Confession - I'm guilty of a "sin" against BM that I didn't even commit directly against her (but in skids' eyes I did) - long
I feel the need to come to all of you - my fellow STalkers - about something I did recently that although I am not PROUD of, I do not regret it, either.
Despite the 6+ years of always "taking the high road", "biting my tongue", "doing the right thing for the skids", etc..., I recently unintentionally broke a cardinal rule of stepparenting - without even knowing it. I think the "Confession" blog that was posted by someone else inspired me to write this, so here goes...
My dearest fellow StepTalkers,
I have recently sinned by breaking the cardinal rule of stepparenting which states "Do NOT talk bad about BM/the other bioparent in front of skids.". Although my conversation was over the phone, was not directed at my BM but was about ANOTHER BM (NOT my skids' BM) and was in my private home office, I still felt badly about it.
My FSD16 came barging into my home office, mid-conversation, and said "Can you please stop talking bad about my Mom?" and walked out. I immediately went into the other room to speak to FSD16 & FSSstb13 directly about it, with phone in hand, and told them my conversation was private and just so they would know, had absolutely nothing to do with their BM. At the same time, I even politely offered to have them get on the phone with my friend for her to confirm to them that we were speaking of someone else, but they didn't budge - the "damage" was done and they didn't believe the truth.
I hung up the phone & had a 1/2 hour long conversation with them, listened to their concerns, addressed each one gently, told them I had nothing against their BM and what I did say was in response to my friend's BM about HER , not their mom, they wouldn't listen. They listened and they spoke to me (especially FSSstb13 - he came around and was OK) but FSD16 wouldn't budge. So no matter what I said, in her eyes, I was "guilty as charged".
Note: everything I said was FACTS, not badmouthing or namecalling, about my friend's BM (i.e. she dates guys with tattoos, she constantly calls her exH when she's alone and leaves him alone when she has a boyfriend, she keeps getting dumped by these guys because they eventually see her "true colors" and learn she has nothing to offer & is not a nice person, etc...). I never called her fat or a whore or used negative descriptive words. Just stated facts. The facts about my friend's BM are very similar to the facts about my BM - but across the board (as I have learned here), facts like these about most BM's are the same across the board.
Let's think about this a second, if I REALLY WANTED TO TALK TRASH and go off about BM over the phone, WHY OH WHY would I do so with skids sitting only 20 feet away from me, within clear earshot of my conversation??? I even said this to FSD16 - does it make sense that if I had a problem with her BM that I would talk about her RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM??? I NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER spoke badly about their BM in the 6+ years I've known the skids!!! At this point, FSD16 said we were ok, and that she must have misheard and didn't realize that I was talking about someone else.
When their BM came to pick them up about an hour later, of course, they told her everything I said that they overheard, and of course BM immediately called my BF and went off on him about me talking trash about her (unbeknownst to me). When my BF came home from work that day, I immediately let him know what had happened that day, just so that he would get the TRUTHFUL version of what had happened FIRST, but little did I know BM had already decided that this was such a life-threatening emergency that she called him on his cell phone while he was at work and DEMANDED him to "Tell your GIRLFRIEND she must stop talking bad about me in front of MY KIDS....blah, blah, blah". My BF asked BM if she confronted me DIRECTLY about the allegations (which of course, she didn't) and he said to her that it didn't sound right, because Milomom wouldn't do that (because I DIDN'T!!).
The result: my BF told me that I should call BM to discuss it (I suppose to "smooth things over".). At first, I said I would, no problem. Then I had to re-think that decision and changed my mind. I told my BF I wouldn't call her to do anything of the kind! She has put us through such crap in the past (once even accusing me of "touching" my FSD "inappropriately" when FSD was 13 in an email) and NEVER, EVER APOLOGIZED OR EXPLAINED HERSELF TO ME knowing that what she was saying was FALSE and NEVER HAPPENED. I then literally took a long, hot shower and thought about the whole thing - almost shaking in anger/frustration/disgust that once again, I am "defending" myself and being asked to APOLOGIZE to BM for something that wasn't about BM at all.
