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My A Ha Moment with SD, only took 20 years!

Runninmom's picture

So i guess what i need to start doing is that after 20 years of marriage accept the fact that my stepdaughter basically does not like me very much. Never has, never will. I have tried but maybe not hard enough. I am not sure. I know part of the problem is that she resents me because i am the person that has gotten in between her and her daddy's financial help. I had to put a stop to it several years ago when i found out that my husband was wiring her money behind my back.

I guess if it was actually "helping" I would not mind it but it is really enabling at this point. She is 35, 4 kids, section 8 and does not work. Her husband works but does not make much money. All her own choices and i am sorry but i do not feel bad for those choices anymore. They get alot of financial help from his in laws, the kids dress like a million bucks, have every gadget, computer game, laptop, sneaker known to man. When ever we visit i feel like a pauper around all of them. It is wierd to me that she would whine about money but then dress the kids in designer outfits? I guess we all have different priorities. Over the last 5 years I have noticed that not only is the "entitlement" thing a huge issue with her but the word "gratitude" never seems to come up in any conversation.

She makes little comments and digs about "what help she never got" (I guess the free car that her mother in law gave her does not count, foodstamps, section 8 ect?) and implies in not so many words that we (her father and i but more so me) are cheap because we refuse to send anymore money than birthday, christmas ect.

Over the last few years i have kind of put up my boundaries with her. For example i only spend limited amount of time with them (they live out of state). I had to do this in order to maintain my sanity. I also am concerned about having my son exposed to thier ideals and lifestyles. I think her priorities are nuts. I do not agree with giving kids everything they want or need and then whining about not having anything but ketchup in the fridge, then calling daddy for "help".

I do not feel this way because i am "cheap" more so because it is teaching kids that you are entitled to everything and therefore start to appreciate nothing. This sad fact is what i am picking up from the grandkids. My husband sees this as well. When we come out to visit they have the over the top christmas lists all set up for us. Each list with the most expensive items on them. Its RUDE beyond belief.

One vacation we took was a few christmas's ago. We literally our spent money on everything, probably close to 4k, between food, gifts, dinners out, ect. They had no money to buy Christmas dinner! It was kind of annoying and i felt like she was taking advantage. That should have been the first A-HA moment right?

No, the most recent realization was when we came back from another family trip that involved an out of state wedding. I booked a VRBO (1000 for the week for entire family), helped out with a rental car for all of us (used my mileage from CC because they have NO credit), bought groceries, let them "borrow" 1400 for plane tickets and ect. (not sure if she will ever pay that back)

When I got back home it started to kick in that on top of each of the grandkids and sd doing nothing but complaining about the "condition" of the VRBO (spraying air freshener all over the place) and whining about the food, mini van too small ect... (all the time grandkids sitting on couch playing with IPOD touches in designer clothes) they never once said "Thank you" WOW. She did manage to make a dig about how cheap i was for not wanting to spend 100 bucks a month for my kid to be in Karate. Huge eye opener for me.

I realized today that i am over it.

Runninmom's picture

The other thing that was almost comical after the fact was that she posted about 100 picts on facebook after vaca. I was not in any one of them. It was another realization about how i rate, no matter that i did alot of organizing and paying for everything. Not everything comes from Daddy's bank account! I am still the cheap idiot, maybe should have gotten the 2000k VRBO instead? Nobody offered to chip in for anything!

The sad thing is that i know she wants to have her "little brother" around more often. How does that work when you treat your little bro's mom like crap? Just a thought!

stepgin's picture

After reading this post I had to ask myself if we actually might share a stepdaughter???? Smile My SD32 and SS35 are the most entitled persons I've ever met!!! SD is the same as yours, 4 kids (until May when #5 gets here), $700 a month in food stamps, $850 a month for rent assistance, utility assistance, free lunches, etc. And a check from the IRS for about 7 grand every spring thanks to earned income!

