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Stink free and loving it!!!!

Timetogiveup's picture

We haven't had my SS16 since DH drove the little darling to school on Friday.....I almost free guilty saying this......BUT......I DON'T MISS HIM!!!!

My stress level has dropped about 95%, I just feel at peace. DH is taking off work early Thursday so we can have a long weekend at the cabin. We can't normally do this because BM only sees the kid when she "can". This is the first time she has had hime since the first week of August. I can't blame her for not wanting to see him......she is lucky that she has some place to dump the kid off.

DH seems to be a bit upset....he is wondering what the kid is doing at his mom's. Same thing he does here, sit in front of the computer, with his mouth open , drooling and stinking all day long. He can do that anywhere.

Triggerfishgal's picture

LOOOL. Enjoy your time. Hopefully "Glade" (nickname for your SS popped in my head) is stinking up BM's house so bad that she makes him shower.

Timetogiveup's picture

The last time I was at BM's house, I saw "vapor monsters" when she opened the door.....the stink came out in a wave! DH went over there about a week later and WENT INTO the house!! When he came home, he said he got sick to his stomach being in her house because of the smell.

The smell of her house the same stink that the kid has!!! I can't figure it out for the life of me....we don't eat the same foods, smoke, have garbage all over the floor etc. He took his game chair from BM's house...its out in the garage....I can't get the stink out and it makes matters worse when it is in the room. I just don't understand it.

Glade is a good one...its much better than what I call him!

Orange County Ca's picture

Is this body odor? You are what you eat. There are also diseases and inherited traits that cause body odor.

Timetogiveup's picture

I am trying to figure it out.....I think it is body odor because where he sleeps stinks too.

Timetogiveup's picture

UGH.....I have been swamped with school. This week is horrid, since we don't have the kid, DH is taking a 1/2 Thursday and we are going to have a long weekend up north. I have been trying to get my dumb homework done (I'm worse than a kid about), do the crap around the house and I have a terrible ear ache which led to sitting in a doctor's office for 3 hours.....I've been buried but its kinda kinda nice because I am not worrying about picking "Glade" up from school.

Mamma Jamma's picture

Ugh! My skids stuff REEKED when we brought them here...I went through half a bottle of laundry detergent trying to get the reek out. Mostly I succeeded, but SS's jeans still reeked after hot water wash with fabric softener. DH says it's because of BMs cigar habit--those cigarette sized ones that are cheaper than cigs.

Can't IMAGINE what I'd do if they still reeked. eeeeewwww!!

KDD's picture

I sooo understand your stress level reduction and relief that he left. My 18 yr old step daughter decided that she did't want to live by our rules anymore (the only one was don't lie to us..ooooo, how dare we have that rule) and got up in her dads face and moved out. The whole atmosphere in our home is different. I'm way more calm and it's nice not having to argue everyday and wonder what your being lied to about, what strangers are in your house when your not home and I can leave my purse lying around without her stealing from me. Her dad doesn't seem to be missing her either. The peace is beyond nice. We work hard and don't deserve for our home to be full of chaos and deceit. Especially since we have a 9 year old son who is very mild and sweet and deserves a calm household. We have both agreed that she will not be moving back in (and its been 5 months since she left). Her brother is moving into her big room and I will be getting the guest bedroom I've always wanted to have.

Timetogiveup's picture

Thank you for making me laugh.........I am going to remember composing symphonies for furture use!

I do know that BM brings the kid to the playground to play....she hasn't figured out he is 16. Every time I think about that one I get the visual of the kid, doing is side to side waddle run, lifting his knees to his nose, flapping his arm as strings of drool are flowing from his mouth.

I don't know what I am going to do....after the 19th I have to be nice.....he is goping for his eval that day.

KDD's picture

TO nasus926

As long as he is in your home then you have the right to set down the rules as to what is and is not acceptable period. At 18 they are no longer the child in your home that you legally are responsible for taking care of, but an adult guest. At 18 it is a privledge and not a right for them to live there. You have every right to take away his key if he is not acting responsibly in your home. You and your husband need to sit down and come to an agreement as to what is acceptable behavior in your home and what the consequences will be when the rules aren't followed. Our daughter could not be trusted when we were out of town so we made her stay with the grandparents. It got to the point where she couldn't be at home alone after school for an hour and a half until dad got home from work, so we took her key away and made her go to my parents house everyday after school. When she left for good we changed the locks. You don't want your SS to have strangers in your home when you are not there either. It's a terrible feeling to not feel that your house is safe when you are away (I know that one for sure).Don't forget, it's YOUR home and YOU work for it. I am so glad I found this site. It's so nice to be able to talk back and forth to people who truly understand.