I never did call BM to discuss it. I thought long and hard about the things I said over the phone that day about my friend's BM. You know what? There are A LOT of similarities between my friend's BM & my BM, the craziness we go through, etc... The things I said to describe HER BM were very similar to my BM. So if I really "stretch" to try to understand skids' side of things and what they heard me saying, that they think their mother is being verbally attacked, I can see why they reacted. When I discussed this with the skids, I even TOLD THEM THAT - that I would've reacted the same way - protective of my mother as they were about theirs. But I told them there was absolutely NO NEED to protect her from me because I was NOT TALKING ABOUT THEIR BM.
You would think after 6+ years of "taking the high road" and never talking about BM around skids, that I would have gotten some form of the benefit of the doubt. I think that's why FSS13 was OK with everything after I spoke to them, because he gave me the benefit of the doubt, as I have ALWAYS, ALWAYS been nothing but nice, kind, respectful and loving to them and have NEVER said a bad word EVER about their mother (I leave that to when I vent here on StepTalk - lol). Too bad that FSD16 didn't give me the same benefit of the doubt...nope she went right to her BM to stir the pot - just when things were quiet & peaceful & amicable - as they've been for about 2 years now. Sometimes I wonder if FSD16 did this on purpose - to cause drama.
By the way, FSD16 is turning out to be JUST.LIKE.HER.MOTHER! So none of this TRULY surprises me.
Moral of the story: I am confessing, partially sarcastically, because I know that I should've just waited to have that phone conversation when skids weren't around (even though it was about someone else) and that I made a mistake. I'm sorry. I told skids the truth and I STILL APOLOGIZED for the misunderstanding. I always was taught to tell the truth and I did, and no matter what, I was "guilty" in FSD16's eyes. Oh and the OVERALL result is that I just decided to drop it, never mention it again in front of skids or in front of BF, nor to BM - and it would just eventually fade away (like most unnecessary BM drama does) and IT WORKED!!! Over the past few weeks, everything has been "business as usual" in our home, except that FSD16 still seems to hold a grudge (i.e. one-word answers like "fine" when I try to talk to her after school, etc...). I'm not worried, she'll come around eventually. I've promised myself to NEVER, EVER speak negatively/vent about ANYONE anymore in front of skids. I don't want to hurt them and I don't want to lose the good relationship we've had for the past 6+ years. I've learned to stay positive and to not allow the negative thoughts/words to cross my mind EVER when skids are around.
Go ahead, slap me around. I'm prepared for it.
Thanks Momster. I agree with
Thanks Momster. I agree with you 1000% - I think that whatever facts I was stating about my friend's BM must've "hit home" with FSD16 about her BM. FSD16 is literally turning into her mother - and I do not say so in a good way. BM here was pregnant at 16, gave birth at 17, dropped out of high school, has not led a responsible, educated, decent lifestyle, hangs out with losers, has little to no education, etc... Lets just say her resume of parenting cannot consist of "leading by example" in her bag of tricks - lol. Problem here & now is that FSD16 wants to be (and acts) JUST.LIKE.HER.MOTHER. So I imagine that any offense she must have taken to what I was saying (which she thought was about her mom), must've been taken that I was indirectly being offensive to HER, does that make any sense??
I don't HATE the BM, I just don't have any respect for her, either. She & I are VERY opposite in MANY ways. I work VERY hard, she hardly works at all. I am educated and professional, she got her GED as an adult after being forced to in order to get a job. I've earned and have purchased everything I have, she puts her hand out & expects/demands everything (and she is certainly breeding the "entitlement" way of thinking in skids), so forth and so on. She's not a monster, but I would never be friends with someone like her in an "ordinary world" if I didn't meet and fall in love with my BF (her exH). Now I have to basically deal with someone in my life that is the mother of BF's kids for the rest of my life, but we have nothing in common (other than my BF).
As much as I feel badly about skids overhearing me have a "negative" conversation about anyone, I've forgiven myself in that I am human and this is the only stepparenting mistake I have made (other than minor stuff along the way) in over 6 years!!!
I just wish the whole thing didn't happen - just more unnecessary drama & uncomfortableness in our daily lives. Also, I can't help but feel like all of my good deeds and hard work to be kind & loving to skids over the past 6 YEARS has suddenly been "erased" by a 5 minute phone conversation/misunderstanding. It's just all very frustrating!!! Don't SM's ever get any "credit for good behavior"??? lol. Nope, instead we are always "guilty as charged".