And yet, poor girl, NEVER has a dime and runs to Daddy everytime there is a financial crisis. DH only gets a call from either of them when they want something!!! And I've noticed the same entitlement attitute developing in her kids too. On Christmas Day, her oldest told me next year he'd really like a laptop!!! He's 12!!!

I think you've reached an excellent realization...nothing you EVER do will be appreciated so don't expect a "thank you" EVER! I agree with StepAside, do the minimal you have to and save your money for people who might enjoy its benefits.

Sadly, I no myself how very hurtful it is to feel so used and abused when all we want, as SMs, is to embrace our DH kids out of love for him and the hope that you can have a good relationship with them because of it. But I've FINALLY accepted that some people just don't deserve my care and attention. It sounds like you've reached that point too.

Runninmom's picture

I have to say writing this morning made me feel like i was not alone. So thank you!

When we got back from the said "vacation" and i explained to my husband that everyone acts like no matter what you do it is never good enough and a simple thank you would have gone a long way he thought i was over reacting. Then today he had his own A-Ha moment when he started to realize that she may not pay back the money she "borrowed" from him for the trip.

I washed my hands of that one several months ago. Told him he may as well flush the money down the bowl. I think unfortunatly he needs to learn the hard way. He had to go through the same stuff with the other son. Husband bailed him out because he was going to get evicted, well guess what? He spent the 2k he sent on a laptop and got evicted anyway!

Runninmom's picture

Oh and my SD gets 8k back at tax time! Unbelievable. It is usually gone within a month. IPOD's cost a pretty penny i guess...

paul_in_utah's picture

This is my experience as well. Skids never "grow to appreciate you" over time. That line of thinking is just flat-out wrong.

Save your money, spend your time on yourself and those who love you, and try to pretend that the skids don't exist. It's not a perfect soloution, but it is the best I have found.

afrazier212's picture

This sucks! I feel for you and I hope I don't have to deal with issues such as these. Good luck Ma and your awesome for standing up for YOUR life!! Let her have hers the way she has chosen it to be!!

Jsmom's picture

I do not understand these kids...I never ask my parents for money. When my husband died I went to the grandparents for help one time to help pay my son's tuition in private school. My mom gave me a check and the grandparents (husband's mom and dad) gave me a check. About 200.00 and I felt terrible asking. There was no life insurance and I didn't want to further traumatize my son by pulling him out of school. My Dad was the only one not to give me money. His answer was pull him out. I worked and made sure I never had to ask for help again. I did ultimately pull him out and move to a more affordable state and he is in public school now. But, that was an eye opener for me. I never wanted to have to ask my parents for help again.

Why does this generation seem to want to take the easy route....

MrsWhoRU's picture

I feel your pain. It seems to me this generation of "kids" have been raised to be ungrateful, needy, demanding, dependent and unable to grow up. I never have had my own children and never will and have been informed by my DH that this is what my problem is - but I would not have raised my own kids the way he and his former wife did. I remember when I turned 18 I was told to go get my own car insurance...what an eye opening experience and lesson that was! I partially blame parents who raised the children for this. I don't agree with a lot of financial things my DH does for my 2 adult SKs and have come to the conclusion things won't change and they will always be enabled by their BM and my DH.

AVR1962's picture

If I don't ever hear you loud and clear. The sad thing is that we have done this to ourselves thinking that helping the kids out was actually helping but many of today's young adults have become nothing but mooches for their parents. Giving to them has left them with their hands still reaching out, wanting what we struggled for years to achieve but not wanting to work for it themselves. I had to put a stop to it with ours.

Runninmom's picture

I guess i am old school but over the years that my husband and I had our share of financial strife we never bothered to bring that burden onto our parents. We just figured it out. When my mom called me up I always told her "Don't worry about me, everything is fine" even when it really wasn't. We did without a new car, cell phone, cable TV and anything that seemed "extra" nowadays if you are poor those things are standard. Nobody knows how to live within thier means and tell themselves no.