KDD's picture

TO nasus926

I had the same problem with my husband when my SD was younger. It was ok for me to run the household and take care of all her needs but he was not much of a disciplinarian. She had nothing to have an attitude about when all he did with her were happy things. I was the one always fighting with her. It took many years (I have been with her since she was 5)and many fights with my husband before he would start stepping up to the plate and taking notice of the things she did. I also think that since I was the one taking care of the things she needed and had the most interaction with her on a non-playing level, that my husband never really was put in the situations for her to make him angry. I decided to start stepping back and making him take care of some of the things that would cause her to have an attitude and be difficult. Once he started getting a taste then things changed. I did the same things when she became a teenager and I felt like he wasn't paying attention to the lies and mouthiness. We made a deal that everytime she wanted to do something or go somewhere that I would tell her that she needed to ask her dad. I told him that this would stop a lot of the arguing between her and I and the complaining that I was always doing to him. It was very frustrating at first because he seemed to say yes to everything and always believe what she told him and she would smile and go on her way but after a little while she started ignoring some of the curfews he had set (and I would subtly point it out in a non confrontational way like I was on his side)then giving him attitude when he said something about it and he was furios (they had this type of confrontation that led to her moving out of the house). When I knew she was lying I would figure out a way for him to find out the truth (men like to feel that they have discovered things on their own and hate to be made fools of). When your SS brought the girl down to his bedroom, would you have been able to insist that your husband go down there and tell him the girl had to go (or set up your neighbor friend to say something to make him feel funny about what his son was doing so he felt like he had to go down there)? I would try to put your husband in situations where he will get the same type of attitude from his son that your SS gives to you (without him knowing you are). Teenagers can never hold it back. It may take some manipulating of the situations but I would suggest at least trying it. That way you appear to be out of the mix and the trouble is between them. Then you can be on his side and tell him that it's so awful that his son treated him that way and how unacceptable that is).

Timetogiveup's picture

I am sooooo happy for you that you are going to start taking care of yourself. I am working on that.

Timetogiveup's picture


Timetogiveup's picture


KDD's picture

I agree that it is very hard to try and step back. I have raised my SD for 12 years along with our 9 year old son. You just take over the role as mom for both. I loved and took care of my SD as my own for all of that time. I did everything for her a real mom is supposed to do. Her BM was never in the picture and never bothered to send her birthday cards or christmas presents. She was always running around doing drugs or in jail. My SD still had a relationship with her BM's father and would see her BM only on occassion when she went to visit him (BM would stop by and ask the grandfather for money then leave). When my SD decided that she wanted to do nothing but lie and steal and not follow any house rules and move out of "prison"; she moved out to a friends house but that lasted only a few weeks then she called her grandfather who promtly came and got her(without talking to us first but believing the tales of a teen who lies like a rug). It killed us to find out that she never was living with her grandfather as we thought but moved in with her BM !! I can't tell you the betrayl and hurt I have felt (and my husband too). BM lets her run around and do as she pleases (since she never was a real mom anyways) and could care less. It's hard to know that my SD is acting like trailer trash and only wants to be with whomever will let her run around as she pleases. There isn't much we can do at this point since you can't make someone behave the way you want them to and we can't have her in our home causing chaos either. We rolled the red carpet out for her as far as a college education and love and support but she doesn't want it. She's going to need to crash and burn on her own and it will only be a matter of time before her and BM are at each others throats. I just keep telling myself that I have fooled myself all these years into thinking I was mom and she was mine and we would all live happily ever after. Now I need to step back and look at her as just a SD and focus on my son. I just never thought in a million years that she would do that to me and turn on me like that. But genes must be stronger than I realized.

Timetogiveup's picture

I have no clue....we have taken every thing out of his room and washed it, I have gone thru bottles of Fabreeze....and the stink is still there!! The car stinks where he sits, the back sit of DH's truck is unbearable, and his clothes...I don't even wash them with ours.

He slept on my brand new Papassan entire bottle of Fabreeze can't destink it....I think I'll have ot burn it. I got him a cot for the cabin...he was stinking up the bed and the entire room up there too (the cabin is MY house and I make the rules). I put the cot up in the loft (we plays with himself "alot" he can't have a private room)....the stink reaks the entire house out. I have tried EVERYTHING and the stink is worse than skunk!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its like oozing out of his entire body....

What are you going to do when you move into your new house?????

Timetogiveup's picture

I have no clue....we have taken every thing out of his room and washed it, I have gone thru bottles of Fabreeze....and the stink is still there!! The car stinks where he sits, the back sit of DH's truck is unbearable, and his clothes...I don't even wash them with ours.

He slept on my brand new Papassan entire bottle of Fabreeze can't destink it....I think I'll have ot burn it. I got him a cot for the cabin...he was stinking up the bed and the entire room up there too (the cabin is MY house and I make the rules). I put the cot up in the loft (we plays with himself "alot" he can't have a private room)....the stink reaks the entire house out. I have tried EVERYTHING and the stink is worse than skunk!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its like oozing out of his entire body....

What are you going to do when you move into your new house?????