I swear, sometimes I feel that I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't.
MiloMom - Since FSD is old
MiloMom - Since FSD is old enough to know things, and is turning out like her mother... Unfortunately, I probably would have taken an even lower road. If it were me, this is the kind of thing I would have said to FSD 16...
I wasn't talking about your mom. I don't care if you believe it, because I know the truth. However, if YOU THINK that I was talking about your mom, then that says more about what you think of your mom than anything. Because you only heard 1 part of the conversation and jumped to your own conclusions. So you can just sit and think on that.
You did the right thing - as always. I'm glad you didn't apologize to BM for this! You didn't do anything wrong. Hey - it's BM's problem if her own kids overhear you talking trash about someone else and apply it to her, huh???
Stick, thank you SO much for
Stick, thank you SO much for your reply. You are actually giving me credit in a situation that I was 100% sure that I was, once again, handling the WRONG WAY with skids. I thought for sure I'd get flamed about this post, especially by the ones that feel "OH MY GOD!! THOSE POOR, POOR CHILDREN OF DIVORCE HAVING TO HEAR THAT WICKED STEPMONSTER TALKING SHIT ABOUT THEIR INNOCENT VICTIM MOM". Even though I wasn't talking about my BM, I thought I'd STILL get flamed for having a negative conversation in front of/in the vicinity of skids AT ALL. What in the world was I thinking???? (sarcasm)
It's so frustrating, Stick. Even after I tried to sit and talk to them, I knew that I wasn't getting through to FSD16. She seems to be tearing further and further away from me the past few years - I'm guessing since her mom is the "fun parent", doesn't care much about her failing classes or not getting into college, doesn't make rules, allows her to date boys way older than her, allows her to wear black makeup, low-cut cleavage bearing (OK, I'll say it - slutty) clothes, etc... that FSD16 is "closer" with her mom and can relate to her more than me.
Just because BM does all of this (slutty clothes, black makeup, black nailpolish ("goth" look), tattooes that cover her entire back, piercings on her face, etc...), FSD16 thinks her mom is so "cool" and hip and "different/unique" - and FSD looks at me like a straight laced, goody-two-shoes woman that dresses too conservatively with a boring office job (I'm a lawyer). WAY more BORING than how she can be around her Mom.
Oh well, at the end of the day I just wanted to always be a positive role model in FSD's life - I never wanted to take her mom's place and never would.
Milo - Aww honey - I can hear
Milo - Aww honey - I can hear how frustrated you are. You know, BM over here tries to act all silly and goofy and like a 16 year old girl. And sometimes SD and her friends fall right for it! Like - Ohh she's a kid too! (puh-f*cking-lease!!)
Anyway, your SD may be like that with her mom right now because she's a she may think it's cool her mom is like that. BUT eventually SD will grow up - or at least I hope she will - and BM will still be an immature "adult". SD will then see the difference.
YOU ARE a positive role model in FSD's life. But I wonder if it is now time for you to maybe stop feeling so guilty about SD and tip-toeing around her. I am wondering if SD is now at an age where she can see the mature real lawyer MiloMom.. The tough strong WOMAN who has a career and a family.
There was a post on here not too long ago about skids, and when they are old enough to hear certain things. I am wondering if your SD is getting to the point where you can be honest about your feelings about BM without trashing her. Does that make sense?
Yes, Stick, exactly!! Wow,
Yes, Stick, exactly!! Wow, it's scary, like you are watching my life on a TV screen right now...
BM here always acts like FSD16's FRIEND more than her parent - takes her to the mall, allows her to dress too provocatively for her age, colors her hair all different colors, doesn't encourage education or good grades, etc... BM even dresses way too young for her actual age (BM is 44 but acts & dresses like she's 19). All of FSD's friends think that BM is so hip and cool and fun - they probably wish ALL their mothers were like her - ugh!!! Everything FSD16 does, it's like I see her following in BM's footsteps - it's just scary.
