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sm2bd's picture

I've seen this several times on here, but what does PAS mean?

ddakan's picture

Oh well then, BM totally PASed DH. Those hateful bitches. I hope they reap what they sew!

milknosugar's picture

Thanks Mike.

There are no words to describe the pain this causes in our home. We have watched it developing over time and it is getting worse. My heart aches when I see my DH say hi to his son at sport but his son ignores him to keep his mom happy. They were so close when I met him. So loving and happy and free to love each other. He is a wonderful Dad and he loves them so much. They are lovely kids who should be allowed to love their father in a way that doesn't have to be kept secret. It's hard not to get angry.

When he met me (she left him for another man 2 years earlier), she started saying she was scared of losing the children but then she goes about making sure she holds onto them by doing just what she fears to their father. How can that be ok? It's not ok. It's like - I am so afraid of this happening to me, I will make it happen to someone else.

They know not what they do.