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The fake laugh.

Timetogiveup's picture

I can’t stand it anymore. I just spent 10 days in a cabin with Stink (SS soon to be 17). I had to deal with drooling, stinking, whining, moping, crying, as well as numerous other objectionable behaviors. Not only did I have to deal with that but we had the worst storm in a decade, about 2 foot of snow, no electricity (which in turn means no running water), no internet and a dog with a broken toe. BUT if I hear that fake laugh one more time…..I swear I am going to hurt someone!

LizzieA's picture

I'm sorry, TTGU, but your post made me laugh picturing it. Can you gag him? Or send him out to play in the snow?

Timetogiveup's picture

I should duct tape him to a tree with a jar of peanut butter or whatever javelina eat.

Thankfully, we only had him the second week. The week of the big storm, we were up north.....stuck in the house. I wasted alot of Xanax that week. My doctor is not doing a refill.....UGH......I'm going to leave him on her doorstep to see how fast she pulls out that pad of hers and writes herself a script for Xanax. I'm sorry Yoga is good for broken fingernails not SKIDS. To think, I will in the house HERE with him tomorrow.....

Timetogiveup's picture

I am going to really have a serious chat with my doctor about this lack of Xanax thing. SHE know the kid stresses me out. In fact, she doesn't have kids and she does want kids either.....she gets that wided-eye scared looked with a head shake. In fact she agrees with me that a SKID is like a shelter know there is a really good chance you are getting someone else's problem. I just might have develop one of those warrior genes, over power her and take that damn pad of hers.

I have to find a way to develop a taste for alcohol...maybe I should just tell her I took up drinking...ugh.

I would like to stick a gasoline soaked rag in his mouth and light a match to it every time he laughs!

ddakan's picture

omg my ss17 is sooo annoying too. he just moved out after being here for 2 long months and all he did was WHINE the entire time. wah, wah, wah!!! about every frikin thing!!! he is the biggest puss i've ever seen on the entire planet. even my 9 year old was like, MOM, WHAT IS HIS PROBLEM???

....but at least he didn't stink. he's addicted to showers with his "axe body puff"

now he's back with BM. i'm pretty sure they share panties.

Freedom2005's picture

My SD has the sing song type of fake laugh... of course BF thinks it is SOOOOO cute...

Sometimes I just want to slap them both

Rags's picture

I absolutely understand the fake laugh issue. I detest when my SS-18 does that crap. He has his real laugh which is a pleasure to hear, then he has this extremely loud forced thing that just makes my teeth hurt, then there is the nauseating he-he-he which sounds like a cartoon laugh from the late 1960's..

I call him on the fake shit every time which pisses him off and he huffs off to his bedroom. Which is fine with me.

I recommend smearing the peanut butter all over SS-17 before strapping him to the tree as a javelina snack.

Good luck.