Example: When my BF & I talk to FSD16 about her future & what she would like to be "when she grows up", she ALWAYS talks about being a makeup artist, a hair colorist or a hairdresser. You cannot even SUGGEST anything that RESEMBLES an "office job" to her or talk about getting a Bachelor's degree - nevermind a professional job (i.e. doctor, lawyer or accountant). When we suggest any type of office job, she'll say "Ewww, that's sooo boring - you can't be creative. I would NEVER want to be a (fill in the blank with lawyer, dr), that's soooo BOOORING."
She's just been VERY brainwashed by BM. When my BF tries to explain to her that it's hard to make decent money (enough to support yourself, buy a house, etc...) at being a hairdresser or makeup artist unless she's one of the TOP colorists in NYC - that she needs an education/career in order to have a good life and be able to support herself, she balks. He even tells her that she should go to college, get her degree and THEN do the hair colorist/makeup artist thing on the side as a hobby or for fun, she says no. AAAHHH!!!!
Mini-BM in the making. Why go to college & get an education & support myself when I can have 3 different kids from 2 different baby-daddies and hold out my hand collecting massive CS$$$ like mom does?? Only in New York, I tell you. Only in New York.
Milomom stepping off her soapbox (again) now....
MiloMom - On the college
MiloMom - On the college thing, I'm so sorry, but I am not sure if I completely agree.
Please know - I do believe that your SD needs college. But I am not positive that she needs to go into any type of office job.
You guys can take that power back from BM, by being open to who SD is right now. And right now, SD feels that she is a creative, free spirit who wants a "fun" career! Of course she does - she's freakin' 16 years old!
Instead of trying to get her to think goal for the rest of her life, I would think more short-term with her for now. And I say this because at 16 I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life.. and my career path eventually ended up more in an office system of the creative arts field (performing arts).
So...??? If she were my SD, DH and I would encourage her to pursue any and all dreams she has. Including being a great hairdresser AND make-up artist (not one or the other) as well as getting Office Management courses so she can run her own business and not be taken for all of her money by someone she doens't know. Go at SD from the standpoint of if she takes some business courses, she could open her own salon. She could negotiate her own deals and be ready for them. Another thing we did here with SD was look up actual salaries of her career choice, and then let her know what kind of lifestyle she will be able to afford. The more you make it forbidden, the more power BM gets in that situation.
Do you understand? DH and I feel that we don't care what SD does with her life, as LONG AS SHE IS HAPPY doing it as a PRODUCTIVE MEMBER OF SOCIETY. So yes, we want her to work and know how to support herself, but we also want her to pursue a career that suits her... not us.
One of the big things that SD here has always said to DH and I is that we accept her and love her for who she is right now... not who we want her to be. And she has always felt that BM wants her to be just like her. Do you think your SD feels that you and DH are dismissing her and who she is because of BM?
Stick, you are my voice of
Stick, you are my voice of reason. Thank you SO much. I see exactly what you're saying. By the way, you hit the proverbial nail on the head again when you described FSD16: "Right now, SD feels like she is a creative, free spirit who wants a "fun" career" - OMG that's EXACTLY FSD16 to a tee!! You're right, I suppose at 16 that's exactly what she's thinking. It's interesting to note that when FSD & FSS were younger, they said they wanted to be TATTOO ARTISTS when they grew up (at the time, their mom was getting "cool" tattoos all over her back and neck).
I will admit that my BF & I are worried that BM is pushing her in the hairdresser/hair colorist direction and THAT'S why she thinks she wants to do that (many years ago, BM took a cosmetology course at a local technical school, passed her NYS license test but NEVER used it and then defaulted on all the student loans she took out to pay for it & I think eventually her license was revoked due to those defaulted loans - shocker!!).
I will take your advice seriously and I will put 100% effort into supporting FSD16 with whatever her dreams are. BF & I just want her to be able to support herself financially (comfortably) without having to be dependent on anyone else when she's grown - very unlike her mother who lives off the CS$$ check-to-check and has always had men "pay her way" through her life.
We are not trying to "force" her into an "office" job, nor do we feel that is superior to any other type of job. My BF is a firefighter, and didn't get his Bachelor's degree - and he makes great money now and loves his job. We just want her to be responsible, accountable, comfortable and HAPPY with her life - not struggle and live check-to-check and dependent like BM.
This is so hard because I can literally see FSD16 becoming BM right before my eyes - and it's BEYOND scary.
