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Telling the skids...

ohnoyoudidnt's picture

Has anyone ever told their skids what really happened?

Angel72's picture

To some extent, Their mom said that their dad cheated with me. I told them, no, your dad has never cheated and your mom should stop lying and get over the divorce. She told him to leave, he did and if she regrets it now, its her tough. No point in pointing fingers and accusing other people for her mistakes.
THe kids were confused at first and now see the light. Sd has a very rocky relationship with mom. I dont blame her. They've realized their mom always blames someone else and never owns up to her own mistakes. She has issues and they know it.
Now the only reason why i told them this is because sd point blank came up to me and said 'mommy said this....' yahayahayhay....and i told her like it was straight up and said her mom has to stop lying. I've held to this decree for 10 years and not budged. My skids know who the liar is and they are ashamed.

folkmom's picture


Pantera's picture

No, and DH NEVER intends to,which I think is a crock of shit since SS idolizes his stripper, alchoholic, coke head mother who never does anything for him, that cheated on his father more than once with different people. AND SS thinks I am the reason his parents aren't together, I met DH 3 years after they broke up!!! I guess its just easier for me to be the bad guy.

"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus

folkmom's picture

i really want to know how all these kids cannot do BASIC MATH. dad met so and so YEARS AFTER divorce...i mean...really? is there a space time continuum distortion for kids in divorce?

nycSM's picture

I wonder if it's more to do with the fact that a stepparents presense means that the chances of their parents getting back together just dissipated, not necessarily that they "broke them up."

Just a guess?

folkmom's picture


PoisonApples's picture

We told them the truth about the passports.

We've been trying to get them for months and she refused to sign again and again. We filled the forms out, got the birth certs and photos, got the police to witness SO's signature 3 times and gave her the forms because every time she and her lawyer said she'd sign them but once she had the forms she refused.

In court last Tuesday she was forced to sign them right then and there and have the lawyers witness the signature. She fought it to the bitter end though.

Yesterday when we picked up the skids they told us 'mommy said she thought about it and decided to let us go to France with you because she never got to go and she wants us to have fun there.'

I wasted NO time telling them that she was lying, that she only signed the papers because the judge made her.

Up to that point she had told them all kinds of lies about why they couldn't go. The last lie was that the family counselor wouldn't let them! We told the counselor she'd said that and the counselor was none to happy about it.