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o/t A little bragging on my part

wriggsy's picture

Well...I am one of "those" people. I am the other half of a whole. I am a married woman. However, I am a married woman that does not live with her husband. I have my own home--only about 15 minutes from DH's house. Due to numerous factors, we did not move in together once we said the "I Do's". Now, from time to time, my daughter and I will spend the night at DH's (generally on the weekend)...which is what we did this weekend. For some reason, we also stayed last's actually a plus for both daughter and myself because she gets to sleep in until time to get up for school and I have a shorter drive to work. BUT, it was one of those nights that (I am sure) we all have to deal with from time to time...and it's these nights that make me glad to have my own quiet, comfy bed to go home to. My DH snores. If I do not get to sleep before he does, I'm generally screwed. Now, last night, I did get to sleep before he did, but he left the TV on and it woke me up. I woke him up to turn it off (the remote was on his sidetable) and then he promptly fell right back asleep and started snoring. I flipped and flopped for a couple hours listening to the incessant drone of nasal stylings of my dearest. Then, I grab my pillow and head downstairs to the couch. No sooner had I gotten comfy on the couch than SD comes out of her room and stomps into the bathroom (her usual walk...not mad about anything). She proceeds to talk to herself loud enough for me to hear downstairs. 30 freaking minutes later and just as I was launching myself off the couch, she comes out of the bathroom and stomps back to her room. She proceeds to continue talking to herself (actually, she does this thing where she picks up on a single word on TV/radio and just keeps repeating it over and over..last night the word was "cayenne".) I finally go upstairs and go to her room and ask her to be quiet (of course, she says "I wasn't saying anything" and acts like she was asleep) So, I crawl back to bed with the now-not-snoring husband. I think about another 30 minutes of flopping around, DH gets the message that I haven't had much sleep and goes to the couch this time (he didn't have to work today...I do).'s midnight...I get up at 3:45 am to go to work. I instantly fall asleep and cuss when the alarm goes off.

My brag is...this evening, when I get off work...I will be going to my own quiet home, with my own quiet loving daughter and will be taking a bath and going to bed before the sun has set in the sky!!!

flipincrazy's picture

:jawdrop: That's just rude! Those of us that have to sleep next to DH and deal with the sleep walking SD, not to mention those of us that just want to go "home" away from this blended family life...... REALLY HATE YOU! }:) Wink

wriggsy's picture

It really is great, but there are times when I hate the money we are spending to run two places. But, not that often. I just really enjoy my quiet little place and it will be really difficult when it's time to move in with DH. (He keeps saying that we are adding on our bedroom/bathroom for our Christmas present to each other)