Both of my girls (stb14) want
Both of my girls (stb14) want to go into cosmetology. DD also has a heavy passion for photography (it runs in the family). While those aren't exactly what I would have pictured them doing, I follow what was said earlier. They are still so young...who knows what career path they will end up taking (I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up!). I try not to worry too much, and I try to encourage all interests and we will just see where it leads...
I agree with Stick. My first
I agree with Stick. My first degree was in Veterinary Technology. I was always the animal lover who rescued birds with broken wings, etc. so everyone assumed I would do this or be a Veterinarian.
I found out rather quickly that Vet Techs don't get paid much at all.
I also found out that I had a knack for computers and eventually changed careers to be in the IT field.
I was lucky enough that my parents supported both of my decisions.
I do agree with encouraging business classes. My son wants to be a musician and majored in Music. As much as I wanted to put my foot down and say NO, all I did was persuade him to take education classes so he could be a music teacher if his big dream doesn't work out.
Stick, the more I think about
Stick, the more I think about it, the more I realize you are SPOT ON.
Facts are facts. I was stating facts - albeit about another person, not about BM. I wasn't calling her a slut or a whore or a user or a leech (like I can vent here -- lol).
With that said, if FSD16 feels that those facts apply to her BM, then that's HER issue to deal with. Her mother does in FACT do all those things: dates guys with tattooes, calls to annoy my BF when her boyfriends dump her (and conversely, leaves us alone when she has a love interest/flavor of the month), has nothing to offer and gets dumped when the boyfriends find out, etc.... If the shoe fits, wear it!!
I still feel bad, though, that FSD16 & I have this "tension" between us now, though - 6 years of hard work seem to mean nothing right now. I'm sure BM is just fueling her fire when FSD is at her house 50% of the time, too.
Milo - I'm sorry for the
Milo - I'm sorry for the tension. It SUCKS to live like that. I hope I am not giving the wrong advice here, but I really do think that you need to stay strong on this, and also stay focused on the fact that you were NOT talking about BM, and it is a shame that SD took it as such. It could cause more tension in your home... but if your SD is smart, she may get it.
Also, your delivery of that message will count. Don't you think? I am sure that your BM is fueling the fire. Absolutely. If she can drive a wedge in there, and play victim she will.
I have been lucky that I have stopped caring if I piss BM off. And as much as I don't want to hurt SD, I also stand firm in that I am not bashing her mom, but I am not going to sugarcoat and protect her either anymore. DH is supporting me. This is the THERAPIST'S advice! So maybe you and DH can go that route? Except I did have the advantage where SD didn't like her mom.. and I am wondering if your SS kind of is leaning that way.
I'm probably contradicting myself, but you could just let it go and stay the wonderful STRONG BEAUTIFUL SWEET MILOMOM you are. And your SD will come around.
What do you think is best?
milomom, don't worry about it
milomom, don't worry about it too much. It'll all blow over and soon no one will even remember what happened.
I understand that you feel badly, but it wasn't anything that you did wrong. I think Momster's right that SD is projecting what you said about the other woman onto her own other, and it probably hurts her to think that about her Mom. So, she lashed out at you.
You are a caring person to have addressed it all with your future stepchildren.
Best to you!
lifeisshort, thanks so much
lifeisshort, thanks so much for your kind words. You guys on here are really the best. I'm sure that you are right and that it'll all just blow over eventually - this is EXACTLY why I made the decision NOT to further engage with BM or skids about it after it all happened. BM absolutely LOVES and LIVES FOR DRAMA. That's one of the many things that we are so completely opposite about. She'll take an inch and drag it out for 100 miles if she can.
Also, I can just picture her saying to FSD16 "That Milomom is an evil wretch and your father is an idiot for being with her - look, he didn't even DOOOO ANYTHING TO STAND UPPP FOR YOU. Once again, your dad is choosing Milomom over you & your brother."
Sigh....damned if I do, damned if I don't. So I chose NOT to engage and drag it out - I let it go & dropped it. Now I've just been dealing with FSD16's silent treatment and one-word responses ("Fine") to all of my attempted conversations with her since that day ("How was your day at school?").
Thanks so much lifeisshort. I really appreciate your take on things. Also, I know my OP was long, so thanks for actually reading through it all - lol.
