new here and a question..
hi. my name is lisa i live in ct I have three bio kids and three step daughters. my oldest sd is 17 and wants her license. her mom refuses to sign the paper for her to get her permit. my husband has no license so he cant go it either. am i allowed to help her or do we need her bio moms cooperation?? she is a great kid, all we need from bio mom is her freaking signature, no even any cash!! any advice on what i can do to help her
BOTH have to sign? Not true.
BOTH have to sign? Not true. My BD20 who was 16 yo. who had been adopted by my late husband had no other but me to sign for her? I could not bring back his spirit at the DMV to sign for her?
It only had a place for one party who was over 18 yo. with a valid DL to sign?
Have both BP's actually told you NO?
If the minor is not 18 yo.
If the minor is not 18 yo. then and both BP's are refusing or can't sign for various reasons, I would leave it alone as a "step" and let whomever deal with it in that case. Would not want to stir up any crap from the BP's.
If the minor is not 18 yo.
If the minor is not 18 yo. then and both BP's are refusing or can't sign for various reasons, I would leave it alone as a "step" and let whomever deal with it in that case. Would not want to stir up any crap from the BP's.
double post*
double post*
In my state, only my mom had
In my state, only my mom had to sign for me and my brother, as my dad lives in CA.
I believe this to be true;
I believe this to be true; only 1 parent......That is awful that BM wont do it~!!
google your state laws, in
google your state laws, in some states, anyone can do prepared for bm WARBOMB if you can take her yourself and do take her yourself.
hell i'd probably do that JUST to irritate bm mwahahahaha }:)
take that sucka!!!!
Yes, In NJ, if you have a
Yes, In NJ, if you have a licensed driver under the age of 25?(Don't qoute me on the exact age) living in your residencee, your insurance premium goes up.
thanks for the imput guys!!
thanks for the imput guys!! im looking at just leaving it for the time being..the bm already hates me and i dont wanna stir up any more crap
How would you like if you
How would you like if you told your child no they could not have something and someone went behind your back and got it for them anyway? As her BM she has the right to tell her no. If she does not want her to get her license for whatever reason that is between her and her child. I think it would be best for you if you stay out of it. If your DH feels strongly enough he should speak to BM on his childs behalf and try to get her to change her mind. If she doesnt that is her choice as the parent to make.
I had a remotely similar issue regarding my SD13. She wanted a netbook (mini laptop). I told her that would be something I would consider getting her for Christmas. She told her BM. Her BM contacted me and told me (politely) that she does not want SD13 to have her own computer at this time. She has safety concerns. Although I think SD13 is responsible enough to have one, I did not get her one for Christmas and I wont get her one. My SD knows that I am not getting her one because of her moms wishes.
Thank you! I was waiting to
Thank you! I was waiting to see that someone had posted this. If BM says No, then leave it at that. It's not your place to override her authority.