glassy, but soooo empty and lost. I asked her what her name was and she kept rambling on about goats. Poor thing, it was soooo sad. Anway, my cousins were just downright rude to her, with rude, beligerent and condescending remarks. I mean......come on already!!!! wtf. and I blurted, " try walking a mile in her shoes." They just snickered like 2 HS girls.

anyway, they want to come and stay with me for the weekend coming up. Before this happened, I told them, yes. But now, I think I am better off being alone and doing my own thing. I am so turned off by them. However, I am th eonly one who thinks this way. my BFF is reading me the rite act, telling me how they are my FAMLY and the whole thing is stupid to be upset over and my loneliness has bme hypersensistive and dramatic. My sister agrees. What do u ladies think about this?

Kes's picture

As someone with a mental health issue myself (depression) I applaud you for treating the strange woman with respect - it sounds like she probably has schizophrenia which is a really awful illness to have and deal with.
I don't blame you for not wanting to spend time with your cousins following this incident. It is really up to you, but whether they stay or not, if it were me I would tell them that I did not appreciate how they treated a fellow human being who was obviously ill. Well done for what you said to them, anyhow.

Zoie's picture

Well I have always and I mean always stood up for the I agree with you. Cruel people are just that cruel..and you know what in the economy anyone can find themselves homeless due to a loss of job, divorce ect.... you are correct maybe they should try walking a mile in her shoes..they wouldn't last 10 feet... poor women..I cant believe people making fun of someone who is not well..that is just not right..

I will tell you something..I work for a very large corporation and at the time I had only been here maybe 6mths..there was this lady that had been here for years and no one liked her..she was always rude to everyone....but I did get along with her fine....anyway she was let go from the company and that evening the group I work with had a planned company dinner..well I walk in and everyone is just bashing to say the least my mouth opened on it's and what I said was "She is not here to defend herself so enough already..then I told everyone if they had nothing nice to say to shut their F***ing mouths" I was not the popular one that night but the President and Vice President of the company took notice and I have done very well in this company...

So long story do not need these two selfish, snickering are best without them....

Cheers.. Z Smile

Done WIth It's picture

Wow, those people that had worked with her for years and venting with one bashed them? Obviously, there was a reason why they let the woman go and the prez and vicie must have known about her. You don't ever let anything of value leave the firm. hmmmmm

Zoie's picture

They let her go not because of her attitude they had combined two departments and let a few people go actually...but these people who were bashing her would never of done so in her my opinion if you have something to say you need to say it to that person and not be two faced and bash them and gossip about them when they are not's just wrong..

The President and Vice President were very pleased that I put a stop to's unreal when a bunch of people get together they get this courage to jump on the band wagon and bash can really see what kind of people you are dealing with...and if they saying these things about her what are they saying about you when you're not around..hmmmmm..

Hey at some point someone needs to step up and balance the scales..

Unfreakingreal's picture

Raindrop like another posted stated, in NYC you need to be careful with mentally disturbed people. On more than one occasion we've had homeless people stab, kill & rape. It is a sad reality that New Yorkers are hardened, rude, and are more focused on making the train on time than sharing a smile with a stranger. I guess it's your call with your cousins. NYC is a great place to venture out on your own. Go see an Off Broadway play (less $$ than on Bway) or go to any one of our amazing museums. Have lunch on a sidewalk cafe in the Meatpacking district or go visit all the little shops in SOHO. There is no need to be with bad company. All you need is yourself and a Metrocard.

DoingItAgain's picture

I agree with Echo... first of all, bless your heart. For you will be rewarded for your kindness. Second, if you believe that your cousins behavior was wrong (and it was), then you owe it to yourself to not associate with them. I know you may be lonely and longing for friendship and companionship but this is not friendship you need. Go out and do the things that Unfreakingreal suggested and you may just find someone really special that shares your values becuase you won't find those special people hanging out with those two...