Do not engage with BM.
Do not engage with BM. Nothing good can come of it. Also, you are right, she probably had that phone call to your BF with the kids in the car to hear. So how is what she did any different. Sorry if the kid thought she heard something she didn't. Truth hurts, even if it isn't her truth.
Well the kids now know what
Well the kids now know what they've suspected all along. You're a lying deceitful hateful b.... who bad mouths everything that right and good about them and theirs.
Teams or horses will not convince them otherwise. Ignore any further reference to this incident and make no further apology or even acknowledgement that it happend.
People calling, or infering, that you are a liar are not worth rebutting.
I wholeheartly concur with
I wholeheartly concur with Jsmom.
You know that you were not talking about the BM and it really does have a feel of...they were listening in...on your conversation. Unfortunately, us SM's are always put in the position of Guilty until proven innocent. This is what the BM's thrive on! Unfortunately, most of them love to have this type of drama in their lifes.
Hugs to you, dearheart.
Hi everyone! Just wanted to
Hi everyone! Just wanted to give all of you a quick update on this blog.
Since the day of the "eavesdropping" by skids incident, I have not mentioned or spoken of it ever since with skids or my BF. I just dropped it -literally. My thinking was that the more I tried to "explain" my innocence, the more "guilty" I would look - and more importantly, THE MORE DRAMA THE BM WOULD BE ABLE TO STIR AND TO INDIRECTLY CREATE A HUGE RIFT between me & skids. BM is a major opportunist and would literally have JUMPED on the chance to further alienate the skids than she already has from me (or has tried).
So far, it has WORKED!! I'm SO happy that it appears BM has not been able to use this incident as an opportunity to make me a monster.
FSS13 is back to his usual "he tortures me because he loves me" self - lol. He chats with me ALL the time about school, etc...just like he used to BEFORE that day. As a matter of fact, he actually stayed with me all day on Sunday (my BF had to work) - I allowed him to have a sleepover with his best buddy on Saturday night (which normally, he wouldn't be able to do b/c my BF had to leave for work at 5:30 am on Sunday) and we all had breakfast together and they came with me food shopping on Sunday & running some errands - EVEN THOUGH BM WAS BLOWING UP HIS CELL PHONE WONDERING WHY HE DIDN'T WANT TO COME HOME TO MOMMY'S HOUSE!! He just asked BM if he could stay with ME until dinnertime & she said ok!!
FSD16, however, is taking a bit longer to come around. But you know what? I'm not taking it personally. She IS, however, coming around and we all spent the day together on Saturday going pumpkin-picking and going to different farms, going to lunch, decorating the front of the house with the pumpkins & corn husks, etc.... together - me, my BF, FSD16 & FSS13. She wasn't extremely "chatty" with me that day, but she wasn't rude or giving 1 word answers anymore, either. She's warming up again.
Maybe FSD16 actually finally realizes that I wasn't talking about her Mom, and that the FACTS I WAS STATING maybe DID APPLY to her Mom and it just all hit a little "close to home" that day.
Moral of the story: FILE THIS under "Cut off oxygen supply to drama when it first begins, or BM will take it as an opportunity to RUN with it" (kind of like a football player picking up a fumble and running it back for a touchdown - capitalizing on the opportunity created by a small moment of lapse in judgment/mistake). That analogy is for Rags & Old Dart & all the MALE AND FEMALE stepbuddies of mine that are football fanatics - lol.
I'm SO GLAD and SO HAPPY I just dropped it all and my strategy WORKED!!!
Once in awhile, we SM's win a battle, even if it's a small one.
Thanks again, to all of you that actually read through my LOOOONG OP and actually contributed with your support & advice. You're the BEST and I love you all!!! Thank you!!!
Anytime of course, that is
Anytime of course, that is what we are all here for. Isn't it great when you can spend the day with the Steps without any drama and actually start to enjoy their company. Congrats....
I'm so glad for you!
I'm so glad for you!
Nice update Milomom!! Thank
Nice update Milomom!! Thank you for the great reminder and advice. I really need to do that myself!!!
And PS... I think your advice of cutting off the oxygen to drama could be well put to use by us on this site as well!! tee heee...