The silver lining with all of this is that i am pretty sure my husband now gets it. The other kids have already screwed him over and he really had it in the back of his brain that his daughter was going to pay him back for plane tickets. Now he realizes she never intended to pay back anything, entitlement. So he is really disappointed in her. So now she has kind of dug her own grave so to speak.

I spent about a week poking him to call her and talk to her and he is going to do it his own way. I am backing off and shoving the bill she made for him in his ball court. When he complains about bills i tell him "i don't know what to tell you" and change the subject. He created the mess, he needs to fix it.

Another part of me feels a tiny bit of remorse for the SD. I think she has made such horrible choices in her life and still does. It must be sad to go through life leaching off the system and family because you basically have nothing else. No education, no future. I have my education, a good job, a bright future. So i feel like am the better person.

I am going skiing this weekend, hubby can babysit. So there!

hismineandours's picture

Yikes! I made my ss a scrapbook too! Ladies, we are all a bunch of idiots-trying so hard to please these kids who refuse to appreciate us-my ss is only 13 unlike your adult moochers-and yes, I have also learned that he will never ever appreciate me and all I have done for him. He does not have a ton of material stuff at his bm's-her philosophy is "I buy the kids the cheapest crap I can find because they will break it anyway"-but yet he still expects nice things from us. Took him to the beach last year for a week-we rented a home with a private pool, went out to eat at nice restaurants every night, made sure he had souvenir money and on the way home he had the balls to tell me and my kids that he didn't like any of us and didnt like being around us or talking to us. He demanded to be taken home that night(after my dh drove 14 hours)which would have been another 3 hours roundtrip because we wouldnt be doing anything else so he might as well just go home. If I do purchase him something or do something for him-he will actually turn to my dh and say, "thanks,dad". I'd rather he didnt say anything then i could at least pretend that he was grateful but just forgot to tell me.

If I purchase him clothes he refuses to wear them. He would rather wear rags then wear something I buy for him. If he thinks the same clothes are from dh-he wears them. Our family has been blended since he has been 1 and he treats me worse with every passing year.

I do know that he is getting nada from me when he is an adult-and I believe my dh will be of the same mind (I hope so!)I was married for the first time at 21-paid for college and graduate school on my own with student loans (all paid back now)My parents helped me pay my car payment my first year of marriage until I was 22 and have been self supporting since then. They do things for my kids-pick them up an outfit here or there, buy them nice gifts for bdays and xmas's (no ipods or laptops though), they are excellent grandparents but I just cant fathom the number of adults that still expect their mommy and daddy to pay for stuff for them and the number of mommy's and daddy's that actually do it. Your adult sd obviously makes extremely poor financial decisions-she could probably go to school on a grant and better herself and make an income-but why bother when you've got the govt and all the relative to pay for you to sit on your ass.

AVR1962's picture

HisMineAndOurs.....I did the photoalbum, scrapbooks, saved all the school, papers, etc for my stepsons as well. They were 5 & 7 when I met my husband who had custody and they had nothing like this. When the boys left home they got to take their things with them. Younger boy's wife then put down my photo album that I had made as I questioned if she'd seen the pics, she claimed there were no baby pics....her exact words were, "that little thing?" What? That had stepsons whole life in it.....little thing?

At 13, I can sincerely hope you won't go thru what some of the rest of us with grown adult children have but I would say with what he is doing with the clothes that you are heading for the same treatment. My younger stepson was his worst at age 18 til present day (27). At 18 he thought he was an adult and could do and say whatever he chose and boy does he have a terrible mouth on him.

This past summer he came unglued because we decided to not attend his daughter's first party after they rescheduled it to accomidate bio mom.....berated his father, told him what he shoudl and should not say. Then had another cow just a couple months ago because he stumbled onto some website where I registered myself as having 3 daughter but mentioned nothing about my stepsons. I did not read the email that was sent to me, I let husband take care of it. Husband said that stepson basically said he wanted nothing more to do with us.

Life is too short to deal with this type of heartache.