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Does anyone know....

wriggsy's picture

Ok...I live in Texas. Does any of my Texas friends here know whether we (or should I say DH) can go to the kids school and enter a request where the BM can not pick the kids up before school is over for the day (unless for reason of illness?) For as long as we can remember, if BM was picking up kids...she would get to the school and pick them up at least 30 minutes before school gets out. Last year, this caused SD to miss some assignments that the teacher handed out as the class was ending and this ended up being a class SD failed and attended summer school for. This school year, she has started doing this again. Last Friday, I was in the parking lot (waiting to pick up my BD) and I saw her go into the school a full 30 minutes before school was out for the day. Now, SS is missing the last half of his band class and SD is missing the last half of her math class. Math just so happens to be her most difficult subject. The kids are all registered by DH and myself-with DH as the primary contact for his kids and registered under his address.

So...any thoughts? And yes...DH has talked to BM about this just doesn't matter to her.

wriggsy's picture

Well...I guess it's a good thing that the school requires the kid to be signed out, so there's a record of who is taking them out early.

It also sucks out loud that if the kids spend the night and she doesn't make them go to school the next day...she won't send a note the day after that so that the absence can be excused. DH started getting letters from our school district about SD having too many unexcused absences in one six week time period.

It's like the woman doesn't care if her kids fail school!!!

Rags's picture

Hanging out with BM is not an excused absence that I have every heard of. I say the kids should have an absence on their records for hanging out with BM or with BioDad for that matter. If they fail, let BM explain it to the kids and the judge.

IMHO of course.

Best regards,

wriggsy's picture

I know...hanging out with BM is not a good reason for skipping school, but we are generally told that SD or SS has a headache or sick to stomach or a hang nail (just joking!)....SD is always complaining of some ailment...SS is generally pretty good and if he has to stay home..he really is usually sick. So...if they are sick enough to keep home, then send a flipping note. Otherwise...any work missed can not be made up!

Rags's picture

I don't know if there is any way to prevent BM from picking the kids up early besides taking the attendance records to the judge and having a CO sent to BM prohibiting the practice.

Obviously BM is not concerned or cognoscente of the impact of her actions on the kids.


Good luck.

lisa510's picture

I'm no lawyer (just a paralegal), but I'm pretty sure you can't tell the school not to let BM sign out her own children. Personally, my bio kids live with their Step Mom and I don't want her checking them out. She can't legally do it. She has no legal rights over my bio kids.

If you don't want bio mom taking out the kids, you're going to have to get a court order filed and have a judgment made against her, particularly if she has some kind of custody rights already. Until then, the school's not going to get involved.

And yes, I live in Texas. Smile

wriggsy's picture

Darn it! I was hoping that it would be possible (if there are no illness issues). Oh well...I guess the skids will just have to reap the rewards of leaving early and possibly missing some assignments.

Thanks, I appreciate your answer!!

stepmasochist's picture

I think you can give them a copy of the court order/visitation schedule and they may be able to prevent her from taking them out early on days that aren't her days. Schools tend not to want to get involved though.

I live in Texas. DH is custodial parent (or managing conservator in Texas lingo) and they've never once tried to stop BM from taking the kids out for like doctor's appointments. I swear the woman took all three kids to the eye doctors like four times together to get them each one pair of glasses. I mean seriously, I go to the eye doctor it takes a maximum of twice. She was just milking it for more visitation time.

All you can do is talk to the school. Call the superintendent. He'll know for sure what's possible. Principals can be total wusses so avoid them if you can - go straight to the top.